


  • Design, Synthese und Funktionsoptimierung ressourceneffizienter Funktionsmaterialien für zukunftsf?hige Technologien
  • Energieforschung / Regenerative Energietr?ger / Speichertechnologien
  • Ressourcenstrategie
  • Materialwissenschaftliches Ressourcenmanagement
  • Nanotechnologie


2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979


Ankesh Siddhantakar, Jair Santillán-Saldivar, Thomas Kippes, Guido Sonnemann, Armin Reller und Steven B. Young
Helium resource global supply and demand: geopolitical supply risk analysis

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Thomas Kippes und Armin Reller
Die Geschichte der anthropogenen Metallmobilisierung: von der Kupferzeit bis zur Metallzeit der Gegenwart

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Andrea Thorenz und Armin Reller (Hrsg.)
Economic, environmental, and social assessments of raw materials for a green and resilient economy

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This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Economic, Environmental, and Social Assessments of Raw Materials for a Green and Resilient Economy that was published in Resources


Dieuwertje Schrijvers, Alessandra Hool, Gian Andrea Blengini, Wei-Qiang Chen, Jo Dewulf, Roderick Eggert, Layla van Ellen, Roland Gauss, James Goddin, Komal Habib, Christian Hagelüken, Atsufumi Hirohata, Margarethe Hofmann-Amtenbrink, Jan Kosmol, Ma?té Le Gleuher, Milan Grohol, Anthony Ku, Min-Ha Lee, Gang Liu, Keisuke Nansei, Philip Nuss, David Peck, Armin Reller, Guido Sonnemann, Luis Tercero, Andrea Thorenz und Patrick A. W?ger
A review of methods and data to determin raw material criticality

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Armin Reller, Marita Krauss, Jucundus Jacobeit und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2019 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Armin Reller, Marita Krauss, Jucundus Jacobeit und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2018 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Matthias H?mmer, A. Gassmann, Armin Reller, H. von Seggern, O. Gutfleisch, R. Stauber und J. Zimmermann
Recyclable phosphor films: three water-soluble binder systems enabling the recovery of phosphor powders in white leds

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Christoph Kolotzek, Christoph Helbig, Andrea Thorenz, Armin Reller und Axel Tuma
A company-oriented model for the assessment of raw material supply risks, environmental impact and social implications

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Armin Reller, Jucundus Jacobeit, Marita Krauss und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2017 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Matthias H?mmer, A. Gassmann, Armin Reller, H. von Seggern, O. Gutfleisch, R. Stauber und J. Zimmermann
Recyclable phosphor sheet based on polyvinyl alcohol for LED lighting using remote phosphor technology

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Christoph Helbig, Christoph Kolotzek, Andrea Thorenz, Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Mario Schafnitzel und Stephan Krohns
Benefits of resource strategy for sustainable materials research and development

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Armin Reller, Jucundus Jacobeit, Marita Krauss und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2016 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Adriano A. Torrano, Rudolf Herrmann, Claudia Strobel, Markus Rennhak, Hanna Engelke, Armin Reller, Ingrid Hiller, Achim Wixforth und Christoph Br?uchle
Cell membrane penetration and mitochondrial targeting by platinum-decorated ceria nanoparticles?

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Armin Reller
Criticality of metal based functional materials – how multi-functional trans-technical metal based materials are mobilized and how they get lost by dissipation

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Joshena Die?enbacher und Armin Reller
Das ?Fairphone“: ein Impuls in Richtung nachhaltige Elektronik?

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Martin Held und Armin Reller
Die stofflichen Voraussetzungen der Energiewende in der Gro?en Transformation

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Jens Soentgen, Armin Reller, Jucundus Jacobeit und Marita Krauss (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2015 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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S. Riegg, Sebastian Widmann, B. Meir, S. Sterz, A. Günther, Norbert Büttgen, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda und Alois Loidl
Kondo-type behavior of the Ru4+ lattice in LaCu3Ru4O12

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Armin Reller und Joshena Die?enbacher
Are there enough resources for our lifestyle? how resource strategy leads from wasting materials to using them

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Claudia Strobel, Hartmut Oehring, Rudolf Herrmann, Martin F?rster, Armin Reller und Ingrid Hilger
Fate of cerium dioxide nanoparticles in endothelial cells: exocytosis

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S. Riegg, Sebastian Widmann, A. Günther, B. Meir, S. Wehrmeister, S. Sterz, W. Kraetschmer, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller, Norbert Büttgen, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda und Alois Loidl
Heavy fermions, metal-to-insulator transition, and quantum criticality in LayCu3RuxTi4?xO12

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Jens Soentgen, Armin Reller, Jucundus Jacobeit und Marita Krauss (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2014 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Armin Reller, Volker Zepf und Benjamin Achzet
Strategic resources for emerging technologies

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Stefan Riegg, Armin Reller, Alois Loidl und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Valence properties of Cu and Ru in titaniumsubstituted LnCu3Ru4O12+δ (Ln = La, Pr, Nd) investigated by XANES and TGA

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3. Symposium Rohstoffeffizienz und Rohstoffinnovationen: 05./06. Februar 2014, Neues Museum Nürnberg

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Armin Reller und Heike Holdinghausen
Der geschenkte Planet: nach dem ?l beginnt die Zukunft

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Claudia Strobel, A. A. Torrano, Rudolf Herrmann, M. Malissek, C. Br?uchle, Armin Reller, L. Treuel und I. Hilger
Effects of the physicochemical properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, commonly used as sun protection agents, on microvascular endothelial cells

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Max Marwede und Armin Reller
Estimation of life cycle material costs of cadmium telluride- and copper indium gallium diselenide-photovoltaic absorber materials based on life cycle material flows

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Florian G. Strobl, Florian Seitz, Christoph Westerhausen, Armin Reller, Adriano A. Torrano, Christoph Br?uchle, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Intake of silica nanoparticles by giant lipid vesicles: influence of particle size and thermodynamic membrane state

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Armin Reller, Jucundus Jacobeit, Marita Krauss und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2013 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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S. Riegg, A. Wintermeier, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Sebastian Widmann, A. Günther, Armin Reller, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus und Alois Loidl
Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the spin-dimer system La2RuO5 induced by Mn substitution

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Armin Reller und Joshena Die?enbacher
Mit Eisen zurück in die Zukunft : was Stoffe uns zu erz?hlen haben und warum wir zuh?ren sollten

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Claudia Schmidt, Luitgard Marschall und Armin Reller
Mit Stoffgeschichten Kreisl?ufen und Zusammenh?ngen auf der Spur

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Axel Tuma, Armin Reller, Andrea Thorenz, Christoph Kolotzek und Christoph Helbig
Nachhaltige Ressourcenstrategien in Unternehmen: Identifikation kritischer Rohstoffe und Erarbeitung von Handlungsempfehlungen zur Umsetzung einer ressourceneffizienten Produktion

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Aktenzeichen 30438/01

B. Schmidt, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Stefan Riegg, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller und Alois Loidl
Probing the metal-to-insulator transition in LaCu3RuxTi4-xO12 by Gd-ESR

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Ludwig Hermann, Willem Schipper, Kees Langeveld und Armin Reller
Processing: what improvements for what products?

