



  • Raw metal needs and supply risks for the development of wind energy in Germany until 2050
    Shammugam, S.; Gervais, E; Schlegl, T; Rathgeber, A.
    Journal of Cleaner Production 221 (2019), p. 738-752
  • Causality between metal prices: Is joint consumption a more important determinant than joint production of main and by-product metals?
    Shammugam, S.; Rathgeber, A.W.; Schlegl, T.
    Resources Policy, 61, 2019, pp. 49-66.
  • What drives financial hedging? A meta-regression analysis of corporate hedging determinants
    Geyer-Klingeberg J.; Hang M.; Rathgeber A. W.
    International Review of Financial Analysis, 2019, 61, pp. 203-221.
  • It is merely a matter of time: A meta-analysis of the causality between environmental performance and financial performance
    Hang M.; Geyer-Klingeberg J.; Rathgeber A. W.
    Business Strategy and the Environment, 2019, 28(2), pp. 257-273.


  • Measuring Life Cycle Costs for Complex B2B Products: A Novel, Integrated and Practical Methodology across Disciplines for Pricing Maintenance Contracts
    Schlipf, M.; Keller, C.; Lutzenberger, F.; Pfosser, S.; Rathgeber, A.
    Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 2018, forthcoming.
  • Measurement matters - A meta-study of the determinants of corporate capital structure
    Hang M., Geyer-Klingeberg J., Rathgeber A.W., St?ckl S.
    Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2018, 68, pp. 211-225.
  • Economic development matters: A meta-regression analysis on the relation between environmental management and financial performance
    Hang, M.; Geyer-Klingeberg J.; Rathgeber, A.W.; St?ckl, S.
    Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2018, 22(4), pp. 720-744.
  • Do stock markets react to soccer games? A meta-regression analysis.
    Geyer-Klingeberg J.; Hang M.; Walter M.; Rathgeber A.W.
    Applied Economics, 2018, 50(19), pp. 2171-2189.
  • Understanding loan loss reserves under IFRS 9: A simulation-based approach
    Seitz, B; Dinh, T.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, 2018.
  • What do we really know about corporate hedging? A meta-analytical study
    Geyer-Klingeberg, J.; Hang, M.; Rathgeber, A.W.; Stoeckl, S.; Walter, M.
    Business Research, 2018, 11(1), pp. 1-31.


  • Financialization of metal commodity markets: Does futures trading influence spot prices and volatility?
    Mayer, H.G.; Rathgeber, A.W.; Wanner, M.
    Resources Policy, 53, 2017, pp. 300-316.
  • Resilienzkonstruktionen: Divergenz und Konvergenz von Theoriemodellen. Eine konzeptionell-empirische Analyse
    B?schen, S.; Binder, C.R.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    GAiA, 26(S1), 2017, pp. 216-224.
  • A truly market-value weighted commodity index
    Ludwig, M.; Mayer, H.G.; Rathgeber, A.W.; Spriegel, C.; Vogg, F.
    Journal of Asset Management, 18(3), 2017, pp. 222-242.
  • Fitting generalized hyperbolic processes - new insights for generating initial values
    Rathgeber, A.W.; Stadler, J.; St?ckl, S.
    Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46(7), 2017, pp. 5752-5762.
  • Metals: resources or financial assets? A multivariate cross-sectional analysis
    Lutzenberger, F.; Gleich, B.; Mayer, H.G.; Stepanek, C.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Empirical Economics, 53(3), 2017, pp. 927-958.
  • Die Bewertung von Genussscheinen zwischen Fremd- und Eigenkapitalcharakteristika
    Fock, H.; Rathgeber A.W.
    Die Unternehmung, 71. Jg., 1/2017, pp. 74-97.


  • Market Pricing of Credit Linked Notes - The Influence of the Financial Crises
    Walter, M.; H?ckel, B.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Journal of Credit Risk, 12(1), 2016, pp. 43-74.
  • Modeling share returns - An empirical study on the Variance Gamma model
    Rathgeber, A.W.; Stadler, J.; St?ckl, S.
    Journal of Economics and Finance, 40(4), 2016, pp. 653-682.


