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Bauke Ferdinand, Schmitz Timo, Harmel E., Raake Philip, Heier Margit, Linseisen Jakob, Peters A., Meisinger Christa. Anterior-wall and non-anterior-wall STEMIs do not differ in long-term mortality: results from the augsburg myocardial infarction registry. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2023.1306272
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Schmitz Timo, Harmel Eva, Raake Philip, Freuer Dennis, Kirchberger Inge, Heier Margit, Peters Annette, Linseisen Jakob, Meisinger Christa. Association between acute myocardial infarction symptoms and short- and long-term mortality after the event. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjca.2024.01.019
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Wingert J., Meinhardt E., Sasipong N., Pott M., Lederer C., de la Torre C., Sticht C., Most P., Katus H. A., Frey N., Raake Phillip, Schlegel P.. Cardiomyocyte-specific RXFP1 overexpression protects against pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction independently of Relaxin. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcp.2024.116305
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Kirchberger Inge, Fischer Simone, Raake Philip, Linseisen Jakob, Meisinger Christine, Schmitz Timo. Depression mediates the association between health literacy and health-related quality of life after myocardial infarction. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1341392
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Schmitz Timo, Wein Bastian, Raake Philip, Heier Margit, Peters Annette, Linseisen Jakob, Meisinger Christa. Do patients with diabetes with new onset acute myocardial infarction present with different symptoms than non-diabetic patients?. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2024.1324451
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von Haehling Stephan, Assmus Birgit, Bekfani Tarek, Dworatzek Elke, Edelmann Frank, Hashemi Djawid, Hellenkamp Kristian, Kempf Tibor, Raake Philipp, Schütt Katharina A., Wachter Rolf, Schulze Paul Christian, Hasenfuss Gerd, B?hm Michael, Bauersachs Johann. Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: diagnosis, risk assessment, and treatment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-024-02396-4
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Chiarito Mauro, Bernlochner Isabell, Bongiovanni Dario, Novelli Laura, Condello Francesco, Kirmes Kilian, Han Jiaying, Wein Bastian, Elvinger Sébastien, Viggiani Giacomo, von Scheidt Moritz, Laugwitz Karl-Ludwig, Raake Philip W. J., Kastrati Adnan. Reticulated platelets predict cardiovascular death and adverse events in coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-1773763
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Risch Franka, Harmel Eva, Rippel Katharina, Wein Bastian, Raake Philip, Girdauskas Evaldas, Elvinger Sébastien, Owais Tamer, Scheurig-Muenkler Christian, Kroencke Thomas, Schwarz Florian, Braun Franziska, Decker Josua A.. Virtual non-contrast series of photon-counting detector computed tomography angiography for aortic valve calcium scoring. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10554-023-03040-4
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Liebich Alessandro, Sheikh G., Nittbaur Bernd, Bundschuh Ralph A., Kircher Malte, Dierks A., Raake Philip, Rieger Maximilian, Higuchi T., Lapa Constantin, Pfob Christian H.. EP-0451 Long-term cardiac risk in recovered Covid-19 patients evaluated by 123I-mIBG [Abstract]. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00259-023-06333-x
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Meisinger Christa, Kirchberger Inge, Raake Philip, Linseisen Jakob, Schmitz Timo. Fatigue, depression and health-related quality of life in patients with post-myocardial infarction during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the Augsburg Myocardial Infarction Registry. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12196349
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Kraus Martin J., Smits Jacqueline M., Meyer Anna L., Strelniece Agita, van Kins Arne, Boeken Udo, Reinecke Alexander, Provaznik Zdenek, Van Caenegem Oliver, Ancion Arnaud, Berchtold-Herz Michael, Van Cleemput Johan J. A., Haverich Axel, Laufer Guenther, Gummert Jan, Karck Matthias, Warnecke Gregor, Raake Philip W., Frey Norbert, Kreusser Michael M.. Outcomes in patients with cardiac amyloidosis undergoing heart transplantation: the Eurotransplant experience. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healun.2023.01.001
