

Computer room / CIP pool

The institute’s building has a computer workroom with 23 workstations plus computers for lecturers. Typical teaching events in the CIP Pool include GIS exercises (ArcGIS, QGIS), geostatistical exercises (R and SPSS), programming courses in Python, Fortran or with R, and similar.

CIP-Pool, GIS-Kurs

Undergraduate laboratory

A laboratory for physical-geographical analyses is available to the institute.

Biogeochemical laboratory

A laboratory for biogeochemical analyses is available to the institute.


together with physics, Linux


The VisLab is used by the Geoinformatics Group Augsburg as an experimental laboratory for new forms of visualisation. A GeoDome - a VR projection dome - with a diameter of 2.30m is currently in progress. An augmented reality sandbox has already been created.

GeoDome - Aussenansicht

Weather stations

The Institute for Geography maintains two weather stations, one on the roof of building D of the University of Augsburg, named “roof station” for short (10:53:51 east, 48:20:04 north, 500m asl), the second on the terrace of Schneefernerhaus environmental research station, named UFS station for short (10:58:59 east, 47:25:00 north, 2650m asl).

Meteorologische Dachstation, UniA


Two employees work in cartography.
More informations:


Geographiedidaktische Werkstatt (GDW)

A geography didactic workshop is available especially for training teaching students in the geography building. For further information on the GDW, click the arrow.

Geographiedidaktische Werkstatt
