

Best?tigungsvermerk des Wirtschaftsprüfers und KapMuG (Auditors report and the German Capital Markets Model Case Act) / 审计报告与《投资人示范诉讼法》——“公开的资本市场信息”概念的具体化


The article "Best?tigungsvermerk des Wirtschaftsprüfers und KapMuG - Zur Konkretisierung des Begriffs der ?ffentlichen Kapitalmarktinformation" (Auditors report and the German Capital Markets Model Case Act) published in the Zeitschrift für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht (BKR 5/2022) was translated into Chinese and has since been published in the Journal of Hangzhou Normal University (Social Sciences Edition): 杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2023 (5), pp. 110-127 .

Journal of Hangzhou

First European-Chinese Forum for Young Lawyers / Conference "New Developments in EU, German and Chinese Law" 首届欧中青年法律人论坛暨“欧盟、德国与中国法的新发展”学术研讨会 在德国奥格斯堡大学法学院成功举办


On December 4, 2023, the first European-Chinese Forum for Young Lawyers took place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg. The conference "New Developments in EU, German and Chinese Law" took place at the same time. The event, which was organized by the Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe (RICE), the editorial office of the journal "Jurisprudence" of the Chinese University of Political Science and Law and the Sino-German Cultural Foundation, attracted over fifty academics from the fields of civil law, civil procedure law, commercial law, criminal law and criminal procedure law, comparative law and international law from China, Germany, Austria, Italy, Great Britain and the Netherlands. (...)

Forum Shen

Scientific exchange in China 奥格斯堡大学法学院默勒斯教授及学术助理参加今年中国九月系列学术活动,深化中德法学交流


A total of seven professors and research assistants from the Faculty of Law at the University of Augsburg and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich took part in academic events in China in September in order to intensify legal exchange and cooperation between Germany and China. (...)

China Reise 2023 Bild 1

Online lectures as part of the lecture series "Global Law Perspective" 默勒斯教授为中南财经政法大学法学院与宁波大学法学院举办公司法改革相关的讲座


In the summer semester 2023, Professor M?llers led the lecture series "Global Law Perspective", which was held online especially for students of renowned Chinese law schools. A total of six lectures were held. (...)


Symposium "Status and Perspectives of Research on Legal Methodology in China and Germany" “中德法学方法论研究的现状与展望”学术研讨会暨默勒斯教授《法学方法论》德文第五版与中文首版发行庆祝会成功举办。


On May 10, the symposium "Status and Perspectives of Research on Legal Methodology in China and Germany" was held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg to celebrate the fifth German and first Chinese edition of Prof. Dr. M?llers' "Juristische Methodenlehre". The aim of the symposium was to promote exchange and cooperation between Chinese and German academics in the field of legal methodology and to facilitate in-depth discussion and exchange on this topic.

Chinesisches Symposium Mai 2023

Online - Lecture at the Forum of Deans of Legal Education in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau 网络会议:参加澳门科技大学举办的第二届内陆和港澳法学教育院长论坛


On April 17, 2023, the second "Forum of Deans of Legal Education in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau" was held, hosted by the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) Law School. Twenty deans from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions, and German law schools gathered at the university to discuss innovations and reforms in legal education. Professor M?llers participated in the conference online and gave a presentation on "The Present and Future of Legal Education in Germany" as Dean for International Exchange.

Forum der Dekane

Online - Lecture ?European Law: Current Challenges and the War in Ukraine“, Zhongnan University, Wuhan


On February 28, 2023, Professor M?llers gave an online lecture at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in Wuhan as part of the lecture series "Global Law Perspective - Forum on New Developments in Law from a Global Perspective". The title of the lecture was: "European Law: Current Challenges and the War in Ukraine". The subject of the lecture was the basics of European law, as well as current challenges facing the European Union in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. The lecture was followed by five co-presenters, who took up the lecture and deepened individual aspects. The co-presenters were: Prof. Dr. Han Zhai, Dr. Peng Yayuan, Dr. Guodong Yang, Dr. Ruyi Du and Jan L?ngle. The lecture was taken as an opportunity for a lively discussion by the participants.


Online - Keynote Speech "E-Commerce and the Weaknesses of the Sale of Goods Directive 2019/771" in Beijing


On February 28, 2023, Professor M?llers delivered an online Key Note Speech "E-Commerce and the Weaknesses of the Sale of Goods Directive 2019/771" at the First Chinese European E-Commerce Law Forum (第一届中欧跨境电商法高端论坛) in Beijing. The program, which lasted several hours, covered various modules. Module 1 discussed the introduction to the legal framework for e-commerce between China and Europe and Professor M?llers provided insight into full harmonization and European legislative technique as well as open interpretation issues and a final assessment.