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Michels Guido, John Stefan, Janssens Uwe, Raake Philip, Schütt Katharina Andrea, Bauersachs Johann, Barchfeld Thomas, Schucher Bernd, Delis Sandra, Karpf-Wissel Rüdiger, Kochanek Matthias, von Bonin Simone, Erley Christiane M., Kuhlmann Susanne D., Müllges Wolfgang, Gahn Georg, Heppner Hans Jürgen, Wiese Christoph H. R., Kluge Stefan, Busch Hans-J?rg, Bausewein Claudia, Schallenburger Manuela, Pin Martin, Neukirchen Martin. Palliativmedizinische Aspekte in der klinischen Akut- und Notfallmedizin sowie Intensivmedizin: Konsensuspapier der DGIIN, DGK, DGP, DGHO, DGfN, DGNI, DGG, DGAI, DGINA und DG Palliativmedizin. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00063-023-01016-9
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Dieses Konsensuspapier wurde als Kurzversion in den Zeitschriften Die Kardiologie, Pneumologie, Die Nephrologie, Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, Die Anaesthesiologie, An?sthesiologie & Intensivmedizin (A&I) sowie die Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin ver?ffentlicht. Die Langversion erscheint ausschlie?lich online in der Medizinischen Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00063-023-01016-9
Liebich Alessandro, Bundschuh Ralph, Pfob Christian, Wienand Georgine, Raake Philip, Nekolla Stephan, Schottelius Margret, Rieger Maximilian, Lapa Constantin. SPECT/CT for imaging of chemokine receptor 4 expression after myocardial infarction [Abstract].
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Volz Martin J., Aurich Matthias, Konstandin Mathias, Katus Hugo A., Frey Norbert, Kreusser Michael M., Raake Philip. Abfall von Sauerstoffs?ttigung und Blutdruck sowie Anstieg des zentralen Venendrucks im Rahmen eines Mitralklappenclippings bei einer 81-J?hrigen. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00108-021-01241-4
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Schlegel Philipp, Raake Philip W. J.. Cardiac gene delivery in large animal models: selective retrograde venous injection. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-2707-5_13
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Volz Martin J., Hoerbrand Isabel, Konstandin Mathias H., Mereles Derliz, Weiss Celine, Warnecke Gregor, Frey Norbert, Aurich Matthias, Raake Philip. Functional improvement following direct interventional leaflet repair of severe tricuspid regurgitation. https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.13831
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Geis Nicolas A., G?bbel Anna, Kreusser Michael M., T?ger Tobias, Katus Hugo A., Frey Norbert, Schlegel Philipp, Raake Philip. Impact of percutaneous mitral valve repair using the MitraClip? system on ventricular arrhythmias and ICD therapies. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12030344
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Aurich Matthias, Volz Martin J., Mereles Derliz, Geis Nicolas A., Frey Norbert, Konstandin Mathias H., Raake Philip. Initial experience with the PASCAL ace implant system for treatment of severe tricuspid regurgitation. https://doi.org/10.1161/circinterventions.121.010770
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Kreusser Michael M., Weber Andreas, Geis Nicolas A., Grossekettler Leonie, Volz Martin J., Hamed Sonja, Katus Hugo A., Pleger Sven T., Frey Norbert, Raake Philip. Re‐do MitraClip in patients with functional mitral valve regurgitation and advanced heart failure. https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.13564
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Rivinius Rasmus, Kaya Ziya, Schramm René, Boeken Udo, Provaznik Zdenek, Heim Christian, Knosalla Christoph, Schoenrath Felix, Rieth Andreas, Berchtold-Herz Michael, Barten Markus J., Rauschning Dominic, Mücke Victoria T., Heyl Stephan, Pistulli Rudin, Grinninger Carola, Hagl Christian, Gummert Jan F., Warnecke Gregor, Schulze P. Christian, Katus Hugo A., Kreusser Michael M., Raake Philip. COVID-19 among heart transplant recipients in Germany: a multicenter survey. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-020-01722-w
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Volz Martin J., Pleger Sven T., Weber Andreas, Geis Nicolas A., Hamed Sonja, Mereles Derliz, Hegenbart Ute, Katus Hugo A., Frey Norbert, Raake Philip, Kreusser Michael M.. Initial experience with percutaneous mitral valve repair in patients with cardiac amyloidosis. https://doi.org/10.1111/eci.13473
