

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Vollhardt

Theoretical Physics III
Phone: +49-(0)821-598-3105
Room: 413 (S)
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 1 (Physik Süd), 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum Vitae

Dieter Vollhardt studied physics at the University of Hamburg during 1971-1976. From 1976 to 1979 he worked with Professor Kazumi Maki at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles on the theory of critical currents in superfluid Helium?3. This was also the topic of his Diploma Thesis (1977) and his Doctoral Thesis (1979) at the University of Hamburg. From 1979 to 1984 Dieter Vollhardt was Research Associate of Professor Peter W?lfle, and from 1984 to 1987 a Heisenberg-Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), at the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics and Astrophysics (Heisenberg-Institute) in Munich. During this time he also stayed at various research institutions in the U.S., including the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, and Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill. In 1984 he completed his Habilitation at the Technical University of Munich. In 1987 Dieter Vollhardt was appointed to the Chair in Theoretical Physics C, and became Director at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, at the RWTH Aachen University. From 1996 until 2018 he held the Chair in Theoretical Physics on Electronic Correlations and Magnetism at the Institute of Physics of the University of Augsburg. Since then Dieter Vollhardt is an Emeritus at the Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg.


Dieter Vollhardt's main areas of research are the theory of electronic correlations and magnetism, e.g., the realistic modelling of strongly correlated materials (see Einstein Lecture, 2012), disordered electronic systems, and normal and superfluid Helium?3. Together with P. W?lfle, Karlsruhe, he is the author of the book The Superfluid Phases of Helium?3 (Dover Publications, 2013: Corrected, unabridged republication of the edition originally published by Taylor & Francis, 1990; with a new preface, 656 pages). He was spokesman of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 484 on Cooperative Phenomena in Solids: Metal-Insulator Transitions and Ordering of Microscopic Degrees of Freedom, which was funded by the DFG from 2000 to 2009, and of the DFG Research Unit FOR1346 Dynamical Mean-Field Approach with Predictive Power for Strongly Correlated Materials, which concluded its scientific work in August 2017.





2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977


Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Alexander Lichtenstein und Dieter Vollhardt (Hrsg.)
Dynamical mean-field theory of correlated electrons: lecture notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2022; Forschungszentrum Jülich, 4-7 October 2022

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Dieter Vollhardt
Why calculate in infinite dimensions?

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Andreas Weh, Y. Zhang, Andreas ?stlin, H. Terletska, D. Bauernfeind, K.-M. Tam, H. G. Evertz, K. Byczuk, Dieter Vollhardt und Liviu Chioncel
Dynamical mean-field theory of the Anderson-Hubbard model with local and nonlocal disorder in tensor formulation

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Alexander Lichtenstein, Nils Schopohl, Michael Thorwart und Dieter Vollhardt
Kurt Scharnberg [Nachruf]

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Andreas ?stlin, Y. Zhang, H. Terletska, F. Beiu?eanu, V. Popescu, Krzysztof Byczuk, L. Vitos, M. Jarrell, Dieter Vollhardt und Liviu Chioncel
Ab initio typical medium theory of substitutional disorder

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Dieter Vollhardt
Das reiche Innenleben der Wasserstoffkette

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Dieter Vollhardt
Dynamical mean-field theory of strongly correlated electron systems

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Wilhelm H. Appelt, Andreas ?stlin, I. Di Marco, Ivan Leonov, Michael Sekania, Dieter Vollhardt und Liviu Chioncel
Lattice dynamics of palladium in the presence of electronic correlations

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Roderich Moessner, Dieter Vollhardt und Peter W?lfle
Philip Warren Anderson [Nachruf]

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J. A. E. Bonart, Wilhelm H. Appelt, Dieter Vollhardt und Liviu Chioncel
Scaling behavior of the momentum distribution of a quantum Coulomb system in a confining potential

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Dieter Vollhardt
The rich inner life of the hydrogen chain

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Dieter Vollhardt, V. I. Anisimov, S. L. Skornyakov und Ivan Leonov
Dynamical mean-field theory for correlated electron materials

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Banhi Chatterjee und Dieter Vollhardt
T-matrix formulation of real-space dynamical mean-field theory and the Friedel sum rule for correlated lattice fermions

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Dieter Vollhardt
Was ist eine naturwissenschaftliche Theorie?