Plakat Keynote Speech Peking

Appointment of Dr. Liuhua Shen as Jinshan Distinguished Professor at Jiangsu University in China


We congratulate Professor Dr Liuhua Shen on her appointment as Jinshan Distinguished Professor at Jiangsu University in China. After completing her doctorate at Peking University in China, Professor Dr. Liuhua Shen worked as a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers from 2014 to 2022. During this time, she completed her L.L.M., worked at the research institute RICE (Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe) founded by Professor M?llers and taught Chinese law. She remained at the Faculty of Law as a lecturer in Chinese law and continues to be responsible for academic exchange with China at RICE. We wish Professor Dr Liuhua Shen good luck and success in her new position!

Shen Liuhua

Chinese New Year (庆祝兔年春节)


To celebrate the Chinese New Year on 24 January, Professor M?llers invited six doctoral students and visiting scholars supervised by the RICE Research Unit in Augsburg and Munich to a joint lunch. Due to the very great success of the Chinese edition of Juristische Methodenlehre, which has sold more than 10,000 copies in China in the six months since its publication, the plan arose to offer a seminar on "Juristische Methodik" this year. During the discussion session, Professor M?llers introduced the process and characteristics of legal methodology and gave the young scholars useful advice on how to write a good thesis.

(Photo: 1st row from left: Dr Gan Tan, lecturer at Southwest University of Political Science and Law; Dr Zhiwei Tang, Peking University Law School; Professor Dr Thomas M?llers; Jiajun Ma, Nanjing University Law School;
2nd row from left: Dr Liuhua Shen, RICE Uni Augsburg; Huanji Li, Tsinghua University Law School; Jiangjun Zheng, Southwest University of Political Science and Law; Jizhong Wang, East China University of Political Science and Law).

Group Photo Chinese Researchers

M?llers, Legal Methods 法学方法论


The Chinese edition of the book "Legal Methods" has attracted much attention and an enthusiastic response from readers after its publication in China at the end of July 2022. The Chinese news of 31 December 2022 reported that the book won two prizes at the China Law Book Awards.

First, the book was ranked No. 1 by Peking University Press as the best-designed law book among hundreds of law books in 2022 because of its design.

Secondly, the Dewey Law Commune, a public WeChat platform with great renown in China's legal community, selected the ten most influential books on the rule of law in China for that year. Legal Methods was also chosen.

The respective coverage in Chinese can be found on the following page.

Juristische Methodenlehre China

Lecture Program Global Law Perspective in Winter Semester 2022/23 and Summer Semester 2023

After the initial event "How Lawyers Think" on November 9, 2022, the Forum's Global Law Perspective lecture series on new developments in law from a global perspective will feature a series of further lectures by highly regarded professors on current topics in civil, commercial, criminal and capital markets law in the winter semester of 2022/23 and summer semester of 2023. The lectures will last two hours each, with the main speaker speaking for 1-1.5 hours and two commentators, one Chinese and one German, following with 10-15 minutes each. All lectures are also addressed to Chinese students, research assistants as well as professors and are organized in cooperation with reputable Chinese universities. (...)

How Lawyers are Thinking 法律人如何思考? - Guest Lecture at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (People's Republic of China), Wuhan


On November 9, 2022, Professor M?llers presented his lecture "How Lawyers are Thinking" as part of the Global Law Perspective lecture series at China's Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (People's Republic of China) in Wuhan on Zoom. The number of participants of approximately 700 scientific staff, students of the university as well as renowned Chinese professors alone shows the positive resonance of the event.
In terms of content, Professor M?llers addressed the essential contents of his monograph "Juristische Methodenlehre" (Legal Methodology) as well as "Juristische Arbeitstechnik und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (Legal Techniques and Scientific Work).
Tobias Manhardt, research assistant at the chair of Professor M?llers acted as commentator of the event.
As part of the lecture series, the same lecture will take place next at the Ning Bo University Law school (People's Republic of China) on November 16, 2022 on Zoom (...)

How Lawyers are Thinking

100,000 Chinese lawyers read "Legal Methodology" 法学方法论 online together


The Chinese edition of the book "Legal Methodology" officially went on sale in Beijing at the end of July 2022, attracting great attention and response from Chinese lawyers.
On August 25 at 1:00 p.m., the most well-known legal reading platform in China, "Jotai Book & Sound," invited ten leading Chinese law professors and scholars to a book reading of Professor M?llers' work. The event took place online and was open to a wide audience, especially lawyers. It received 106,700 views on the Chinese web and lasted just about four hours. (...)