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Rudolf Herrmann, F. Javier García-García und Armin Reller
Rapid degradation of zinc oxide nanoparticles by phosphate ions

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Armin Reller und Joshena Die?enbacher
Reichen die Ressourcen für unseren Lebensstil? Wie Ressourcenstrategie vom Stoffverbrauch zum Stoffgebrauch führt

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Rudolf Herrmann, Markus Rennhak und Armin Reller
Synthesis and characterization of fluorescence-labelled silica core-shell and noble metal-decorated ceria nanoparticles

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Stefan Riegg, F. Javier Garcia-Garcia, Armin Reller, Alois Loidl und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Synthesis, crystal structure, and valence states of Mn-substituted La2RuO5

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Adriano A Torrano, Julia Blechinger, Christian Osseforth, Christian Argyo, Armin Reller, Thomas Bein, Jens Michaelis und Christoph Br?uchle
A fast analysis method to quantify nanoparticle uptake on a single cell level

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S. Riegg, Alois Loidl, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Pr- and Ti-substituted La2RuO5

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Claudia Strobel, Adriano A. Torrano, Rudolf Herrmann, Marcelina Malissek, Christoph Br?uchle, Armin Reller, Lennart Treuel und Ingrid Hilger
Effects of the physicochemical properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, commonly used as sun protection agents, on microvascular endothelial cells

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Armin Reller, L. Marschall, Simon Mei?ner und Claudia Schmidt

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M. M?dinger, O. Gartner, Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
El gas climático cervecero

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M. M?dinger, O. Gantner, Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Greenhouse gas emissions associated with beer

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Armin Reller, Marita Krauss, Jens Soentgen und Jucundus Jacobeit (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2012 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Max Marwede, Wolfgang Berger, Martin Schlummer, Andreas M?urer und Armin Reller
Recycling paths for thin-film chalcogenide photovoltaic waste: current feasible processes

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Armin Reller, Luitgard Marschall, Simon Mei?ner und Claudia Schmidt
Ressourcenstrategien: eine Einführung in den nachhaltigen Umgang mit Ressourcen

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Jianwei Gu, Jürgen Schnelle-Kreis, Mike Pitz, Jürgen Diemer, Armin Reller, Ralf Zimmermann, Jens Soentgen, Annette Peters und Josef Cyrys
Spatial and temporal variability of PM10 sources in Augsburg, Germany

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S Riegg, Sebastian Widmann, A Günther, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Armin Reller, Alois Loidl und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Suppression of Ru (S = 1) spin dimerization in La2RuO5 by Ti substitution

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Armin Reller und Heike Holdinghausen
Wir konsumieren uns zu Tode: warum wir unseren Lebensstil ?ndern müssen, wenn wir überleben wollen

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Claudia Schmidt und Armin Reller
Bewerten lernen durch Stoffgeschichten und Kritikalit?tsanalysen

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Volker Zepf und Armin Reller
Chances and risks of using rare earth metals

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Christoph Westerhausen, Florian G. Strobl, Rudolf Herrmann, A. T. Bauer, S. W. Schneider, Armin Reller, Achim Wixforth und Matthias F. Schneider
Chemical and mechanical impact of silica nanoparticles on the phase transition behavior of phospholipid membranes in theory and experiment

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Claudia Schmidt und Armin Reller
Dauerndes Lernziel: bewusst konsumieren! Verknappung der Ressourcen erfordert neuen Lebensstil

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M. M?dinger, M. Gantner, Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Der Klimaaussto? von Bier

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P. Sippel, Stephan Krohns, E. Thoms, E. Ruff, S. Riegg, H. Kirchhain, Florian Schrettle, Armin Reller, Peter Lunkenheimer und Alois Loidl
Dielectric signature of charge order in lanthanum nickelates

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Max Marwede und Armin Reller
Future recycling flows of tellurium from cadmium telluride photovoltaic waste

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Jucundus Jacobeit und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2011 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Jianwei Gu, Mike Pitz, Susanne Breitner, Wolfram Birmili, Stephanie von Klot, Alexandra Schneider, Jens Soentgen, Armin Reller, Annette Peters und Josef Cyrys
Selection of key ambient particulate variables for epidemiological studies - applying cluster and heatmap analyses as tools for data reduction

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S. Riegg, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Single crystalline and rare earth substituted La2RuO5 investigated by x-ray diffraction and EXAFS spectroscopy

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S. Riegg, A. Günther, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, M.V. Eremin, Armin Reller, Alois Loidl und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Spin-dimerization in rare-earth substituted La2RuO5

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S. Riegg, A. Günther, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Alois Loidl, M. V. Eremin, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Spin-singlet dimerization in La2RuO5investigated using magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements

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Gerhard Sextl, Thilo Br?mer, Carsten Gellermann und Armin Reller
Technologien für die Zukunft - Anorganische Rohstoffbasis im Wandel

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Armin Reller, Volker Zepf und Benjamin Achzet
The importance of rare metals for emerging technologies

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Claudia Schmidt und Armin Reller
Von der Ressource zur Ware

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Armin Reller
Wie viel Ressourcen braucht ein Mensch?

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Armin Reller
Criticality of metal resources for functional materials used in electronics and microelectronics

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Andrea Thorenz und Armin Reller
Discussion of risks of platinum resources based on a function orientated criticality assessment - shown by cytostatic drugs and automotive catalytic converters

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Irina Oswald und Armin Reller
E-waste: a story of trashing, trading, and valuable resources

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Bernd Wagner und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2010 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Armin Reller
Kalk pr?gt Kulturgeschichte

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A. Dittl, Stephan Krohns, J. Sebald, Florian Schrettle, Mamoun Hemmida, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, S. Riegg, Armin Reller, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus und Alois Loidl
On the magnetism of Ln2/3Cu3Ti4O12 (Ln = lanthanide)

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Armin Reller
Rohstoffsituation Bayern – keine Zukunft ohne Rohstoffe: Strategien und Handlungsoptionen

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Jianwei Gu, Mike Pitz, Jürgen Schnelle-Kreis, Jürgen Diemer, Armin Reller, Ralf Zimmermann, Jens Soentgen, Matthias Stoelzel, Heinz-Erich Wichmann, Annette Peters und Josef Cyrys
Source apportionment of ambient particles: comparison of positive matrix factorization analysis applied to particle size distribution and chemical composition data

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M. Yasir, G. Mori, H. Wieser, Armin Reller und H. W. H?ppel
Study of sensitization and different heating cycles on stainless steels used for automotive exhaust components

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S. Riegg, U. Sazama, M. Fr?ba, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Synthesis, structure, and magnetic characterization of La2?xRxRuO5(R=Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy)

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Stephan Krohns, Peter Lunkenheimer, Simon Mei?ner, Armin Reller, Benedikt Gleich, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Tobias Gaugler, Hans Ulrich Buhl, D. C. Sinclair und Alois Loidl
The route to resource-efficient novel materials

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Benjamin Achzet, Armin Reller und Volker Zepf
Unternehmensstrategien zur Sicherung von Rohstoffen

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Julia Blechinger, Adriano A. Torrano, Rudolf Herrmann, Alexander T. Bauer, Stefan W. Schneider, Armin Reller und Christoph Br?uchle
Uptake kinetics, uptake pathways and cytotoxicity of SiO2-nanoparticles interacting with HeLa and HUVEC cells

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F. J. Zú?iga, F. J. García-García, M. Hoelzel und Armin Reller
Al14Ba8La26.3Ru18Sr53.7O167: a variant of cubic perovskite with isolated RuO6units

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Stefan Riegg, Thomas G?tzfried und Armin Reller
Co-operative and frustration effects in novel perovskite-related phases

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J. Sebald, Stephan Krohns, Peter Lunkenheimer, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, S. Riegg, Armin Reller und Alois Loidl
Colossal dielectric constants: a common phenomenon in CaCu3Ti4O12 related materials

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Armin Reller
Gehen uns bald die Ressourcen aus?

