

15.6.2019 | Lecture Course on International Investment Law – Start of the Augsburg Summer Program on European and International Economic Law

? Universit?t Augsburg



As of Wednesday, 17 June 2019 Professor Rensmann will offer a lecture course on International Investment Law in this year’s Augsburg Summer Program on European and International Economic Law. During the next six weeks members of the Augsburg faculty of law will be joined by distinguished guest professors from European, American and African universities to teach a broad range of topics concerning issues of private and public international law arising in transnational business transactions. [Read more] All classes will be held in English. Each year the Summer Program attracts graduate students from all over the world. Lectures may also be attended by students enrolled at the Augsburg faculty.


Professor Rensmann’s class on International Investment Law focusses on the protection afforded to foreign investors under bi- and multilateral investment treaties. A special emphasis will be put on the substantive standards of protection, such as the protection against expropriation and the “fair and equitable treatment” clause. The course will also cover the highly disputed system of “Investor-State Dispute Settlement” as well as current initiatives to establish a Multilateral Investment Court. The legal topics will be placed into the broader context of current policy issues. Particular attention will be given to the democratic legitimacy of investment tribunals and the tension between the protection of foreign investment on the one hand, and conflicting public policy goals, such as the protection of human rights, labour standards, and the environment on the other.


The class on International Investment Law will take place on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. in Room 2004 of the faculty building.

Prof. Dr. Thilo Rensmann, LL. M. - Lehrstuhl für ?ffentliches Recht, V?lkerrecht und Europarecht



Kontakt Sekretariat:

Tel.: +49 (0) 821 598-4571

eMail: sekretariat.rensmann@jura.uni-augsburg.de


Sprechzeiten: nach vorheriger Vereinbarung zu folgenden Zeiten

Montag:?????? ? 07:30-11:30 Uhr

Dienstag:?????? 12:00-16:00 Uhr

Mittwoch:???? ? 07:30-11:30 Uhr

Donnerstag:? 12:00-16:00 Uhr


Geb?ude H - Zimmer 2046