Cover Chinesische Methodenlehre

Published: M?llers, Juristische Methodenlehre 法学方法论


The Chinese edition of the book "Juristische Methodenlehre" was officially published in China by Peking University Press on July 20, 2022.
The work has already had four editions since 2017. It is cited by legal literature and jurisprudence. It has been translated into English under the title "How to work with legal arguments, 2020". It complements the book "Juristische Arbeitstechnik" (法律研习方法--作业、考试和论文写作), which was published in China in 2019 and has now sold more than 15,000 units. The book describes the main argumentation figures and develops a modern legal methodology.
The publication in China is accompanied by a large advertising campaign. (...)

JM chinesische Fassung

New Publication: M?llers/Li (Ed.) Between Tradition and Modernity - The Special Section of the New Chinese Civil Code 新书出版:穆勒斯/李昊主编:《中国新民法典分则——在传统与现代之间》


On 1.1.2021, the new Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China, adopted on 28.05.2020, came into force. This is a major step on the way towards a unified civil code, which goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. (...)


Visit by two doctoral students from the CUPL - 中国政法大学博士生来访请教法学方法论专题


On 12 April 2022, doctoral students Mr Guobang Wu and Ms Yi Li, LL.M. from the Chinese University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) visited RICE. The discussions with Professor M?llers focused on basic theories and methods of law in Germany. Furthermore, the organisation of a symposium in the context of the publication of the monograph "Juristische Methodenlehre" in Chinese in Beijing in June 2022 was discussed. Mr Wu is currently doing his doctorate at the University of Vienna, while Ms Li is a visiting researcher at the University of Münster.

Besuch der Doktoranden der CUPL am RICE

ZChinR 3/2021


The article "Offene Fragen zum Kaufrecht des chinesischen Zivilgesetzbuches - Ein Vergleich mit dem deutschen und europ?ischen Recht" ("Open Questions on the Law of Sale of Goods under the Chinese Civil Code - A Comparison with German and European Law") has been published in the current issue 3/2021 of the "Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht".
In his article, Professor M?llers examines Chinese law comparatively with German and European law.
In particular, he deals with highly interesting issues of the law of sales, such as the concept of defect, the duty to examine the object of sale and warranty claims in case of defectiveness, as well as the relationship to the Consumer Protection Law, regulations on the control of general terms and conditions and the obligation to contract. The article concludes with an evaluation of the regulatory technique and a presentation of the concept of humanity of the ZGB.

Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht 3/2021

Appointment as visiting scientist


The Law Faculty of the University of Augsburg has awarded Dr. Zhihao Du the position of Visiting Scholar at the Research Institute for Chinese Law (RICE). Mr. Du received his doctorate in G?ttingen and is currently an assistant professor at Hunan University in China. He has contributed significantly to the translation of Professor M?llers' "Juristische Arbeitstechnik" and "Juristische Methodenlehre".

Zhihao Du

Open questions on the law of sale of the Chinese Civil Code


The Journal of Law and Economy of the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics published the article "Offene Fragen zum Kaufrecht des chinesischen Zivilgesetzbuchs.
- A Comparison with German and European Law" by Professor M?llers was published in Chinese.

Chinesischer Beitrag zum Kaufrecht

The Chinese Civil Code - Features and Unsolved Problems


On 7 May, Professor M?llers took part in an online event at the Ruhr University Bochum organised by Professor Dr Peter A. Windel as part of the planned conference on "The Chinese Civil Code". During the online event, Professor Hao Li from Beihang University in Beijing gave an introduction to the code and reported extensively and in detail on the latest developments.

The conference on the Chinese Civil Code organised by Professor M?llers and Professor Li has already had to be postponed three times due to the Corona pandemic and will take place in China in April 2022.

Poster Chinese Civil Code

How Lawyers solve problems - 法律人如何解决问题


On Thursday, 6 May, Professor Dr M?llers gave a lecture to 120 participants of Nanjing University in China on the topic "How lawyers solve problems". (...)

Plakat Nanjing

“资本市场法–中国可以从欧洲那里学到什么” / Publication "What China can learn from Europe"


The article “Capital Market Law – What China can learn from Europe” has been published in “China Studies Issue 8, in Shanghai People's Publishing House”. Professor M?llers discusses current developments and problems of European legal harmonization in capital market law based on MiFID II, MiFIR and PRIIP Regulation.The article shows how China can promote the creation of a "level playing field" on the capital market and learn from the European problems.

chinesischer Beitrag

Publication: Enforcing Consumer and Capital Markets Law – The Diesel Emissions Scandal


This book critically analyses the various approaches of public and private law enforcement and their effectiveness across several jurisdictions on the example of one topical and global collective damage event with far reaching consequences for both, consumers and investors: the Dieselgate. (...)

