

(...) For this purpose Prof. Dr. Henning Rosenau and Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers travelled to Beijing. Here the cooperation plans could be specified in concrete terms. The agreement provides for students of the Beijing University to participate in the Summer Programme in European and International Economic Law from 2015. Vice versa, German students can go to Beijing for one or two semesters. The Summer Programme will thus also be extended to the Far East. The agreement was signed for the University by the Vice President for Research and Internationalisation, Prof. Dr. Rosenau, and for the Faculty of Law, which was significantly involved, by the Dean of International Relations, Prof. Dr. M?llers. In return, a criminal law colleague from Beijing University, Prof. Shizhou Wang, visited the University of Augsburg for a lecture on criminal law relating to corruption.


After his visit to Beijing, Prof. Dr. M?llers continued his studies at the South Western University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL) in Chonqing. An exchange agreement was also concluded there. In addition, Prof. Dr. M?llers was also a guest at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing, where he has already been appointed permanent visiting professor in 2013. At all three universities he gave a guest lecture on "Accounting for Take-Over - VW/Porsche and its Consequences".


With Beijing University, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) and South Western University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL), the Law Faculty now has links to three law faculties in China.