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Festvortrag auf der Feierlichen Jahressitzung der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 8. Dezember 2018


S. L. Skornyakov, V. I. Anisimov, Dieter Vollhardt und Ivan Leonov
Correlation strength, Lifshitz transition, and the emergence of a two-dimensional to three-dimensional crossover in FeSe under pressure

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Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Alexander Lichtenstein und Dieter Vollhardt (Hrsg.)
DMFT: from infinite dimensions to real materials; lecture notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2018; Forschungszentrum Jülich, 17-21 September 2018

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Dieter Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen mit Alpenblick: Abschiedsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Dieter Vollhardt, Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Physik III, Zentrum für Elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus am 26. Januar 2018

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Dieter Vollhardt
From infinite dimensions to real materials

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J. Skolimowski, Dieter Vollhardt und Krzysztof Byczuk
Multitude of phases in correlated lattice fermion systems with spin-dependent disorder

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Wilhelm H. Appelt, A. Droghetti, Liviu Chioncel, M. M. Radonji?, E. Mu?oz, S. Kirchner, Dieter Vollhardt und I. Rungger
Predicting the conductance of strongly correlated molecules: the Kondo effect in perchlorotriphenylmethyl/Au junctions

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Michael Sekania, Wilhelm H. Appelt, Diana Benea, Hubert Ebert, Dieter Vollhardt und Liviu Chioncel
Scaling behavior of the Compton profile of alkali metals

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Dieter Vollhardt und A. I. Lichtenstein
Dynamical mean-field approach with predictive power for strongly correlated materials

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S. L. Skornyakov, V. I. Anisimov, Dieter Vollhardt und Ivan Leonov
Effect of electron correlations on the electronic structure and phase stability of FeSe upon lattice expansion

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Josef Andreas Weber, Diana Benea, Wilhelm H. Appelt, Hubert Ceeh, Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner, Michael Leitner, Dieter Vollhardt, Christoph Hugenschmidt und Liviu Chioncel
Electronic correlations in vanadium revealed by electron-positron annihilation measurements

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Jan Kune?, Ivan Leonov, P. Augustinsk?, V. K?ápek, Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
LDA+DMFT approach to ordering phenomena and the structural stability of correlated materials

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H. Terletska, Y. Zhang, Liviu Chioncel, Dieter Vollhardt und M. Jarrell
Typical-medium multiple-scattering theory for disordered systems with Anderson localization

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Hubert Ceeh, Josef Andreas Weber, Peter B?ni, Michael Leitner, Diana Benea, Liviu Chioncel, Hubert Ebert, Jan Minár, Dieter Vollhardt und Christoph Hugenschmidt
Local electron-electron interaction strength in ferromagnetic nickel determined by spin-polarized positron annihilation

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F. Anders, S. Kehrein und Dieter Vollhardt
Thomas Pruschke [Obituary]

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Also published in German: Physik Journal 15, Nr. 6 (June), 48 (2016)

Dieter Vollhardt
Walter Kohn (09.03.1923 – 19.04.2016) [Nachruf]

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Ivan Leonov, S.?L. Skornyakov, V.?I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlation-driven topological Fermi surface transition in FeSe

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Ivan Leonov, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Metal-insulator transition and lattice instability of paramagnetic V2O3

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Jaromir Panas, Anna Kauch, Jan Kune?, Dieter Vollhardt und Krzysztof Byczuk
Numerical calculation of spectral functions of the Bose-Hubbard model using bosonic dynamical mean-field theory

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J. Skolimowski, Dieter Vollhardt und Krzysztof Byczuk
Spin-selective localization of correlated lattice fermions

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Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Dieter Vollhardt und Alexander Lichtenstein (Hrsg.)
DMFT at 25: infinite dimensions; lecture notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2014

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S. L. Skornyakov, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Effect of correlations and doping on the spin susceptibility of iron pnictides: the case of KFe2As2

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Ivan Leonov, A. Poteryaev, Yu. N. Gornostyrev, A. I. Lichtenstein, M. I. Katsnelson, Vladimir Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Electronic correlations determine the phase stability of iron up to the melting temperature

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Ivan Leonov, V.?I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
First-principles calculation of atomic forces and structural distortions in strongly correlated materials

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Dieter Vollhardt
From Gutzwiller wave functions to dynamical mean-field theory

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Dionys Baeriswyl, Michael Berry und Dieter Vollhardt
Martin Charles Gutzwiller [Obituary]

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Zhe Wang, M. Schmidt, J. K. H. Fischer, Vladimir Tsurkan, M. Gerger, Dieter Vollhardt, Alois Loidl und Joachim Deisenhofer
Orbital-selective metal-insulator transition and gap formation above T-C in superconducting Rb1-xFe2-ySe2

