

(...) The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence "European Integration - Rule of Law and Enforcement" (INspiRE), funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, deals with the enforcement of EU law in the Member States.


The first of two conferences was devoted to private enforcement of European anti-trust and state aid law. On the first day, recent developments, in particular after the transposition of the so-called anti-trust damages directive, as well as remaining hurdles in the enforcement of Art. 101, 102 TFEU in different EU Member States were highlighted. After a presentation of the project by Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wurmnest, Prof. Dr. Wulf-Henning Roth (Bonn) and Dr. Johannes Holzwarth (DG Competition) looked at the European level. For the following country reports, Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Franck (Mannheim), Dr. Erik-Jan Zippro (Amsterdam) and Prof. Dr. Florian Wagner-von Papp (University College London) presented the situation in Germany, the Netherlands, England and Wales. Dr. Rafael Amaro (Paris Descartes) and Prof. Dr. Enrico Camilleri (Palermo) presented the legal situation in France and Italy. Prof. Florian Bien (Würzburg), Dr Tatjana Mühlbach and Dr Ingo Brinker (both Munich) chaired the subsequent discussions.


On the second day, European state aid law and the open questions of private enforcement were discussed. Dr. Fernando Pastor-Merchante (IE University Madrid) presented the European perspective, Luca Rossi the view of the European Commission. Country reports on the situation in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands were presented by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Unger (Bochum), Prof. Dr. Fran?ois Lichère (Jean Moulin Lyon III), Prof. Dr. Roberto Caranta and Benedetta Biancardi (both Turin), Prof. Dr. Luis Arroyo Jiménez (Castilla-La Mancha), as well as Prof. Dr. Willemien den Ouden (Leiden) and?Prof. Dr. Jacobine van den Brink (Amsterdam) and provided an insight into specific national problems.?Dr. Ulrich Soltész,?Stéphane Hautbourg (both Brussels)?and Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger led the discussion.?


The conference proceedings will be published in the Kluwer International Competition Law Series.?