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Kreusser Michael M., Hamed Sonja, Weber Andreas, Schmack Bastian, Volz Martin J., Geis Nicolas A., Grossekettler Leonie, Pleger Sven T., Ruhparwar Arjang, Katus Hugo A., Raake Philip. MitraClip implantation followed by insertion of a left ventricular assist device in patients with advanced heart failure. https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.12982
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Kreusser Michael M., Volz Martin J., Knop Benjamin, Ehlermann Philipp, Schmack Bastian, Ruhparwar Arjang, Hegenbart Ute, Sch?nland Stefan O., Katus Hugo A., Raake Philip. A novel risk score to predict survival in advanced heart failure due to cardiac amyloidosis. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-019-01559-y
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Tscheschner Henrike, Meinhardt Eric, Schlegel Philipp, Jungmann Andreas, Lehmann Lorenz H., Müller Oliver J., Most Patrick, Katus Hugo A., Raake Philip. CaMKII activation participates in doxorubicin cardiotoxicity and is attenuated by moderate GRP78 overexpression. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0215992
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Ruhparwar Arjang, Zubarevich Alina, Osswald Anja, Raake Philip, Kreusser Michael M., Grossekettler Leonie, Karck Matthias, Schmack Bastian. ECPELLA 2.0—minimally invasive biventricular groin‐free full mechanical circulatory support with Impella 5.0/5.5 pump and ProtekDuo cannula as a bridge‐to‐bridge concept: a first‐in‐man method description. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocs.14283
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Terhoeven Valentin, Nikendei Christoph, Cranz Anna, Weisbrod Matthias, Geis Nicolas, Raake Philip, Katus Hugo A., Herzog Wolfgang, Friederich Hans-Christoph, Schultz Jobst-Hendrik, Pleger Sven T.. Effects of MitraClip on cognitive and psychological function in heart failure patients: the sicker the better. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40001-019-0371-z
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Osswald Anja, Schmack Bastian, Goldwasser Ranny, Kreusser Michael M., Raake Philip, Karck Matthias, Ruhparwar Arjang. Impella 5.0? as bridge-to-recovery short-term mechanical circulatory support after LVAD explantation. https://doi.org/10.21037/jtd.2019.04.34
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Hamed Sonja, Schmack Bastian, Mueller Florian, Ehlermann Philipp, Hittmann Davina, Ruhparwar Arjang, Katus Hugo A., Raake Philip, Kreusser Michael M.. Implementation of an intensified outpatient follow-up protocol improves outcomes in patients with ventricular assist devices. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-019-01451-9
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Kreusser Michael M., Raake Philip. Inpatient therapeutic options. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98184-0_11
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Schwab D. M., Katus H. A., Raake Philip. Kardiomyopathie bei einem 22-J?hrigen mit langj?hrigem Methamphetaminkonsum. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00108-019-0559-x
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Schmack Bastian, Farag Mina, Kremer Jamila, Grossekettler Leonie, Brcic Andreas, Raake Philip, Kreusser Michael M., Goldwasser Ranny, Popov Aron-Frederik, Mansur Ashham, Karck Matthias, Ruhparwar Arjang. Results of concomitant groin-free percutaneous temporary RVAD support using a centrifugal pump with a double-lumen jugular venous cannula in LVAD patients. https://doi.org/10.21037/jtd.2018.11.121
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Bauer Ralf, Enns Helene, Jungmann Andreas, Leuchs Barbara, Volz Christian, Schinkel Stefanie, Koch Walter J., Raake Philip, Most Patrick, Katus Hugo A., Müller Oliver J.. Various effects of AAV9-mediated βARKct gene therapy on the heart in dystrophin-deficient (mdx) mice and δ-sarcoglycan-deficient (Sgcd-/-) mice. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nmd.2018.12.006
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Frey N., Albrecht A., Bauersachs J., Hasenfuss G., Laufs U., Luchner A., Pauschinger M., Raake Philip, Sack S., Scheidt Wolfgang von, Schulze C., Smetak N., Subin B.. Curriculum Herzinsuffizienz. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12181-018-0225-x
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& DGK Task Force Curriculum Herzinsuffizienz
Kreusser Michael M., Geis Nicolas A., Berlin Nicolas, Greiner Sebastian, Pleger Sven T., Bekeredjian Raffi, Katus Hugo A., Raake Philip. Invasive hemodynamics and cardiac biomarkers to predict outcomes after percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral valve repair in patients with severe heart failure. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00392-018-1365-5