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Markus Greger, Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Emergence of a common energy scale close to the orbital-selective Mott transition

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M. Greger, Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Isosbestic points: how a narrow crossing region of curves determines their leading parameter dependence

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Junya Otsuki und Dieter Vollhardt
Numerical solution of the t?J model with random exchange couplings in d=∞ dimensions

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Dieter Vollhardt und Peter W?lfle
The superfluid phases of helium 3

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K. Makuch, J. Skolimowski, Prabuddha B. Chakraborty, Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Thermodynamic properties of correlated fermions in lattices with spin-dependent disorder

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Ivan Leonov, A. I. Poteryaev, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Calculated phonon spectra of paramagnetic iron at the α-γ phase transition

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Dieter Vollhardt, Krzysztof Byczuk und Marcus Kollar
Dynamical mean-field theory

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Dieter Vollhardt
Dynamical mean-field theory for correlated electrons

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S. L. Skornyakov, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Microscopic origin of the linear temperature increase of the magnetic susceptibility of BaFe2As2

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Jan Kune?, Walter Hofstetter und Dieter Vollhardt
Quantification of correlations in quantum many-particle systems

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Anna Kauch, Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Strong-coupling solution of the bosonic dynamical mean-field theory

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Dieter Vollhardt
Dynamical mean-field approach for strongly correlated materials

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Ivan Leonov, A. I. Poteryaev, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Electronic correlations at the α?γ structural phase transition in paramagnetic iron

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Prabuddha B. Chakraborty, Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Interacting lattice electrons with disorder in two dimensions: numerical evidence for a metal-insulator transition with a universal critical conductivity

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Prabuddha B. Chakraborty, Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Magnetic properties of interacting disordered electron systems in two dimensions

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Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Dieter Vollhardt und Alexander Lichtenstein (Hrsg.)
The LDA+DMFT approach to strongly correlated materials: lecture notes of the Autumn School 2011 Hands-on LDA+DMFT at Forschungszentrum Jülich, 4 - 7 October 2011, organized by the DFG Research Unit 1346 Dynamical Mean-Field Approach with Predictive Power for Strongly Correlated Materials

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Walter Hofstetter und Dieter Vollhardt
Anderson localization vs Mott–Hubbard metal–insulator transition in disordered, interacting lattice fermion systems

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Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Comment on "Dynamical mean field solution of the Bose-Hubbard model"

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Ivan Leonov, Dm. Korotin, N. Binggeli, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Computation of correlation-induced atomic displacements and structural transformations in paramagnetic KCuF3 and LaMnO3

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Gerald Schubert, Jens Schleede, Krzysztof Byczuk, Holger Fehske und Dieter Vollhardt
Distribution of the local density of states as a criterion for Anderson localization: numerically exact results for various lattices in two and three dimensions

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Dieter Vollhardt
Dynamical mean-field theory of electronic correlations in models and materials

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Ulrich Eckern und Dieter Vollhardt
Editorial: cooperative phenomena in solids with electronic correlations

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Dieter Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen im Festk?rper

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Arno P. Kampf, Marcus Kollar, Jan Kune?, Michael Sentef und Dieter Vollhardt
Material-specific investigations of correlated electron systems

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Zsolt Gulácsi, Arno P. Kampf und Dieter Vollhardt
Route to ferromagnetism in organic polymers

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P. W?lfle und Dieter Vollhardt
Self-consistent theory of Anderson localization: general formalism and applications

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S. L. Skornyakov, A. V. Efremov, N. A. Skorikov, M. A. Korotin, Yu. A. Izyumov, V. I. Anisimov, A. V. Kozhevnikov und Dieter Vollhardt
Classification of the electronic correlation strength in the iron pnictides: the case of the parent compound BaFe2As2

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Walter Hofstetter und Dieter Vollhardt
Competition between Anderson localization and antiferromagnetism in correlated lattice fermion systems with disorder

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Walter Hofstetter, U. Yu und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated electrons in the presence of disorder

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J. Kune?, Ivan Leonov, Marcus Kollar, Krzysztof Byczuk, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Dynamical mean-field approach to materials with strong electronic correlations

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Krzysztof Byczuk, U. Yu, Walter Hofstetter und Dieter Vollhardt
Ferromagnetism and metal-insulator transitions in correlated electron systems with alloy disorder

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Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Mixtures of correlated bosons and fermions: dynamical mean-field theory for normal and condensed phases

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S. Haas, D. Baeriswyl und Dieter Vollhardt
Obituary of Kazumi Maki