  • Pricing fx forwards in OTC markets – new evidence for the pricing mechanism when faced with counterparty risk
    Leonhardt, A.; Rathgeber, A.W.; Stadler, J.; St?ckl, S.
    Applied Economics, 47(27), 2015, pp. 2860-2877.
  • Recovery rate in the event of an issuer’s insolvency – empirical study on implications for the pricing of credit default risks in German corporate bonds
    Friesenegger, A.; St?ckl, S.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 18(4), 2015, pp. 1550023 (34 pages).
  • Pricing anomaly at the first sight: same borrower in different currencies faces different credit spreads – an explanation by means of a quanto option
    Rathgeber, A.W.; Rudolph, D.; St?ckl, S.
    Review of Derivatives Research, 18(2), 2015, pp. 107-143.
  • Determinants of the price of high-tech metals: An event study.
    Wanner M.; Gaugler T.; Gleich B.; Rathgeber A.
    Natural Resources Research, 24(2), 2015, pp. 139-159.


  • Guaranteed stop orders as portfolio insurance - an analysis for the german stock market
    Leicht, J.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds (consolidated with Journal of Asset Management), 20(4), 2014, pp. 257-278.
  • Determinants of corporate hedging: A (statistical) meta-analysis
    Arnold, M.; Rathgeber, A.W.; Stoeckl, S.
    Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 54(4), 2014, pp. 443-458.
  • The by-product effect on metal markets – new insights to the price behavior of minor metals
    Afflerbach, P.; Fridgen, G.; Keller, R.; Rathgeber, A.W.; Strobel, F.
    Resources Policy, 42(1), 2014, pp. 35-44.


  • Is the convenience yield a good indicator for a commodity’s supply risk
    Stepanek, C.; Walter, M.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Resources Policy, 38(3), 2013, pp. 395-405.
  • An empirical approach to determine specific weights of driving factors for the price of commodities - A contribution to the measurement of the economic scarcity of minerals and metals
    Gleich, B.; Achzet, B.; Mayer, H.G.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Resources Policy, 38(3), 2013, pp. 350-362.
  • Die Absicherung von Rohstoffrisiken - Eine Disziplinen übergreifende Herausforderung für Unternehmen
    Fridgen, G.; K?nig, C.; Mette, P.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 65(2), 2013, pp. 167-190.


  • Market pricing of credit-linked notes: The case of retail structured products in Germany
    Rathgeber A.W.; Wang, Y.
    Journal of Credit Risk, 7(4), 2011/2012, pp. 73-101.


  • Regionales Clustering im Ausschüttungsverhalten von Sparkassen
    Rathgeber, A.W.; Wallmeier, M.
    Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81(12), 2011, pp. 1341-1377.
  • The route to rescource-efficient novel materials
    Krohns S.; Lunkenheimer P.; Meissner S.; Reller A.; Gleich B.; Rathgeber A. W.; Gaugler T.; Buhl H. U.; Sinclar D.; Loidl A.
    Nature Materials, 10(12), 2011, pp. 899-901.


  • Die Ausschüttungen von Sparkassen – Rechtliche und empirische Bestandsaufnahme
    Steiner, M.; Rathgeber, A.W.
    Zeitschrift für Bankwirtschaft und Bankrecht, 21(4), 2009, pp. 299-312.


  • Why Germany was supposed to be drawn in the group of death and why it escaped? A non serious look at the FIFA World Cup 2006
    Rathgeber, A.W.; Rathgeber H.
    Chance - Magazine of the American Statistical Association, 20(2), 2007, pp. 22-24.
  • Optionsbewertung unter Lévy-Prozessen: eine Analyse für den deutschen Aktienindex
    Rathgeber, A.W.
    Kredit und Kapital, 40(3), 2007, pp. 451-484.


  • Die Eigenmittelunterlegung nach Basel II aus Sicht der Kapitalstrukturtheorie
    Rathgeber A.W.; Wallmeier, M.
    Die Unternehmung: Swiss journal of business research and practice, 59(6), 2005, pp. 519-534.
  • Die Entwicklung des Kreditrisikomanagements in deutschen Banken 2000-2003 – Eine empirische Untersuchung
    Rathgeber, A.W.; Steiner, M.; Willinsky, C.
    Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, 17(3), 2005, pp. 153-165.
