

Bioinformatik 2

Type of event: Lecture + Tutorial (Bachelor)
Credits: 4 ECTS/LP
Frequency:?every summer semester
Recommended semester:?1st semester
Exam: written exam
Language: German


In this lecture and accompanying exercise, students gain theoretical and practical knowledge of analyzing high-throughput data in basic and clinically relevant biomedical research. This includes:


  • molecular and cellular basics of essential structures and processes of eukaryotic cells
  • high-throughput technologies for generating biological and biomedical datasets
  • characteristics of resulting genome data and other omics data
  • methods for data analysis

Using case studies, the lecture discusses how the covered techniques contribute to solving problems in biomedical research and clinical questions. In the exercise, the knowledge imparted in the lecture is further deepened through practical examples.


The lecture imparts the molecular and cellular basics of essential structures and processes of eukaryotic cells. Various (high-throughput) technologies for generating biological and biomedical datasets are presented, and the characteristics of resulting genome data and other omics data are discussed. Students learn bioinformatic methods to analyze this data.