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Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated bosons on a lattice: dynamical mean-field theory for Bose-Einstein condensed and normal phases

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Dieter Vollhardt und Peter W?lfle
Eine Sternstunde der modernen Physik: vor 50 Jahren l?sten Bardeen, Cooper und Schrieffer das R?tsel der Supraleitung

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Zsolt Gulácsi, Arno P. Kampf und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact many-electron ground states on diamond and triangle Hubbard chains

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Unjong Yu, Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Ferromagnetism and Kondo insulator behavior in the disordered periodic Anderson model

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Unjong Yu, Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Influence of band and orbital degeneracies on ferromagnetism in the periodic Anderson model

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Z. V. Pchelkina, I. A. Nekrasov, Thomas Pruschke, S. Suga, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Reply to "Comment on 'Evidence for strong electronic correlations in the spectra of Sr2RuO4'"

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Ivan Leonov, N. Binggeli, Dm. Korotin, V. I. Anisimov, N. Stoji? und Dieter Vollhardt
Structural relaxation due to electronic correlations in the paramagnetic insulator KCuF3

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Z. V. Pchelkina, I. A. Nekrasov, Thomas Pruschke, A. Sekiyama, S. Suga, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Evidence for strong electronic correlations in the spectra of Sr2RuO4

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Zsolt Gulácsi, Arno P. Kampf und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact many-electron ground states on the diamond Hubbard chain

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Martin Eckstein, Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Isosbestic points in the spectral function of correlated electrons

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Marcus Kollar, Karsten Held, Y.-F. Yang, I. A. Nekrasov, Thomas Pruschke und Dieter Vollhardt
Kinks in the dispersion of strongly correlated electrons

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Jan Kune?, V. I. Anisimov, A. V. Lukoyanov und Dieter Vollhardt
Local correlations and hole doping in NiO: a dynamical mean-field study

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Jan Kune?, V. I. Anisimov, S. L. Skornyakov, A. V. Lukoyanov und Dieter Vollhardt
NiO: correlated band structure of a charge-transfer insulator

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Martin Eckstein, Marcus Kollar, Michael Potthoff und Dieter Vollhardt
Phase separation in the particle-hole asymmetric Hubbard model

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Dieter Vollhardt
Signatur korrelierter Elektronen

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Walter Hofstetter, Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Surprises in correlated electron physics

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X. Ren, Ivan Leonov, G. Keller, Marcus Kollar, I. Nekrasov und Dieter Vollhardt
LDA + DMFT computation of the electronic spectrum of NiO

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I. A. Nekrasov, Karsten Held, G. Keller, D. E. Kondakov, Thomas Pruschke, Marcus Kollar, O. K. Andersen, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Momentum-resolved spectral functions of SrVO3 calculated by LDA + DMFT

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Karsten Held, I. A. Nekrasov, G. Keller, Volker Eyert, Nils Blümer, A. K. McMahan, R. T. Scalettar, Thomas Pruschke, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Realistic investigations of correlated electron systems with LDA + DMFT

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Dieter Vollhardt, G. Keller, Karsten Held, Volker Eyert, V. I. Anisimov, Krzysztof Byczuk, Marcus Kollar, Ivan Leonov und X. Ren
Realistic modeling of materials with strongly correlated electrons

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Igor A. Nekrasov, Georg Keller, D. E. Kondakov, A. V. Kozhevnikov, Thomas Pruschke, Karsten Held, Dieter Vollhardt und V. I. Anisimov
Comparative study of correlation effects in CaVO3 and SrVO3

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Dieter Vollhardt, Karsten Held, Georg Keller, Ralf Bulla, Thomas Pruschke, A. Nekrasov und V. I. Anisimov
Dynamical mean-field theory and its applications to real materials

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Zsolt Gulácsi und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact ground states of the periodic Anderson model in D=3 dimensions

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V. I. Anisimov, D. E. Kondakov, A. V. Kozhevnikov, I. A. Nekrasov, Z. V. Pchelkina, J. W. Allen, S.-K. Mo, H.-D. Kim, P. Metcalf, S. Suga, A. Sekiyama, G. Keller, Ivan Leonov, X. Ren und Dieter Vollhardt
Full orbital calculation scheme for materials with strongly correlated electrons

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I. A. Nekrasov, V. I. Anisimov, D. E. Kondakov, A. V. Kozhevnikov, Z. V. Pchelkina, G. Keller, I. V. Leonov, Dieter Vollhardt, A. Sekiyama und S. Suga
Full orbital scheme for computation of properties of materials with strongly correlated electrons