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Kreusser Michael M., Tschierschke Ramon, Beckendorf Jan, Baxmann Tobias, Frankenstein Lutz, D?sch Andreas O., Schultz Jobst-Hendrik, Giannitsis Evangelos, Pleger Sven T., Ruhparwar Arjang, Karck Matthias, Katus Hugo A., Raake Philip. The need for dedicated advanced heart failure units to optimize heart failure care: impact of optimized advanced heart failure unit care on heart transplant outcome in high-risk patients. https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.12314
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Gomes Bruna, Bekeredjian Raffi, Leuschner Florian, Ehlermann Philipp, Schmack Bastian, Ruhparwar Arjang, Raake Philip, Katus Hugo A., Kreusser Michael M.. Transfemoral aortic valve replacement for severe aortic valve regurgitation in a patient with a pulsatile-flow biventricular assist device. https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.12384
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Kreusser M. M., Pleger S. T., Abu Sharar H., Geis N. A., Bekeredjian R., Katus H. A., Raake Philip. Transient elevation of high-sensitive troponin?T after Cardioband implantation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00059-018-4754-7
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Schlegel Philipp, Reinkober Julia, Meinhardt Eric, Tscheschner Henrike, Gao Erhe, Schumacher Sarah M., Yuan Ancai, Backs Johannes, Most Patrick, Wieland Thomas, Koch Walter J., Katus Hugo A., Raake Philip. G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 promotes cardiac hypertrophy. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182110
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Pleger Sven T., Raake Philip, Katus Hugo A., Most Patrick. Cardiac calcium handling on trial: targeting the failing cardiomyocyte signalosome. https://doi.org/10.1161/circresaha.113.302748
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Buss Sebastian, Krautz Birgit, Hofmann Nina P, Breuninger Kristin, Sander Yannick, Kammerer Rebekka, Matheis Philipp, Rust Lukas, Galuschky Christian, Raake Philip, Pleger Sven T., Korosoglou Grigorios. Early assessment of infarct size by feature tracking cardiac MRI in patients with myocardial infarction. https://doi.org/10.1186/1532-429x-15-s1-p196
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Tschierschke Ramon, Katus H. A., Raake Philip. Erste "Advanced Heart Failure Unit" am Herzzentrum der Universit?tsklinik Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0032-1332996
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Raake Philip, Pleger S., Katus H. A.. Fortgeschrittene und terminale Herzinsuffizienz im Lichte aktueller Leitlinien und innovativer Behandlungsoptionen. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0033-1349513
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Reinkober J., Tscheschner H., Schlegel P., Wieland T., Backs J., Koch W., Katus H., Most P., Raake Philip. G-protein coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK-2), a new regulator in the pathological cardiac hypertrophy by interacting NFAT signaling. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/eht307.39
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Tscheschner H., Reinkober J., Most P., Katus H. A., Mueller M., Mueller O. J., Raake Philip. Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) overexpression inhibits doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/eht310.p5691
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Pleger Sven T., Brinks Henriette, Ritterhoff Julia, Raake Philip, Koch Walter J., Katus Hugo A., Most Patrick. Heart failure gene therapy: the path to clinical practice. https://doi.org/10.1161/circresaha.113.300269
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Fan Qian, Chen Mai, Zuo Lin, Shang Xiying, Huang Maggie Z., Ciccarelli Michele, Raake Philip, Brinks Henriette, Chuprun Kurt J., Dorn Gerald W., Koch Walter J., Gao Erhe. Myocardial ablation of G protein–coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) decreases ischemia/reperfusion injury through an anti-intrinsic apoptotic pathway. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0066234
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Most Patrick, Raake Philip, Weber Christophe, Katus Hugo A., Pleger Sven T.. S100A1 gene therapy in small and large animals. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-62703-230-8_25
