

Dr. Julia Rauscher

Research Assistant
Software Methodologies for Distributed Systems
Phone: +49 821 598 - 2470
Room: 3004 (N)
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 6a, 86159 Augsburg


  • 2013: Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik, University of Augsburg
  • 2015: Master Informatik und Informationswirtschaft, University of Augsburg
  • Since March?2016: Research Assistant,?Chair of Software Methodologies for Distributed Systems, University of Augsburg

Fields of Research

  • Internet of Things
  • Medical Information Science
  • Sensor fusion of medical devices?
  • Smart Homes and Internet of Things of Medical Devices
  • Medical Application Platforms


  • "Pr?vention von Vorhofflimmern durch Feature-Extraktion?mit Hilfe von Deep Learning"?- Master Thesis
  • "Klassifikation von vitalen Sensoren - Transformation von Big Data zu Smart Data am Fallbeispiel eines medizinischen Recommender Systems im Automotive Bereich"?- Master Thesis
  • "Smart Home Erweiterung durch Internet of Things of Medical Devices"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • "Kommunikationsprotokolle innerhalb Smart Homes"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • "Recommendation App Entwicklung mit Anbindung an Fitbit"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • "Medizinische Sensorfusion mit Smart Home Automation Tools"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • "Evaluierung von Safety- und Security-Aspekten eines IoT-MD-Systems?zur Vermeidung gesundheitsgef?hrdender?Angriffe"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • "Evaluierung von Simulations- und Modellierungswerkzeugen für Internet of?Things"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • "Analyses of Internet of Things with Medical Devices"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • "Identifikation und Analyse von Safety Aspekten in medizinischen IoT Ger?ten"?- Master Thesis
  • "Evaluierung von OpenHAB 2 anhand eines Medical Smart Home Use Cases zur Entwicklung von Bindings"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • "Sicherheitsanalyse in der Medizin mit Hilfe von Penetration Testing"?- Bachelor Thesis
  • “Durchführung einer Mehrwertanalyse zur Evaluation?des Einsatzes von IoT-Ger?ten im Profi-Sport“? - Bachelor Thesis

  • “Konzeptvergleich von Cyber Physical?Systems und Internet of Things im?Kontext Telemedizin“?- Bachelor Thesis

  • “Architekturgestaltung sicherer Kommunikation in?Sensornetzwerken“?- Bachelor Thesis

  • “Process methodology of creating a care web portal of?insurance company clients“??- Bachelor Thesis

  • “Trade-off Analysis between Green Internet of Things and Security Guidelines“ ??- ?????Master Thesis
  • “Herausforderungen?bei der Implementierung von sicheren APIs?in einer vordefinierten Netzwerk-Serverinfrastruktur?unter Berücksichtigung?interner und externer Aspekte“ ??- ? ??Bachelor Thesis



Failure and Change Impact Analysis for Safety-Critical Systems - Applied on a Medical Use Case
Philipp Lohmüller, Julia Rauscher, Bernhard Bauer
9th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, Springer, 1st - 3rd July 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
Fundstelle:?pp. 47-63




Safety and Security Architecture Analyses Framework for the Internet of Things of Medical Devices
Julia Rauscher, Bernhard Bauer
20th Proceedings of Healthcom Conference, 17.-20. September 2018, Ostrava Czech Republic




Generic Sensor Framework enabling Personalized Healthcare
Sven Beckmann, Stefanie Lahmer, Moritz Markgraf, Oliver Meindl, Julia Rauscher, Christian Regal, Henner Gimpel and Bernhard Bauer
1st IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC) 2017, 13-15 December 2017, Sydney Australia


Smart Data Integration within a Wellbeing Application Platform
Julia Rauscher, Bernhard Bauer
IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) 2017, February 16-19, Online Proceedings


Classification and Definition of an Enterprise Architecture Analyses Language
Julia Rauscher, Melanie Langermeier, Bernhard Bauer
LNBIP 275, Business Modeling and Software Design, 6th Int. Symposium, BMSD 2016




Characteristics of Enterprise Architecture Analyses
Julia Rauscher, Melanie Langermeier, Bernhard Bauer
Sixth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD). ed. by Boris Shishkov. Rhodes, Greece. June 20-22, 2016



Cloud Computing - An Educational Game on Weather Phenomena
Julia Rauscher, Katharina Eckardt, Sarah Edenhofer , Sebastian von Mammen
2015 7th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), Sept. 16-18,2015