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Marcus Kollar, Martin Eckstein, Krzysztof Byczuk, Nils Blümer, Peter G. J. van Dongen, M. H. Radke de Cuba, W. Metzner, D. Tanaskovi?, V. Dobrosavljevi?, G. Kotliar und Dieter Vollhardt
Green functions for nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the Bethe lattice

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Martin Eckstein, Marcus Kollar, Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Hopping on the Bethe lattice: exact results for densities of states and dynamical mean-field theory

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Walter Hofstetter und Dieter Vollhardt
Mott-Hubbard and Anderson transitions in dynamical mean-field theory

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Walter Hofstetter und Dieter Vollhardt
Mott-Hubbard transition versus Anderson localization in correlated electron systems with disorder

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Karsten Held, J. W. Allen, V. I. Anisimov, Volker Eyert, Georg Keller, H.-D. Kim, S.-K. Mo und Dieter Vollhardt
Two aspects of the Mott-Hubbard transition in Cr-doped V2O3

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Georg Keller, Karsten Held, Volker Eyert, Dieter Vollhardt und V. I. Anisimov
Electronic structure of paramagnetic V2O3: strongly correlated metallic and Mott insulating phase

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Tomasz Dietl, Hidetoshi Fukuyama, Mikko Paalanen und Dieter Vollhardt
Low temperature physics

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Walter Hofstetter und Dieter Vollhardt
Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition at non-integer filling

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A. Sekiyama, H. Fujiwara, S. Imada, S. Suga, H. Eisaki, S. I. Uchida, K. Takegahara, H. Harima, Y. Saitoh, I. A. Nekrasov, Georg Keller, D. E. Kondakov, A. V. Kozhevnikov, Thomas Pruschke, Karsten Held, Dieter Vollhardt und V. I. Anisimov
Mutual experimental and theoretical validation of bulk photoemission spectra of Sr1?xCaxVO3

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Gabriel Kotliar und Dieter Vollhardt
Strongly correlated materials: insights from dynamical mean-field theory

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Zsolt Gulácsi und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact insulating and conducting ground states of a periodic Anderson model in three dimensions

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Martin Ulmke und Dieter Vollhardt
Ferromagnetism and metal-insulator transition in the disordered Hubbard model

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Karsten Held, V. I. Anisimov, Volker Eyert, Georg Keller, A. K. McMahan, Igor Nekrasov und Dieter Vollhardt
LDA+DMFT investigations of transition metal oxides and f-electron materials

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Georg Keller, Dieter Vollhardt, Karsten Held, Volker Eyert und Vladimir I. Anisimov
Metal-insulator transitions and realistic modelling of correlated electron systems

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Igor A. Nekrasov, Z. V. Pchelkina, Georg Keller, Thomas Pruschke, Karsten Held, Alexander Krimmel, Dieter Vollhardt und V. I. Anisimov
Orbital state and magnetic properties of LiV2O4

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S.-K. Mo, J. D. Denlinger, H.-D. Kim, J.-H. Park, J. W. Allen, A. Sekiyama, A. Yamasaki, K. Kadono, S. Suga, Y. Saitoh, T. Muro, P. Metcalf, Georg Keller, Karsten Held, Volker Eyert, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Prominent quasi-particle peak in the photoemission spectrum of the metallic phase of V2O3

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Karsten Held, I. A. Nekrasov, Georg Keller, Volker Eyert, Nils Blümer, A. K. McMahan, R. T. Scalettar, Thomas Pruschke, Vladimir Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Realistic investigations of correlated electron materials with LDA+DMFT

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Krzysztof Byczuk und Dieter Vollhardt
Derivation of the Curie-Weiss law in dynamical mean-field theory

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Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact analytic results for the Gutzwiller wave function with finite magnetization

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Nils Blümer, Karsten Held, Georg Keller und Dieter Vollhardt
Metal-insulator transition and realistic modelling of correlated electron systems

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Krzysztof Byczuk, Ralf Bulla, Ralph Claessen und Dieter Vollhardt
Phenomenological modeling of photoemission spectra in strongly correlated electron systems

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Karsten Held, Igor Nekrasov, Georg Keller, Volker Eyert, Nils Blümer, Andrew K. McMahan, Richard T. Scalettar, Thomas Pruschke, Vladimir Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
The LDA+DMFT approach to materials with strong electronic correlations

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V. Jani? und Dieter Vollhardt
Conductivity of disordered electrons: mean-field approximation containing vertex corrections