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Gunther Gottlieb, Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Geisteswissenschaften und Naturwissenschaften: die vier Elemente Luft, Wasser, Erde, Feuer in interdisziplin?ren Seminaren

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Matthias H?rteis, Tobias Gutberlet, Armin Reller und Stefan W. Glunz
High-temperature contact formation on n-type silicon: basic reactions and contact model for seed-layer contacts

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Armin Reller
H?chste Zeit für die Wende!

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Joachim Barth, Gerhard H. Fecher, Markus Schwind, Andreea Beleanu, Claudia Felser, Andrey Shkabko, Anke Weidenkaff, Jan Hanss, Armin Reller und Martin K?hne
Investigation of the thermoelectric properties of LiAlSi and LiAlGe

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Bernd Wagner und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2009 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Julia Blechinger, Rudolf Herrmann, Daniel Kiener, F. Javier García-García, Christina Scheu, Armin Reller und Christoph Br?uchle
Perylene-labeled silica nanoparticles: synthesis and characterization of three novel silica nanoparticle species for live-cell imaging

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Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und -bedarf: Identifizierung der Rohstoffverfügbarkeit von Zirconium und Hafnium als Bestandteile von Halb-Heusler-Legierungen und als Komponenten der Teilsubstitution; Auftragsstudie für die Robert Bosch GmbH

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Armin Reller und Volker Zepf
Seltene Metalle und Seltenerdmetalle

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Patrik W?ger, Daniel Lang, Raimund Bleischwitz, Domenik Wittmer, Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Seltene Metalle: Rohstoffe für Zukunftstechnologien

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Armin Reller
Stoffe erz?hlen Geschichten

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B. Achzet, V. Zepf, Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Strategien für einen verantwortlichen Umgang mit Metallen und deren Ressourcen

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Dmitry Logvinovich, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller, Ivan Marozau, Davide Ferri und Anke Weidenkaff
Synthesis, crystal structure and optical properties of LaNbON2

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Jens Soentgen und Armin Reller (Hrsg.)
CO2 - Lebenselixier und Klimakiller

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Koreanische Auflage: Nature & Ecology, Seoul, 2015, ISBN 978-89-974294-9-3.

Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, S. Riegg, T. G?tzfried und Armin Reller
Co-operative and frustration effects in novel perovskite-related phases

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, S. Riegg, T. G?tzfried und Armin Reller
Co-operative and frustration effects in novel perovskite-related phases

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Peter Lunkenheimer, Stephan Krohns, S. Riegg, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller und Alois Loidl
Colossal dielectric constants in transition-metal oxides

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Uta Bilow und Armin Reller
Engp?sse bei Hightech-Metallen

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C. G. F. Blum, C. A. Jenkins, J. Barth, C. Felser, S. Wurmehl, G. Friemel, C. Hess, G. Behr, B. Büchner, Armin Reller, S. Riegg, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, T. Ellis, P. J. Jacobs, J. T. Kohlhepp und H. J. M. Swagten
Highly ordered, half-metallic Co2FeSi single crystals

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Jürgen Janek, Michael Binnewies und Armin Reller
Ionic solid solutions - mixing in the solid state: systems, methods, models and applications

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Bernd Wagner und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2008 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Armin Reller
Kohlendioxid: Vermittler zwischen Biosph?re und Geosph?re

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Dmitry Logvinovich, Laura Bocher, Denis Sheptyakov, Renato Figi, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Rosiana Aguiar, Myriam H. Aguirre, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
Microstructure, surface composition and chemical stability of partly ordered LaTiO2N

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Armin Reller
Naturnutzung an der Grenze

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Hans-Peter Abicht, Richard Dronskowski, Thomas Müller, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
Perovskite-related oxynitrides: recent developments in synthesis, characterisation and investigations of physical properties

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Sidney Chappuis, Anna Campiche, Damien Gilliéron, Eva Maria Moser, Jukka Lausmaa und Armin Reller
Photocatalytically active titania layers: production at ambient temperature and characterisation of biological properties

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Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und -bedarf: branchenspezifische Betrachtung am Beispiel von Lithium-Ionen-Hochleistungsenergiespeichersystemen und Beleuchtungssystemen; Gutachten für das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft K?ln Consult GmbH

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Michael J. Evans, Yang Wu, Verina F. Kranak, N. Newman, Armin Reller, F. Javier Garcia-Garcia und Ulrich H?ussermann
Structural properties and superconductivity in the ternary intermetallic compoundsMAB(M=Ca, Sr, Ba;A=Al, Ga, In;B=Si, Ge, Sn)

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Francisco J. García, Sergio García Rodríguez, Andreas Kalytta und Armin Reller
Study of natural halloysite from the Dragon Mine, Utah (USA)

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Armin Reller, Thomas Bublies, Thomas Staudinger, Irina Oswald, Simon Mei?ner und Matthew Allen
The mobile phone: powerful communicator and potential metal dissipator

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Bernd Wagner und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2007 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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D. Logvinovich, M.H. Aguirre, J. Hejtmanek, R. Aguiar, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
Phase formation, structural and microstructural characterization of novel oxynitride–perovskites synthesized by thermal ammonolysis of (Ca,Ba)MoO4 and (Ca,Ba)MoO3

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Rosiana Aguiar, Andreas Kalytta, Armin Reller, Anke Weidenkaff und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Photocatalytic decomposition of acetone using LaTi(O,N)3 nanoparticles under visible light irradiation

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Rosiana Aguiar, Dmitry Logvinovich, Anke Weidenkaff, Helmut Karl, Christof W. Schneider, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Physical properties of (La,Sr)Ti(O,N)3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition

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L. Patron, O. Carp, I. Mindru, Gabriela Marinescu, L. Diamandescu und Armin Reller
Synthesis of Y3Fe5O12 via thermal decomposition of polynuclear coordination compounds

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Rosiana Aguiar, Dmitry Logvinovich, Anke Weidenkaff, Anita Rachel, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
The vast colour spectrum of ternary metal oxynitride pigments

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Luminita Patron, Oana Carp, I. Mindru, G. Marinescu, J. Hanss und Armin Reller
Thermal analysis of some polynuclear coordination compounds as precursors of iron garnets (M3Fe5O12, M=Y3+ or Er3+)

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Rosiana Aguiar, Dmitry Logvinovich, Anke Weidenkaff, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Thermal oxidation of oxynitride perovskites in different atmospheres

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Rosiana Aguiar, Anke Weidenkaff, Stefan Gsell und Armin Reller
Topotactical growth of thick perovskite oxynitride layers by nitridation of single crystalline oxides

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Armin Reller
Wenn die “Gewürzmetalle“ für den Technologiekuchen ausgehen: Technologiebedingter Verlust strategischer Ressourcen

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Armin Reller
Wir Kolonist(inn)en im Internationalen Jahr des Planeten Erde

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Rosiana Aguiar, Yungi Lee, Kazunari Domen, Andreas Kalytta, Dmitry Logvinovich, Anke Weidenkaff, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Advances in oxynitride perovskites: synthesis and photocatalytic applications

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O. Carp, L. Patron und Armin Reller
Coordination compounds containing urea as precursors for oxides: a new route of obtaining nanosized CoFe2O4