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Tschierschke R., Bekeredjian R., Katus H. A., Raake Philip. ?Bridge to recovery“ mittels venoarterieller extrakorporaler Membranoxygenierung im infarktbedingten kardiogenen Schock: ein integrativer Ansatz zur Behandlung der akuten Herzinsuffizienz. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12181-013-0485-4
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Raake Philip, Schlegel Philip, Ksienzyk Jan, Reinkober Julia, Barthelmes Jens, Schinkel Stefanie, Pleger Sven, Mier Walter, Haberkorn Uwe, Koch Walter J., Katus Hugo A., Most Patrick, Muller Oliver J.. AAV6.βARKct cardiac gene therapy ameliorates cardiac function and normalizes the catecholaminergic axis in a clinically relevant large animal heart failure model. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehr447
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Raake Philip, Zhang Xiaoying, Vinge Leif E., Brinks Henriette, Gao Erhe, Jaleel Naser, Li Yingxin, Tang Mingxin, Most Patrick, Dorn Gerald W., Houser Steven R., Katus Hugo A., Chen Xiongwen, Koch Walter J.. Cardiac G-protein–coupled receptor kinase 2 ablation induces a novel Ca2+ handling phenotype resistant to adverse alterations and remodeling after myocardial infarction. https://doi.org/10.1161/circulationaha.111.044255
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Reinkober J., Tscheschner H., Pleger S. T., Most Patrick, Katus H. A., Koch Walter J., Raake Philip. Targeting GRK2 by gene therapy for heart failure: benefits above β-blockade. https://doi.org/10.1038/gt.2012.9
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Raake Philip, Schlegel Philipp, Weber Christophe, Pleger Sven T., Katus Hugo A., Koch Walter J., Most Patrick, Müller Oliver J.. Cardiac AAV6-BETAARKCT gene therapy rescues failing myocardium and normalizes neurohormonal signaling in a clinically relevant swine heart failure model. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0735-1097(11)60189-7
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Pleger Sven T., Shan Changguang, Ksienzyk Jan, Bekeredjian Raffi, Boekstegers Peter, Hinkel Rabea, Schinkel Stefanie, Leuchs Barbara, Ludwig Jochen, Qiu Gang, Weber Christophe, Raake Philip, Koch Walter J., Katus Hugo A., Müller Oliver J., Most Patrick. Cardiac AAV9-S100A1 gene therapy rescues post-ischemic heart failure in a preclinical large animal model. https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.3002097
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Raake Philip, Tscheschner H., Reinkober J., Ritterhoff Julia, Katus H. A., Koch Walter J., Most Patrick. Gene therapy targets in heart failure: the path to translation. https://doi.org/10.1038/clpt.2011.148
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Raake Philip, Koch Walter J., Most Patrick. Polymorphisms present in G-protein-coupled receptor kinases and their effect on β-blocker treatment. https://doi.org/10.2217/pgs.11.13
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Bonita Raphael E., Raake Philip, Otis Nicholas J., Chuprun J. Kurt, Spivack Talya, Dasgupta Abhijit, Whellan David J., Mather Paul J., Koch Walter J.. Dynamic changes in lymphocyte GRK2 levels in cardiac transplant patients: a biomarker for left ventricular function. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1752-8062.2010.00176.x
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Brinks H., Boucher Matthieu, Pesant S., Gao Erhe, Chuprun K., Raake Philip, Vinge Leif, Harris David, Most Patrick, Eckhart Andrea D., Koch Walter J.. Inhibition of G-protein coupled receptor kinase-2 protects from myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury via an anti-apoptotic effect [Abstract]. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0029-1246649
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Brinks Henriette, Boucher Matthieu, Gao Erhe, Chuprun J. Kurt, Pesant Stéphanie, Raake Philip, Huang Z. Maggie, Wang Xiaoliang, Qiu Gang, Gumpert Anna, Harris David M., Eckhart Andrea D., Most Patrick, Koch Walter J.. Level of G protein–coupled receptor kinase-2 determines myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via pro- and anti-apoptotic mechanisms. https://doi.org/10.1161/circresaha.110.221010
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Brinks H. L., Boucher Matthieu, Gao Erhe, Chuprun K., Pesant S., Raake Philip, Vinge Leif, Eckhart Andrea D., Most Patrick, Koch Walter J.. OP12-2 G-Protein coupled receptor kinase-2 is deleteriousin myocardial injury – its inhibition mediates cardioprotection [Abstract].
