
Wind-Energielandschaft ? University of Augsburg

The research on renewable energies at the Chair of Human Geography and Transformation Research describes and analyses the spatial structures and processes that arise in the course of the energy system transformation in Germany and globally. Building on this, ways to spatially optimise regenerative energy systems are developed – for both rural and urban areas – with a particular focus on greater social and ecological compatibility of the energy system transformation. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play an important role in this, as they offer the opportunity to take system analytical perspectives and to understand, visualise and coordinate the complexity of the numerous competing land uses. In addition, empirical social research methods are applied in order to be able to analyse the diverse, often conflict-ridden constellations of actors, which also lead to new forms of governance.


Human Geography in Augsburg has become one of Germany's leading institutions not only in energy research, but also in the education of students in the field of renewable energies. The great strength of the Augsburg location lies not least in the fact that engineering, natural and social science perspectives flow into research and teaching, thus creating a solid foundation for understanding the complex interrelationships of sustainable development.


We are ready to teach you the central contents on renewable energies and energy system transformation in a theory as well as application-oriented way and would be pleased to welcome you to our courses.


Contact us, we will be happy to advise you!


Your Energy Team

Research Projects

Solar Roof Cadastre
Wind Power in Forest Territory
High Voltage Transmission Lines
Energy and Capitalism

Studies and Career

Study of Renewables