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R. Robert, M. Aguirre, P. Hug, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
High-temperature thermoelectric properties of Ln(Co, Ni)O3 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd and Dy) compounds

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Bernd Wagner und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2006 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Julija Gl?ckler, Stefan Klützke, Wolfgang Meyer-Zaika, Armin Reller, F.?Javier García-García, Hans-Henning Strehblow, Petra Keller, Eva Rentschler und Wolfgang Kl?ui
Mit Phosphanylphosphons?uren zu nanostrukturierten, wasserl?slichen und katalytisch aktiven Rhodiumclustern

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Claudia Schmidt, Corinna Steber, Jens Soentgen und Armin Reller
Stoffgeschichten im Unterricht

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D. Logvinovich, A. B?rger, M. D?beli, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
Synthesis and physical chemical properties of Ca-substituted LaTiO2N

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Rosiana Aguiar, Anke Weidenkaff, Christof W. Schneider, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Synthesis and properties of oxynitrides (La,Sr)Ti(O,N)3 thin films

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D. Logvinovich, R. Aguiar, R. Robert, M. Trottmann, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
Synthesis, Mo-valence state, thermal stability and thermoelectric properties of SrMoO3?xNx (x>1) oxynitride perovskites

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Julija Gl?ckler, Stefan Klützke, Wolfgang Meyer-Zaika, Armin Reller, F.?Javier García-García, Hans-Henning Strehblow, Petra Keller, Eva Rentschler und Wolfgang Kl?ui
With phosphinophosphonic acids to nanostructured, water-soluble, and catalytically active rhodium clusters

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Peter Lunkenheimer, T. G?tzfried, Robert Fichtl, S. Weber, T. Rudolf, Alois Loidl, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Apparent giant dielectric constants, dielectric relaxation, and ac-conductivity of hexagonal perovskites La1.2Sr2.7BO7.33 (B=Ru, Ir)

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Armin Reller und Jens Soentgen
Einleitung zur Neuausgabe

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Ulrich Eckern und Armin Reller
Friedens- und Konfliktforschung an der Universit?t Augsburg : Perspektiven für nachhaltige Kooperationen zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Bernd Wagner und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2004 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Bernd Wagner und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2005 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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Armin Reller
Kleine Teile - gro?e Wirkung? : ?ber Chancen u. Risiken von Funktionsst?uben u. nanoskaligen Materialien

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Armin Reller
Nanopartikel in der Umwelt: verstreut in alle Winde

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Gerhard D. Pirngruber, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Jeroen A. van Bokhoven, Andreas Kalytta, Armin Reller, Olga V. Safonova und Pieter Glatzel
On the presence of Fe(IV) in Fe-ZSM-5 and FeSrO3-x-unequivocal detection of the 3d4 spin system by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

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Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Sustainable management of alpine water potentials

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R. Robert, L. Bocher, M. Trottmann, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
Synthesis and high-temperature thermoelectric properties of Ni and Ti substituted LaCoO3

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O. Sch?f, H. Ghobarkar, A. Garnier, C. Vagner, J?rg K. N. Lindner, J. Hanss und Armin Reller
Synthesis of nanocrystalline low temperature silica polymorphs

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Andreas Kalytta-Mewes, Jürgen Kopf, Anke Weidenkaff und Armin Reller
Crystal structure and optical properties of the new 8O polytype of Ca2Ta2O7

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Armin Reller
Es scheint, als h?tt' das Kleinste die gro?e Welt verzückt … Es scheint, als h?tt' das Kleinste die gro?e Welt verzückt …

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Andreas Heinrich, Bernd Renner, Robert Lux, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller und Bernd Stritzker
Influence of oxygen pressure, temperature and substrate/target distance on Cu2Ta4O12 thin films prepared by pulsed-laser deposition

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Rosa Robert, Sara Romer, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
Nanostructured complex cobalt oxides as potential materials for solar thermoelectric power

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Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Pour une gestion durable des ressources en eau dans les Alpes

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Thomas G?tzfried, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Structural and magnetic properties of Hexagonal Perovskites La1.2Sr2.7MO7.33 (M = Ru, Ir) Containing Peroxide Ions

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Simon Mei?ner und Armin Reller
Sustainable management of alpine water potentials

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Anita Rachel, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Martin Güngerich, Peter J. Klar, Jan Hanss, Anke Weidenkaff und Armin Reller
Tantalum and niobium perovskite oxynitrides : Synthesis and analysis of the thermal behaviour

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Armin Reller
Vielversprechendes oder unw?gbares Neuland?

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Bernd Renner, Peter Lunkenheimer, M. Schetter, Alois Loidl, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Dielectric behavior of copper tantalum oxide

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Armin Reller, Simon Mei?ner und Ulrich Eckern
Gerechte Verteilung natürlicher Ressourcen für den Frieden

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Armin Reller, Axel Tuma, Bernd Wagner und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2003 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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R. Robert, S. Romer, S. Hébert, A. Maignan, Armin Reller und Anke Weidenkaff
Oxide materials developnent for solar thermoelectric power generators

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O. Carp, C. L. Huisman und Armin Reller
Photoinduced reactivity of titanium dioxide

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Anke Weidenkaff, Anita Rachel und Armin Reller
Powder neutron diffraction of SrNbO2N at room temperature and 1.5?K

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Stefan B?schen, Armin Reller und Jens Soentgen
Stoffgeschichten – eine neue Perspektive für transdisziplin?re Umweltforschung

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Thomas G?tzfried, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a new ruthenium (V) oxide: La1.2Sr2.7RuO7+δ

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Armin Reller
Chemie im Kontext: Skizze einer Geographie der Ressourcen

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O. Carp, L. Patron und Armin Reller
Combustion method: new synthetic route of obtaining advanced ceramics; I. simple oxides with spinelic structure obtained from urea precursor

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Yu-Hong Zhang, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Anke Weidenkaff, Thomas Kurz, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Peter J. Klar, Martin Güngerich und Armin Reller
Controlled iron-doping of macrotextured nanocrystalline titania

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Armin Reller und Mas Subramanian

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Zhang Yu-Hong und Armin Reller
Investigation of mesoporous and microporous nanocrystalline silicon-doped titania

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Zhang Yu-Hong und Armin Reller
Investigation of mesoporous and microporous nanocrystalline silicon-doped titania

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Armin Reller, Bernd Wagner, Axel Tuma und Jens Soentgen (Hrsg.)
Jahresbericht 2002 / Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt

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O. Carp, L. Patron und Armin Reller
Thermal behavior of the coordination compound [Co(urea)6](NO3)2

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Anke Weidenkaff, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, T. Lippert, M. J. Montenegro und Armin Reller
Carbon Nanotube-Perovskite-Composites as new electrode material

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Katrin Sommer, Peter Pfeifer und Armin Reller
Fettreduzierte Brotaufstriche: vom Anfangsunterricht zum Hochschulpraktikum

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Yuhong Zhang, Anke Weidenkaff und Armin Reller
Mesoporous structure and phase transition of nanocrystalline TiO2

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Anke Weidenkaff, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Ph. Mauronb, Armin Reller, Yu-Hong Zhang und A. Züttel
Metal nanoparticles for the production of carbon nanotube composite materials by decomposition of different carbon sources

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Erik Krupicka, Anke Weidenkaff und Armin Reller
Morphology of nanoscaled LaMO3-particles (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) derived by citrate precursors in aqueous and alcoholic solvents

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Yuhong Zhang und Armin Reller
Nanotubes in Si-doped titanium dioxide