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Raake Philip, Pfleger S.. Stellenwert der Gentherapie bei Herzinsuffizienz.
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Bonita Raphael E., Raake Philip, Otis Nicholas J., Chuprun Kurt J., Dasgupta Abhijit, Koch Walter J., Mather Paul J.. G-protein coupled receptor kinase expression in lymphocytes – a novel biomarker of left ventricular systolic function in heart failure patients [Abstract]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2009.06.407
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Harris David M., Chen Xiongwen, Pesant Stéphanie, Cohn Heather I., MacDonnell Scott M., Boucher Matthieu, Vinge Leif E., Raake Philip, Moraca Susan R., Li Dongjun, Most Patrick, Houser Steven R., Koch Walter J., Eckhart Andrea D.. Inhibition of angiotensin II Gq signaling augments β-adrenergic receptor mediated effects in a renal artery stenosis model of high blood pressure. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yjmcc.2008.09.708
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Raake Philip, Vinge Leif E., Gao Erhe, Boucher Matthieu, Rengo Giuseppe, Chen Xiongwen, DeGeorge Brent R., Matkovich Scot, Houser Steven R., Most Patrick, Eckhart Andrea D., Dorn Gerald W., Koch Walter J.. G protein–coupled receptor kinase 2 ablation in cardiac myocytes before or after myocardial infarction prevents heart failure. https://doi.org/10.1161/circresaha.107.168336
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Vinge Leif Erik, Raake Philip, Koch Walter J.. Gene therapy in heart failure. https://doi.org/10.1161/circresaha.108.173195
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Harris David, Chen Xiongwen, Pesant Stephanie, Cohn Heather I., MacDonnell Scott M., Boucher Mattieu, Vinge Leif E., Raake Philip, Moraca Susan R., Li Dongjun, Most Patrick, Houser Steven R., Koch Walter J., Eckhart Andrea D.. Inhibition of cardiac myocyte Gq signaling in high blood pressure improves cardiac remodeling and beta-adrenergic receptor response [Abstract]. https://doi.org/10.1161/circ.118.suppl_18.S_286
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DeGeorge Brent R., Gao Erhe, Boucher Matthieu, Vinge Leif E., Martini Jeffrey S., Raake Philip, Chuprun J. Kurt, Harris David M., Kim Gilbert W., Soltys Stephen, Eckhart Andrea D., Koch Walter J.. Targeted inhibition of cardiomyocyte Gi signaling enhances susceptibility to apoptotic cell death in response to ischemic stress. https://doi.org/10.1161/circulationaha.107.752618
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Martini Jeffrey S., Raake Philip, Vinge Leif E., DeGeorge Brent R., Chuprun J. Kurt, Harris David M., Gao Erhe, Eckhart Andrea D., Pitcher Julie A., Koch Walter J.. Uncovering G protein-coupled receptor kinase-5 as a histone deacetylase kinase in the nucleus of cardiomyocytes. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0803153105
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Martini Jeffrey S., Raake Philip, Vinge Leif E., DeGeorge Brent R., Chuprun John K., Harris David M., Eckhart Andrea E., Pitcher Julie A., Koch Walter J.. A novel nuclear function for GRK5 and its potential role in the hypertrophic response [Abstract]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2007.06.311
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Raake Philip, Hinkel Rabea, Müller S., Delker S., Kreuzpointner R., Kupatt C., Katus H. A., Kleinschmidt J. A., Boekstegers Peter, Müller Oliver J.. Cardio-specific long-term gene expression in a porcine model after selective pressure-regulated retroinfusion of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.gt.3303035
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Kupatt Christian, Hinkel Rabea, von Brühl Marie-Luise, Pohl Tilmann, Horstkotte Jan, Raake Philip, El Aouni Chiraz, Thein Eckehard, Dimmeler Stefanie, Feron Olivier, Boekstegers Peter. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase overexpression provides a functionally relevant angiogenic switch in hibernating pig myocardium. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2006.11.047
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DeGeorge Brent R., Gao Erhe, Boucher Matthieu, Vinge Leif E., Martini Jeffrey S., Raake Philip, Soltys Stephen, Harris David M., Chuprun Kurt J., Eckhart Andrea D., Koch Walter J.. Selectively targeting Gi signaling in normal and dysfunctional myocardium [Abstract]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2007.06.398
