

Strategic aim

The focus of research and teaching activities is on holistic process optimisation to reduce the use of resources in production through the use of data-based methods. On the one hand, we are working on the production processes themselves in order to adapt them in terms of holistic process chain optimisation. On the other hand, we are researching? real-time capable process modelling that can be used in real time for process control or for optimising inverse process parameters. This enables finding process settings to achieve desired specific product properties. The combination of in-depth process knowledge and modern data-based methods offers great potential for these goals. On the process side, the focus is on? sustainable processing of foundry materials.

Contact Person

Assistant Professor
Data-driven Materials Processing



General contact information:

Postal address:

Augsburg University
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Lechner
Am Technologiezentrum 8
D-86135 Augsburg

Phone:?+49 821 598 -69390

Fax:?+49 821 598 -69111



Visiting address:

Augsburg University
Institute for Materials Resource Management
Am Technologiezentrum 8
D-86159 Augsburg
Building W

Room 2013

? University of Augsburg