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Yu-Hong Zhang und Armin Reller
Phase transformation and grain growth of doped nanosized titania

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Hans-Georg Wiedemann, Elisabeth Arpagaus, Dieter Müller, Claudia Marcolli, Silke Weigel und Armin Reller
Pigments of the bust of Nefertete compared with those of the Karnak Talatats

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Anke Weidenkaff, A. Steinfeld und Armin Reller
Regenerative synthetic fuels

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S. Stucki und Armin Reller
Regenerative synthetic fuels

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Armin Reller und I. Cyphelly
Speicherung gasformiger Energietrager: eine Bestandsaufnahme

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O Carp, L Patron, L Diamandescu und Armin Reller
Thermal decomposition study of the coordination compound [Fe(urea)6](NO3)3

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Klaus Pucher, Joachim Hemberger, Franz Mayr, Veronika Fritsch, Alois Loidl, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Stefan Klimm, Robert Horny, Siegfried R. Horn, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller und R. J. Cava
Transport, magnetic, thermodynamic, and optical properties in Ti-doped Sr2RuO4

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Alexander J. B. Zehnder und Armin Reller
Water issues

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Armin Reller, Simon Mei?ner, James G. Veras und Isabelle Sécher
Water: a future energy problem

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Peter J. Klar, P. M. A. Vicente, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus und Armin Reller
Cationic and anionic modifications of La2?xSrxCu1?yRuyO4?δ studied by Raman spectroscopy

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Zhiwei Hu und Armin Reller
Determination of the Oxidation States of Cu and Ru in the System La2?xSrxCu1?yRuyO4?δ by XANES-Measurements

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Armin Reller
Die Farben des Himmels: ?gyptisch Blau und Han Blau

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Bernd Renner, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus und Armin Reller
EXAFS-study of perovskite related doped copper-tantalates

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Olav Becker, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Bernd Renner und Armin Reller
Fine-tuning the physical properties of perovskite-related La-Ti-oxides by merely altering the oxygen stoichiometry

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Yu-Hong Zhang, Anke Weidenkaff und Armin Reller
Mesoporous structure and phase transition of nanocrystalline TiO2

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Yu-Hong Zhang und Armin Reller
Nanocrystalline iron-doped mesoporous titania and its phase transition

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Yu-Hong Zhang und Armin Reller
Phase transformation and grain growth of doped nanosized titania

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Anke Weidenkaff, Armin Reller und Aldo Steinfeld
Solar production of Zinc from the Zinc Silicate Ore Willemite

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Giuseppino Fortunato, Hans-Rudolf Oswald und Armin Reller
Spinel-type oxide catalysts for low temperature CO oxidation generated by use of an ultrasonic aerosol pyrolysis process

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Giuseppino Fortunato, Hans-Rudolf Oswald und Armin Reller
Spinel-type oxide catalysts for low temperature CO oxidation generated by use of an ultrasonic aerosol pyrolysis process

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Anke Weidenkaff, Armin Reller, F. Sibieude, Alexander Wokaun und Aldo Steinfeld
Experimental investigations on the crystallization of zinc by direct irradiation of zinc oxide in a solar furnace

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Olav Becker, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Bernd Renner und Armin Reller
Fine-tuning the physical properties of perovskite related La-Ti-oxides by merely altering the oxygen stoichiometry

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Armin Reller, Anke Weidenkaff, Giuseppino Fortunato, Olav-Sven Becker und Georg Bednorz
Mechanistische Untersuchungen an Redoxprozessen in Metalloxiden

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Zhiwei Hu, H. von Lips, M. S. Golden, J. Fink, G. Kaindl, F. M. F. de Groot, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus und Armin Reller
Multiplet effects in the Ru L2,3 x-ray-absorption spectra of Ru(IV) and Ru(V) compounds

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Armin Reller, Michael Braungart, Jens Soth und Ole von Uexküll
Silicone: eine vollsynthetische Materialklasse macht Geschichte(n)

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M. Karus, O. Kalogirou, W. Gunsser und Armin Reller
The effect of humidity on the conductivity processes in polycrystalline Cu2+-stabilised K+-β″-ferrite

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H. G. Wiedemann und Armin Reller
Thermal reactivity of fossilized dinosaur eggshells

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Anke Weidenkaff, Armin Reller, Alexander Wokaun und Aldo Steinfeld
Thermogravimetric analysis of the ZnO/Zn water splitting cycle

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Armin Reller
Wasserstoff – Wunderstoff?

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Anke Weidenkaff, Aldo Steinfeld, Alexander Wokaun und Armin Reller
CO2 abatement by producing new solar energy carriers - product formation in high temperature solar chemistry

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Anke Weidenkaff, Aldo Steinfeld, Alexander Wokaun, P. O. Auer, B. Eichler und Armin Reller
Direct solar thermal dissociation of zinc oxide : Condensation and crystallisation of zinc in the presence of oxygen

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Thomas Rentschler und Armin Reller
Optimal particle size is essential - Particle size investigations and durability of different TiO2 pigmentary and nanocrystalline powder

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Armin Reller, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, R. K?hn, M. Fr?ba, U. Sazama und P. Fortunato
Redox processes in polynary copper oxides and copper oxide / mesoporous silica composites

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A. Meier, V.A. Kirillov, G.G. Kuvshinov, Yu. I. Mogilnykh, Armin Reller, Aldo Steinfeld und Anke Weidenkaff
Solar thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide for the production of catalytic filamentous carbon

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Michael Fr?ba und Armin Reller
Synthesis and reactivity of functional metal oxides in nanoscopic systems

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K. Ehrensberger, H. W. Schmalle, H. R. Oswald und Armin Reller
Thermochemical reactivity of transition metal acetates and of a novel DMSO solvate of iron(II) acetate in molecular hydrogen

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S. C. Abrahams, H. W. Schmalle, T. Williams, Armin Reller, Frank Lichtenberg, D. Widmer, J. G. Bednorz, R. Spreiter, Ch. Bosshard und P. Günter
Centrosymmetric or noncentrosymmetric? case study, generalization and structural redetermination of Sr5Nb5O17

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Hans Georg Wiedemann, Gerhard Bayer und Armin Reller
Egyptian Blue and Chinese Blue: production technologies and applications of two historically important blue pigments

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Heiko Thoms, Matthias Epple, Michael Froba, Joe Wong und Armin Reller
Metal diolates: useful precursors for tailor-made oxides prepared at low temperatures

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A. Steinfeld und Armin Reller
Solar thermochemical production of hydrogen using metal oxide redox systems

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A. Steinfeld, P. Kuhn, Armin Reller, R. Palumbo, J. Murray und Y. Tamaura
Solar-processed metals as clean energy carriers and water-splitters

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Hans Georg Wiedemann, J?rg Nerbel und Armin Reller
Structuring and texturing aluminum oxides

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I. Lamprecht, Armin Reller, R. Riesen und H. G. Wiedemann
Ca-Oxalate films and microbiological investigations of the influence of ancient pigments on the growth of lichens: thermogravimetric / thermomicroscopic analyses

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Armin Reller
Die Geduld des Bodens

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P. Fortunato, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Generation of mixed metal oxides by use of an ultrasonic aerosol thermal decomposition process

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C. Hunzinger, R. Toedtli, M. Agthe, E. Moser, Armin Reller und R. Werder
Integrales Qualit?tsmanagement: die ?kologische Dimension als Angelpunkt der Unternehmensentwicklung

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A. Krummland, M. Epple, G. Klar und Armin Reller
Intercalation and deintercalation of iodine into 2,3,8,9-Tetramethoxydibenzo[c,e][1,2]- dithiin:? a detailed mechanistic study of a gas?solid reaction leading to an organic conductor?