Cover Intersentia Book



Mr. Zhiaho Du (杜志浩)and Dr. Liuhua Shen have translated the German work "Juristische Arbeitstechnik und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (Legal Work Techniques and Scientific Work), which has already been published in its 9th edition, into Chinese. The Chinese book was sold out in a very short time with 5,000 copies, so that a reprint became necessary after only a few months.
Mr. Du, who recently received his doctorate in G?ttingen, also translates Professor M?llers' "Juristische Methodenlehre".

aktuellmeldung chinesische methodenlehre

Research trip and guest professorship in China


Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers went on a research trip to China from 12-23 September 2019, during which he gave lectures and guest lectures at several Chinese universities. At the University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing, he held a guest professorship and gave a series of lectures on "Introduction into German Civil and Business Law" to give Chinese students an insight into German civil law. He gave lectures at the Jiliang and Zhe Jiang University in Hangzhou. There was also a press conference at the Peking University in Beijing. (...).

Vortrag Chinareise

Publication: ?Legal Work Techniques and Scientific Work“ in China


The 9th edition of Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers' book "Juristische Arbeitstechnik und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" ("Legal Work Techniques and Scientific Work") was published on June 1, 2019, in Chinese in Beijing. The publisher is the renowned "Peking University Press".
The Chinese version of this book was translated jointly by Dr. Liuhua Shen (academic assistant to Professor M?llers), Dr. Qiangwei Ma from Peking University and Dr. Du Zhihao from G?ttingen University. The edition so far is 5000 copies.

ISBN 978-7-3012-30286-6

Chinesische Arbeitstechnik (2)

Professor M?llers on Chinese television on the series "Little Diplomat" - Jiajia Cartoon Channel


On July 26, 2018, a delegation of the supra-regional Chinese TV station Jiajia Cartoon Channel, Guangzhou TV and Radio Station (500 million viewers) visited Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers (Law Faculty of the University of Augsburg) to shoot for the series "Little Diplomat".

Little Diplomat

Publication "The General Rules of Chinese Civil Law"


The conference volume "The General Rules of Chinese Civil Law", edited by Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers and Professor Dr. Hao Li, contains the results of the conference of the Research Center for Innovation between China and Europe (RICE) held on July 19, 2017 at the Law Faculty in Augsburg.

Rice Tagungsband

Visit from the People's Republic of China


At the invitation of the Research Centre for Chinese Law (RICE) under the direction of Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers, Professor Su Jiang visited the Law Faculty of the University of Augsburg on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 for an academic exchange and to strengthen the cooperation with Peking University.

Su Jiang

Tort law in the PR China


On February 5, 2018, Prof. Dr. Qiang Wang gave a lecture titled: "The Tort Law of the PR China with special consideration of the liability of animal owners compared to German law". Prof. Dr. Wang teaches at the China University of Political Science (CUPL, Beijing) and was a guest lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Augsburg (...).

Deliktsrecht in der VR China

The new General Part of Chinese Civil Law


The first meeting of the new Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe (RICE) took place on July 20, 2017. The occasion was the current reform of Chinese civil law (...).

Rice Tagung

Lecture tour in China and appointment as permanent visiting professor of the University of Political Science Gansu in Lanzhou


In November 2016 Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers travelled to China for one week. Where he visited the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing and the University of Political Science Gansu in Lanzhou (...).

Ernennungsurkunde Gastprofessor Lanzhou

Launch event of the Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe (RICE)


On April 26, 2016, the launch event of the research centre RICE (Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe) took place in the facilities of the Law Faculty of the University of Augsburg. (...)

Gruppenbild RICE

Lecture tour in China


In November 2015 Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers travelled to China for one week. Where he held four lectures at various renowned universities (...).

China Vortragsreise 2015

Expansion of the cooperation with China


The University of Augsburg has continued its expansion strategy of internationalisation and has entered into a new cooperation in research and teaching with the Peking University in Beijing (...).

Ausbau der Kooperationen mit China 2014

Lectures in China


As part of a research trip to the People's Republic of China, Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers held several lectures with the following titles between September 12 and 16, 2013: "Newest Developments in European Commercial Law - Company Law - The Volkswagen Case", East China University of Political Sciences and Law und University of Xi'an; "The German Constitutional Court: European Lawmaker or Engine of the Union?", Law Institute of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences; "Class Action in Business Law -The German Background", Law Institute of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

