

Section Physics and Materials Science

Molecular biophysics, single-molecule force and torque spectroscopy, AFM imaging, small-angle X-ray scattering
Ultrafast phenomena in quantum materials, at functional interfaces and in magnetic systems
Quantum materials, optical spectroscopy, extreme conditions
magnetic thin film systems, magnetic coupling phenomena, magnetic spin textures, spintronics, magnonics, thermoelectric material
Charge transport, photophysics and device physics of organic semiconductors; organic light-emitting diodes, semiconductor nanocrystal LEDs
Quantum transport, theory of electronic structure, nanostructures
Casimir effect and dissipative quantum systems
Theoretical Biophysics and Statistical Physics
Biopolymer networks, active matter, liquid state theories, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
Nanoporous materials, Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), Metal complexes, Gas separation processes, Fibre-reinforced construction materials, Large scale 3D printing
Solid state chemistry, silicate analog materials, luminescent materials, rare earth chemistry
Microfluidics, Biosensors, Lab-on-a-Chip, 3D Printing, Biotechnology, Cell Culture Technology
Atmospheric dynamics and IR remote sensing of atmospheric night glow
Low temperature plasmas, plasma diagnostic, fusion research, plasma material interaction
Physics of Biomolecules, computational and theoretical Biophysics, molecular dynamic simulations
Semiconductor spin qubits, Driven quantum systems, Hybrid semiconductor-superconductor devices, Quantum simulations
Mathematics in physics learning, teacher professionalisation, STEM identity negotiations of pupils

Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM)

Magnetism and Coherent X-Ray Imaging (MaXRay)
Quantum matter with strong electronic correlations, frustrated magnetism
Momentum- and energy-resolved quantum matter
Dynamics in correlated quantum matter, machine learning in quantum physics
correlated electron systems, superconductivity, magnetism, topological solids
Numerical Methods for many-body systems
Quantum Many-Body Physics, Strongly Correlated Light-Matter Systems, Nonequilibrium Field Theory

Young Investigator Groups

Spintronics with Chiral Helimagnetic Insulators

Associated work groups

Phase transformations in biological systems and microfluidic hybrid systems