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Heiko Thoms, Matthias Epple und Armin Reller
Magnesium diolates as precursors for MgO: a low-temperature route

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Anke Weidenkaff, P. Nüesch, A. Wokaun und Armin Reller
Mechanistic studies of the water-splitting reaction for producing solar hydrogen

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M. Fr?ba, O. Muth und Armin Reller
Mesostructured TiO2: ligand-stabilized synthesis and characterization

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L. Dufour, Armin Reller und M. S. Whittingham

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M. Wyss, Armin Reller und Hans Rudolf Oswald
Preparation and thermochemical reactivity of strontium iron zirconium oxides SrFe1-xZrxO3-δ

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Aldo Steinfeld, V.A. Kirillov, G.G. Kuvshinov, Yu. I. Mogilnykh und Armin Reller
Production of filamentous carbon and hydrogen by solarthermal catalytic cracking of methane

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A. Priese und Armin Reller
Structure and reactivity of Pr2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus und Armin Reller
Structure and thermochemical reactivity of La2?xSrxCu1?xRuyO4?δ

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J. Modlich, O. Jarchov, T. Rentschler, Armin Reller und U. Bismayer
Synthesis and characterization of Pb(Mg, Mn, Nb)O3

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S. Felder-Casagrande, H. G. Wiedemann und Armin Reller
The calcination of limestone: studies on the past, the presence and the future of a crucial industrial process

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V.P. Tolstoy, I.V. Murin und Armin Reller
The synthesis of Mn(IV) oxide nanolayers by the successive ionic layer deposition method

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H. Thoms, Matthias Epple und Armin Reller
The thermal decomposition of magnesium alcoholates to magnesia (MgO): studies by IR and thermal analysis

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Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Michael Fr?ba und Armin Reller
The “Realstruktur” of the system La2-xSrxCu1-yRuyO4-δ studied by rietveld and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy?

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Armin Reller und Judith Gerstenberg
Wei?es Gold, wohin? Stand und Aussichten der Baumwollnutzung

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A. Priese und Armin Reller
Doping of Gd2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11-?

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Nancy S. Goroff und Armin Reller
Mechanism of fullerene formation

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W. Bensch, P. Dürichen, O. Helmer, Armin Reller und U. Sazama
Metal selective redox processes in the ternary compound ZrSiTe

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Hansjürg Bücht und Armin Reller
Regionalisierung der Stoff- und Energieflüsse: ein sinnvolles Ziel?

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Matthias Epple, Uta Sazama, Armin Reller, Nicole Hilbrandt, Manfred Martin und Larc Tr?ger
Simultaneous X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (XAFS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

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A. Steinfeld, P. Kuhn, Armin Reller, R. Palumbo, J. Murray und Y. Tamaura
Solar-processed metals as clean energy carriers and water splitters

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Markus Huppenbauer und Armin Reller
Stoff, Zeit und Energie: ein transdisziplin?rer Beitrag zu ?kologischen Fragen

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T Rentschler und Armin Reller
Synthesis and characterization of the Aurivillius phases Bi2 ? xPbxSr1 ? xNdxNb2O9

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F Reifler und Armin Reller
Synthesis, structure und thermochemical reactivity of bismuth methoxide, BiOOCH3

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H. Thoms, M. Epple und Armin Reller
The low-temperature way to oxides via alcoholate precursors: structure, reactivity, morphology

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U. Sazama und Armin Reller
The thermochemical reactivity of silicate minerals in hydrogen and methane

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Hans Georg Wiedemann und Armin Reller
Thermoanalytical investigations on the formation, properties and reactivity of carbon modifications

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Melitta G?rtner, Allan Pring und Armin Reller
A new family of layered lanthanide iron tungstates (Ln2W4O15)·n(Fe2W2O9)

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H. W. Schmalle, T. Williams, Armin Reller, Frank Lichtenberg, D. Widmer und J. G. Bednorz
A novel semiconducting perovskite-related phase: Sr5Nb5O17

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A. V. Petrov, S. C. Parker und Armin Reller
Computer simulation of the oxygen mobility in CaMnO3-x

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S. C. Abrahams, J. Ravez, A. Simon, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Cu(OH)2: a new ferroelectric

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Armin Reller
Die 拉斯维加斯赌城 nach materieller Sicherheit und kultureller Lebensf?higkeit

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Heiko Thoms, Matthias Epple, Heiko Viebrock und Armin Reller
Magnesium alcoholates as precursors for magnesia

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Matthias Epple, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Armin Reller, Ulrich Gloistein und Heiko K. Cammenga
Organic solid—solid reactions: exploration of the synthetic potential

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J.-D. Grunwaldt, W. Gunβer, Th. Danger, K. Petermann und Armin Reller
Determination of a new titanium site in Ti:YA103

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Armin Reller
Hans Georg Wiedemann glimpses of an iridescent life

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A. Baiker, P. Marti, P. Keusch, E. Fritsch und Armin Reller
Influence of the A-site cation in ACoO3 (A = La, Pr, Nd, and Gd) perovskite-type oxides on catalytic activity for methane combustion

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O. Guthmann, Armin Reller, B. Kastening und J. Roedel
Processing of gradient materials with directed electrochemical oxidation of carbon foams

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P. Kuhn, A. Steinfeld und Armin Reller
Solar thermal production of basic chemicals: possibilities, potentials and processes

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Norbert Winkhofer, Andreas Voigt, Hendrik Dorn, Herbert W. Roesky, Alexander Steiner, Dietmar Stalke und Armin Reller
Stabile Silantriole als Synthesebausteine für Titanasilasesquioxane: Modellverbindungen für titandotierte Zeolithe

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Norbert Winkhofer, Andreas Voigt, Hendrik Dorn, Herbert W. Roesky, Alexander Steiner, Dietmar Stalke und Armin Reller
Stable silanetriols as building blocks for the synthesis of titanasilasesquioxanes? model compounds for titanium-doped zeolites

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Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Structural and morphological changes characterizing reversible de-ammination/re-ammination processes in NiPt(CN)4(NH3)2

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Melitta G?rtner, Dirk Abeln, Allan Pring, Michael Wilde und Armin Reller
Synthesis, structure, and reactivity of novel lanthanum tungstates

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Marek Maciejewski, Hans-Rudolf Oswald und Armin Reller
Thermal transformations of vaterite and calcite

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Armin Reller
Wasserstoff - der Energietr?ger für alle Zukunft? Ein Kommentar zur 10th World Hydrogen Energy Conference and Exhibition in Cocoa Bea, Florida, USA, 20.-24. Juni 1994

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Thilo Belz, Harald Werner, Friedrich Zemlin, Ursula Klengler, Michael Wesemann, Bernd Tesche, Elmar Zeitler, Armin Reller und Robert Schl?gl
Zum Mechanismus der Bildung von Fullerenen

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Barbara Emmenegger, Kuno Gurtner und Armin Reller (Hrsg.)
Baukultur — Wohnkultur — ?kologie: Tagungsband zum 5. interdisziplin?ren Symposium an der Universit?t Zürich im April 1992

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William D. Birch, Allan Pring, Armin Reller und Helmut W. Schmalle
Bernalite, Fe(OH)3, a new mineral from Broken Hill, New South Wales: description and structure

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Armin Reller
Chemical and physical implications of cationic and anionic modifications in perovskite related metal oxides

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H. Werner, M. Wohlers, D. Herein, D. Bublak, J. Bl?cker, R. Schl?gl und Armin Reller
Fullerene black: soot or something new?