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DeGeorge Brent R., Gao Erhe, Boucher Matthieu, Vinge Leif E., Chuprun J. K., Raake Philip, Martini Jeffrey S., Harris David M., Soltys Stephen, Eckhart Andrea D., Koch Walter J.. Specific targeting of Gi signaling in normal and dysfunctional myocardium [Abstract]. https://doi.org/10.1161/circ.116.suppl_16.ii_211-b
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Vicol Calin, Eifert S., Reichart Bruno, Raake Philip, Hinkel Rabea, Steinbeck G., Boekstegers Peter. Adjunctive treatment with a stent-based ventricle to coronary artery bypass (VSTENT) in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease undergoing bypass surgery (ADVANTAGE): pilot phase [Abstract]. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-2005-861901
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Vicol Calin, Reichart Bruno, Eifert Sandra, Raake Philip, Hinkel Rabea, Steinbeck Gerhard, Boekstegers Peter. First clinical experience with the VSTENT: a device for direct left ventricle-to-coronary artery bypass. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.athoracsur.2004.08.036
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Boekstegers Peter, Raake Philip, Hinkel Rabea, Pohl Tilmann, Kupatt Christian, Knez Andreas, Christ Frank, Eifert Sandra, Steinbeck Gerhard, Reichart Bruno, Vicol Calin. Hemodynamic and vascular effects of ventricular sourcing by stent-based ventricle to coronary artery bypass in patients with multivessel disease undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. https://doi.org/10.1161/circulationaha.104.524751
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Raake Philip, Hinkel Rabea, Kupatt Christian, Brühl Marie-Luise von, Beller Sabrina, Andrees Martin, Vicol Calin, Boekstegers Peter. Percutaneous approach to a stent-based ventricle to coronary vein bypass (venous VPASS?): comparison to catheter-based selective pressure-regulated retro-infusion of the coronary vein. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehi136
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Pfosser Achim, Raake Philip, Reithmann C., Behr Jürgen, Steinbeck G.. Ungew?hnliche Infektion mit pulmonalen Rundherden nach Anwendung von ?Heupackungen“. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00108-005-1493-7
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Boekstegers Peter, Raake Philip, Hinkel Rabea, Steinbeck Gerhard, Eiffert Sandra, Reichart Bruno, Vicol Calin. 1079-85 Adjunctive treatment with a stent-based ventricle to coronary artery bypass (VSTENT?) in patients with multivessel disease undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery (ADVANTAGE). https://doi.org/10.1016/s0735-1097(04)91161-8
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Boekstegers Peter, Raake Philip, Andrees Martin, Beller Sabrina, Hinkel Rabea, Von Brühl Marie-Luise, Kupatt Christian. 1081-61 Arterial retroperfusion by a percutaneous stent-based ventricle to coronary vein bypass (VVPASS?). https://doi.org/10.1016/s0735-1097(04)90258-6
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Kupatt Christian, Dessy Chantal, Hinkel Rabea, Raake Philip, Daneau Ge?raldine, Bouzin Caroline, Boekstegers Peter, Feron Olivier. Heat shock protein 90 transfection reduces ischemia-reperfusion–induced myocardial dysfunction via reciprocal endothelial NO synthase serine 1177 phosphorylation and threonine 495 dephosphorylation. https://doi.org/10.1161/01.atv.0000134300.87476.d1
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Raake Philip, von Degenfeld Georges, Hinkel Rabea, Vachenauer Robert, Sandner Torleif, Beller Sabrina, Andrees Martin, Kupatt Christian, Schuler Gerhard, Boekstegers Peter. Myocardial gene transfer by selective pressure-regulated retroinfusion of coronary veins: comparison with surgical and percutaneous intramyocardial gene delivery. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2004.05.074
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von Brühl M. L., Hinkel Rabea, Pohl T., Raake Philip, Andrees M., Beller S., Boekstegers Peter, Kupatt C.. Retrograde liposomal eNOS S1177 D transfection increases myocardial function in a porcine model of chronic myocardial ischemia.
