

The goal of the Geoinformatics Lab is to develop innovative computational methods for modeling, analysing and simulating human geo-spatial behavior. The focus is on

  • processes using spatial cognition such as geographic space appropriation, perception and wayfinding
  • dynamic complex systems such as multi-modal transportation networks

Such human-environment interactions may best be understood using a bottom-up perspective, ie. through implementing generative models while at the same time corroborating the usefulness of the models by analysing using a top-down perspective. We are currently exploring several methodologies, i.e., we work with agent-based modelling, geosimulation, classical spatio-temporal analysis, GIS models and extensions as well as GeoAI-methods.



5. April 2023

Tag der Informatik am 27. April 2023

Am Donnerstag, 27. April 2023 findet der ?Tag der Informatik“ an der Universit?t Augsburg statt. Hier k?nnen sich Schülerinnen und Schüler einen ?berblick über die verschiedenen Informatik-Studieng?nge verschaffen. Das abwechslungsreiche Programm besteht unter anderem aus Probevorlesungen, Projektpr?sentationen und Mitmach-Angeboten. Zudem gibt es die M?glichkeit, mit Dozierenden pers?nlich ins Gespr?ch zu kommen.

Geb?ude der Fakult?t für Angewandte Informatik
12. Mai 2022

3D Modell eines Teils des r?mischen Augsburgs

Marcel Schmidt hat seine Bachelorarbeit zu einem Modell des n?rdlichen Tors, dessen Umgebung und des Gr?berfelds des r?mischen Augsburg abgeschlossen. Das Modell, für das er die ArcGIS CityEngine verwendet hat, kann über einen Browser erkundet werden. Der Link dahin ist https://arcg.is/0fymOX

2. April 2021

Symposium "On the Modelling of Landmarks" accepted at ICSC 2021

The symposium ?On the Modelling of Landmarks“ at the International Conference on Spatial Cognition in Rome proposed by Dr. Nuhn has been accepted. Four presentations will provide the backbone of the symposium. Additional papers / presentations will be added to the symposium after a rigorous reviewing process. We look forward to going a step further with the challenge of modelling landmarks.

Discoveries aren't made by one person exploring by themselves. And discoveries aren't made overnight. People don't see the thousands of hours that go into it.
Sarah Parcak


Professorin für Geoinformatik



Wiss. Mitarbeiterin



Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