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P.-M. Wilde, E. Fritsch, Armin Reller, V. Gauché und P. Brunner
Generation and characterization of supported films of transition metal and rare earth metal oxide catalysts

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Tim Williams, Frank Lichtenberg, Daniel Widmer, J.Georg Bednorz und Armin Reller
Layered perovskitic structures in pure and doped LaTiO3.5-x and SrNbO3.5-x

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T. Mallat, Z. Bodnar, A. Baiker, O. Greis, H. Strubig und Armin Reller
Preparation of promoted platinum catalysts of designed geometry and the role of promoters in the liquid-phase oxidation of 1-Methoxy-2-propanol

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S. Aschwanden, H.W. Schmalle, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Preparation, crystal structure and thermal behaviour of cobalt-ethylenediamine-vanadate

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S. Aschwanden, H.W. Schmalle, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Preparation, crystal structure, thermal and catalytical behaviour of copper diammine divanadate

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Hans-Rudolf Oswald, S. Feldercasagrande und Armin Reller
Structure and properties of perovskite-related Sr-Ru-Ti-O phases

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M. Maciejewski, A. Baiker, H. Viebrock, U. Sazama, P. Wilde und Armin Reller
Structure and thermochemical reactivity of Cu(NH3)2CO3

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H. W. Schmalle, T. Williams, Armin Reller, A. Linden und J. G. Bednorz
The twin structure of La2Ti2O7: X-ray and transmission electron microscopy studies

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Armin Reller, P. M. Wilde und H. G. Wiedemann
Thermal reactivity of jadeite and nephrite

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M. Sturzenegger, Hans-Rudolf Oswald und Armin Reller
Thermochemical reactivity of delafossite-type AgNi0.5Ti0.5O2 and CuNi0.5Ti0.5O2 in O2 and H2

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E. Garcia, M. Valletregi, Armin Reller und J. Gonzalezcalbet
Thermogravimetric and microstructural studies on YBa2Cu3?xFexOy

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W. D. Birch, A. Pring, Armin Reller und H. Schmalle
Bernalite: a new ferric hydroxide with perovskite structure

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D. A. Jefferson, A.I. Kirkland, Armin Reller, D. Tang, T.B. Williams und W. Thou
Bulk and surface structure of oxide particles using HREM

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Armin Reller, P.-M. Wilde, H.G. Wiedemann, H. Hauptmann und G. Bonani
Comparative studies of ancient mortars from Giza, Egypt, and Nevali ?Ori, Turkey

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H. G. Wiedemann und Armin Reller
Comparative thermochemical studies of carbonaceous Chondrites

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F. Atamny, R. Schl?gl und Armin Reller
Micromorphology of carbon black

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R. Kernke, P. Hug, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Thermal reduction and reoxidation of spinel-type Cu1?xZnxAl2O4

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Frank Lichtenberg, T. Williams, Armin Reller, D. Widmer und J. G. Bednorz
Electric and magnetic properties of the first layered conducting titanium and niobium oxides

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Tim Williams, Frank Lichtenberg, Armin Reller und Georg Bednorz
New layered perovskites in the SrRuO system: A transmission electron microscope study

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Tim Williams, Helmut Schmalle, Armin Reller, Frank Lichtenberg, Daniel Widmer und Georg Bednorz
On the crystal structures of La2Ti2O7 and La5Ti5O17: high-resolution electron microscopy

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Frank Lichtenberg, D. Widmer, J. G. Bednorz, T. Williams und Armin Reller
Phase diagram of LaTiOx: from 2D layered ferroelectric insulator to 3D weak ferromagnetic semiconductor

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Armin Reller und Stella Casagrande
Structural properties and thermochemical reactivity of superconducting mixed copper oxide phases

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C. Padeste, Hans-Rudolf Oswald und Armin Reller
The thermal behaviour of pure and nickel-doped hydromagnesite in different atmospheres

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Armin Reller, Rebecca Emmenegger, Celestino Padeste und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Thermochemical reactivity of metal carbonates

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Gerd Meyer, Elke Manek und Armin Reller
(NH4)2[Pr(NO3)5(H2O)2]·2 H2O Kristallstruktur und thermisches Verhalten

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A. U. Gehring, R. Karthein und Armin Reller
Activated state in the lepidocrocite structure during thermal treatment

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A. Pring, W. D. Birch und Armin Reller
An occurrence of lead oxycarbonate (PbCO3.PbO) as a mine fire product at Broken Hill, New South Wales

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Armin Reller und T. Williams
ChemInform Abstract: Perovskites: Chemical Chameleons

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M Maciejewski und Armin Reller
Chemical and structural transformations in the system Mo/MoOx in reducing and oxidizing atmospheres

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J.B. Wiley, M. Sabat, S.-J. Hwu, K.R. Poeppelmeier, Armin Reller und T. Williams
LaSrCuAlO5: a new oxygen-deficient perovskite structure

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A. Baiker, D. Gasser, J. Lenzner, Armin Reller und R. Schlogl
Oxidation of carbon monoxide over palladium on zirconia prepared from amorphous Pd1Zr2 alloy I.: bulk structural, morphological, and catalytic properties of catalyst

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Wolfgang Bensch, Helmut W. Schmalle und Armin Reller
Structure and thermochemical reactivity of CaRuO3 and SrRuO3

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Hans-Rudolf Oswald, Armin Reller, H. W. Schmalle und E. Dubler
Structure of copper(II) hydroxide, Cu(OH)2

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H. Schmalle, Ch. Gurtner, Hans-Rudolf Oswald und Armin Reller
The crystal structure of SrIrO3

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C. Padeste, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
The influence of transition metals on the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate in hydrogen

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Armin Reller, H. Maurer und R. Padeste
The use of solar energy for the generation of carbon compounds from natural metal carbonates and for the thermochemical reduction of metal oxides

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Armin Reller
Thermochemical reactivity of superconducting mixed copper oxides

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Joan Davis und Armin Reller
Wasser: Symbol und Grundlage des Lebens

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Hans-Rudolf Oswald, P. Kuhn und Armin Reller
Bimetallic phases from reduction of delafossite-type oxides in hydrogen

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Hans-Rudolf Oswald, P. Kuhn und Armin Reller
Bimetallic phases from reduction of delafossite-type oxides in hydrogen

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Daniel Gutscher, Bruno Miihlethaler, Armin Portmann und Armin Reller
Conversion of azurite into tenorite

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Vera Bolis, Bice Fubini, Elio Giamello und Armin Reller
Effect of form of the surface reactivity of differently prepared zinc oxides

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Marek Maciejewski und Armin Reller
Formation of amorphous CaCO3 during the reaction of CO2 with CaO

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Armin Reller und D. L. Cocke
High resolution transmission electron microscopic (HRTEM) determination of the preferentially exposed faces on γ-Al2O3 and η-Al2O3

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Tim Williams, Yoshiteru Maeno, Iris Mangelschots, Armin Reller und Georg Bednorz
Oxygen vacancy ordering in superconducting Nd2?xCexCuO4?y

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D. Scarano, G. Spoto, A. Zecchina und Armin Reller
Relations between the morphology of ZnO microcrystals and their adsorptive properties towards CO as studied by IR spectroscopy

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W. Bensch, P. Hug, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
The crystal structure of Di (propan(1, 3)diammonium) divanadate

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W. Bensch, F. A. Reifler, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
The crystal structure of di(5-amino-3-thione-1,2,4-dithiazole)tris-thiocyanatobismuthate(III), (C2H2N2S3)2Bi(SCN)3

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M. Muhler, R. Schl?gl, Armin Reller und G. Ertl
The nature of the active phase of the Fe/K-catalyst for dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene

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Hans-Rudolf Oswald, Gisela Stauber-Reichmuth und Armin Reller
Transition-metal molybdenum or tungsten sulfides from amine precursors

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Hans-Rudolf Oswald, Gisela Stauber-Reichmuth und Armin Reller
Transition-metal molybdenum or tungsten sulfides from amine precursors

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W. Bensch, G. Stauber-Reichmuth, Armin Reller und H. R. Oswald
ChemInform Abstract: Single Crystal Structure of NH4CuMoS4.