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Pohl Tilmann, Giehrl Wolfgang, Reichart Bruno, Kupatt Christian, Raake Philip, Paul Stefan, Reichenspurner Hermann, Steinbeck Gerhard, Boekstegers Peter. Retroinfusion-supported stenting in high-risk patients for percutaneous intervention and bypass surgery: results of the prospective randomized myoprotect I study. https://doi.org/10.1002/ccd.20060
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Raake Philip. Therapeutische Angiogenese bei chronischer Myokardisch?mie-Applikation von FGF-2 mittels selektiver druckregulierter Retroinfusion im tierexperimentellen Modell am Schwein. https://doi.org/10.5282/edoc.2232
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München, Univ., Diss., 2004


Koczulla Rembert, von Degenfeld Georges, Kupatt Christian, Kr?tz Florian, Zahler Stefan, Gloe Torsten, Issbrücker Katja, Unterberger Pia, Zaiou Mohamed, Lebherz Corinna, Karl Alexander, Raake Philip, Pfosser Achim, Boekstegers Peter, Welsch Ulrich, Hiemstra Pieter S., Vogelmeier Claus, Gallo Richard L., Clauss Matthias, Bals Robert. An angiogenic role for the human peptide antibiotic LL-37/hCAP-18. https://doi.org/10.1172/jci17545
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von Degenfeld Georges, Raake Philip, Kupatt Christian, Lebherz Corinna, Hinkel Rabea, Gildehaus Franz Josef, Münzing Wolfgang, Kranz Andrea, Waltenberger Johannes, Simoes Marcus, Schwaiger Markus, Thein Eckart, Boekstegers Peter. Selective pressure-regulated retroinfusion of fibroblast growth factor-2 into the coronary vein enhances regional myocardial blood flow and function in pigs with chronic myocardial ischemia. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0735-1097(03)00915-x
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Lebherz Corinna, von Degenfeld Georges, Karl Alexander, Pfosser Achim, Raake Philip, Pachmayr Florian, Scholz Dimitri, Kupatt Christian, Boekstegers Peter. Therapeutic angiogenesis/arteriogenesis in the chronic ischemic rabbit hindlimb: effect of venous basic fibroblast growth factor retroinfusion. https://doi.org/10.1080/10623320390246432
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Kupatt Christian, Hinkel Rabea, Vachenauer Robert, Horstkotte Jan, Raake Philip, Sandner Torleif, Kreuzpointner Robert, Müller Fabian, Dimmeler Stefanie, Feron Olivier, Boekstegers Peter. VEGF165 transfection decreases postischemic NF‐κB‐dependent myocardial reperfusion injury in vivo: role of eNOS phosphorylation. https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.02-0673fje
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Kupatt C., Wichels R., Dei? Michael, Molnar A., Lebherz C., Raake Philip, von Degenfeld Georges, Hahnel D., Boekstegers Peter. Retroinfusion of NFκB decoy oligonucleotide extends cardioprotection achieved by CD18 inhibition in a preclinical study of myocardial ischemia and retroinfusion in pigs. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.gt.3301673
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Boekstegers Peter, Raake Philip, Al Ghobainy Rasul, Horstkotte Jan, Hinkel Rabea, Sandner Torleif, Wichels Reinhard, Meisner Franz, Thein Eckehard, March Keith, Boehm Dieter, Reichenspurner Hermann. Stent-based approach for ventricle–to–coronary artery bypass. https://doi.org/10.1161/01.cir.0000027106.88111.77
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Hoppensteadt Debra A., Fareed Jawed, Raake Philip, Raake Wolfram. Endogenous release of tissue factor pathway inhibitor by topical application of an ointment containing mucopolysaccharide polysulfate to nonhuman primates. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0049-3848(01)00280-8
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