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D. Scarano, A. Zecchina und Armin Reller
IR study of CO adsorption on α-Cr2O3

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A. Zecchina, D. Scarano und Armin Reller
Infrared spectra of CO adsorbed on prismatic faces of α-Fe2O3

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Armin Reller
Internal and external parameters determining properties and reactivity of solids

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A. Baiker und Armin Reller
Mixed gels of vanadia and silica: structural properties and catalytic behavior in selective reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia

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Armin Reller
Prerequisites for superconductivity in ceramics

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Armin Reller
Research and development activities on hydrogen technology in Switzerland

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Hans-Rudolf Oswald und Armin Reller
Structure and form of solids as ruling factors for their thermochemical reactivity

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Hans-Rudolf Oswald und Armin Reller
Synthesis and real structure of inorganic materials

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Armin Reller
Synthesis and thermal properties of superconducting mixed copper oxides

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Armin Reller
Synthesis and thermal properties of superconducting mixed copper oxides

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P. Kuhn, Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Synthesis, structure and thermal reduction behaviour of delafossite-type CuRhxAl1?xO2

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Armin Reller, J. G. Bednorz und K. A. Müller
Alternate structure for Ba2YCu3O7

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Armin Reller, H. Schmalle und W. Bensch
Comparative studies on the crystal structures of the perovskites CaRuO3and SrRuO3

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Armin Reller, C. Padeste und P. Hug
Formation of organic carbon compounds from metal carbonates

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Marek Maciejewski und Armin Reller
How (UN)reliable are kinetic data of reversible solid-state decomposition processes?

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A. Baiker, P. Dollenmeier und Armin Reller
Influence of the grain morphology of molybdenum trioxide on its catalytic properties: reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia

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W. Bensch, P. Hug, R. Emmenegger, Armin Reller und H. R. Oswald
Preparation, crystal structure and thermal behaviour of ethylenediammonium-molybdate

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W. Bensch, P. Hug, Armin Reller und H. R. Oswald
Preparation, crystal structure and thermal behaviour of ethylenediammonium-vanadate

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A. Baiker, P. Dollenmeier, M. Glinski und Armin Reller
Selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia: I. monolayer and multilayers of vanadia supported on titania

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A. Baiker, P. Dollenmeier, M. Glinski und Armin Reller
Selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia: II. monolayers of vanadia immobilized on titania—silica mixed gels

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Robert Schl?gl, Klaus Noack, Heinz Zbinden und Armin Reller
The microstructure of selective palladium hydrogenation catalysts supported on calcium carbonate and modified by lead (LindlarCatalysts), studied by photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction, and electron microscopy

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Wolfgang Bensch und Armin Reller
Crystal structure of barium nitrite, Ba(NO2)2

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H. R. Oswald und Armin Reller
Einflüsse struktureller Gegebenheiten auf den Verlauf von heterogenen Festk?rperreaktionen

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Armin Reller und Hans-Rudolf Oswald
Mechanism and kinetics of thermal decompositions of solids governed by phase boundary processes

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Armin Reller
Reversible Reduktions- und Reoxidationsprozesse des Typs ABO3 ? ABO3-X an Perovskitischen Metalloxiden

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Marek Maciejewski, Armin Reller und Alfons Baiker
Influence of the grain morphology of V2O5 on its reduction-reoxidation behaviour

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D. Monti, Armin Reller und Alfons Baiker
Methanol oxidation on K2SO4-promoted vanadium pentoxide: activity, reducibility, and structure of catalysts

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Kanamaluru Vidyasagar, Armin Reller, Jagannatha Gopalakrishnan und C. N. Ramachandra Rao
Oxygen vacancy ordering in superlatives of the two novel oxides, La2Ni2O5 and La2Co2O5, prepared by low temperature reduction of the parent perovskites

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Armin Reller, G. Davoodabady und H. R. Oswald
Reversible topotactic reduction of perovskite-related calcium manganese oxides

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B. Sollberger, Armin Reller und H. R. Oswald
Structural and morphological changes in the course of the thermal decomposition of Ni(en)3Pt(CN)4·H2O to NiPt(CN)4

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N.Z. Lyakhov, M. Maciejewski und Armin Reller
Theoretical considerations on the temperature and pressure dependence of the kinetics of reversible thermal decomposition processes of solids

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H. R. Oswald und Armin Reller
Thermal analysis as a tool for investigations in metal oxide chemistry

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Armin Reller, A. Portmann und H. R. Oswald
Thermoanalytical, structural and morphological studies on the mechanism of the decomposition of ME(SCN)2 TO MES2 (ME = CO/NI)

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Armin Reller und H. R. Oswald
Experimental approach to the determination of mechanism and kinetics of heterogeneous solid state reactionsA S →B S +C G

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H. R. Oswald, Armin Reller und M Maciejewski
Experimental determination of specific reaction rates for solid state decomposition processes exhibiting a ‘contracting volume’ behaviour

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J.L. Lieven, Armin Reller und D. A. Jefferson
Structural consequences of Nb-substitution into Bi2WO6 and Bi2MoO6: high-resolution electron microscopic observations

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Armin Reller, J. M. Thomas, D. A. Jefferson und M. K. Uppal
Superstructures formed by the ordering of vacancies in a selective oxidation catalyst: grossly defective CaMnO formula

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Armin Reller, David A. Jefferson, John M. Thomas und Mahesh K. Uppal
Oxygen vacancy ordering in a selective oxidation catalyst: calcium manganese oxide (CaMnO2.8)

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Erich Dubler, Armin Reller und H. R. Oswald
Intermediates in thermal decomposition of nickel(II) complexes: the crystal structures of Ni(SCN)2(NH3)2and Ni(SCN)2

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Armin Reller, David A. Jefferson, John M. Thomas, Robert A. Beyerlein und Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier
Three new ordering schemes for oxygen vacancies in CaMnO3–xsuperlattices based on square-pyramidal co-ordination of Mn3+

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Armin Reller
Kinetisch-mechanistische Untersuchungen thermischer Zersetzungsreaktionen einkristalliner Nickel(II)-Komplexe

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E. Dubler, Z. Kopajtic, Armin Reller und G. B. Jameson
Molecular and crystal structures of urate salts

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Armin Reller und H. R. Oswald
Experimental requirements for the determination of kinetics and mechanism for decomposition reactions of solids

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Armin Reller, H. R. Beer und H. R. Oswald
Thermoanalytik an kleinen Einkristallen von Komplexen

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