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Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated hopping of electrons: effect on the Brinkman-Rice transition and the stability of metallic ferromagnetism

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Ralf Bulla, T. A. Costi und Dieter Vollhardt
Finite-temperature numerical renormalization group study of the Mott transition

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Dieter Vollhardt, Nils Blümer, Karsten Held und Marcus Kollar
Metallic ferromagnetism - an electronic correlation phenomenon

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Karsten Held, Georg Keller, Volker Eyert, Dieter Vollhardt und V. I. Anisimov
Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition in paramagnetic V2O3: an LDA + DMFT(QMC) study

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Thomas Pruschke, W. Metzner und Dieter Vollhardt
On the analyticity of solutions in the dynamical mean-field theory

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Karsten Held, Igor A. Nekrasov, Nils Blümer, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Realistic modeling of strongly correlated electron systems: an introduction to the LDA+DMFT approach

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Walter Hofstetter, Ralf Bulla und Dieter Vollhardt
Anderson impurity in a correlated conduction band

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Igor A. Nekrasov, Karsten Held, Nils Blümer, A. I. Poteryaev, V. I. Anisimov und Dieter Vollhardt
Calculation of photoemission spectra of the doped Mott insulator La1-xSrxTiO3 using LDA+DMFT(QMC)

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Karsten Held und Dieter Vollhardt
Electronic correlations in manganites

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Karsten Held, Martin Ulmke und Dieter Vollhardt
Magnetism in transition metals and their oxides

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Nils Blümer, J. Schlipf und Dieter Vollhardt
Metal-insulator transition in the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model

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Dieter Vollhardt und Peter W?lfle
Superfluid helium 3: link between condensed matter physics and particle physics

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Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Thermodynamically consistent equilibrium properties of normal-liquid 3He

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Erratum: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.72.139903

Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Thermodynamically consistent evaluation of equilibrium properties of normal-liquid 3He

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J. Schlipf, M. Jarrell, Peter G. J. van Dongen, Nils Blümer, Stefan Kehrein, Thomas Pruschke und Dieter Vollhardt
Absence of hysteresis at the Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition in infinite dimensions

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Martin Ulmke, P. J. H. Denteneer, V. Jani?, R. T. Scalettar, A. Singh, Dieter Vollhardt und G. T. Zimanyi
Disorder and impurities in Hubbard-antiferromagnets

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Dieter Vollhardt, Nils Blümer, Karsten Held, Marcus Kollar, J. Schlipf, Martin Ulmke und J. Wahle
Metallic ferromagnetism: progress in our understanding of an old strong-coupling problem

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N. Chandra, Marcus Kollar und Dieter Vollhardt
Nearly universal crossing point of the specific heat curves of Hubbard models

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A. Singh, Martin Ulmke und Dieter Vollhardt
Disorder-enhanced delocalization and local-moment quenching in a disordered antiferromagnet

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Walter Hofstetter und Dieter Vollhardt
Frustration of antiferromagnetism in the t-t′-Hubbard model at weak coupling

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J. Wahle, Nils Blümer, J. Schlipf, Karsten Held und Dieter Vollhardt
Microscopic conditions favoring itinerant ferromagnetism

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Karsten Held und Dieter Vollhardt
Microscopic conditions favoring itinerant ferromagnetism: Hund's rule coupling and orbital degeneracy

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Dieter Vollhardt
Pair correlations in superfluid Helium 3

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Dieter Vollhardt
Characteristic crossing points in specific heat curves of correlated systems

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Karsten Held, M. Ulmke, N. Blümer und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated-electron theory of strongly anisotropic metamagnets

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Karsten Held, Martin Ulmke und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated-electron theory of metamagnetism in strongly anisotropic antiferromagnets

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Dieter Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus

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Dieter Vollhardt
Elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus: eine Einführung

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Marcus Kollar, Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Ferromagnetism in correlated electron systems: generalization of Nagaoka's theorem

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Dieter Vollhardt, Nils Blümer, Karsten Held, Marcus Kollar, J. Schlipf und Martin Ulmke
Non-perturbative approaches to magnetism in strongly correlated electron systems

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Dieter Vollhardt und P. W?lfle
Suprafluides Helium 3: ein Testfeld für grundlegende Konzepte der modernen Physik

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M. Ulmke, V. Jani? und Dieter Vollhardt
Anderson-Hubbard model in infinite dimensions

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G. Uhrig und Dieter Vollhardt
Drude weight and dc conductivity of correlated electrons

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Avraham Schiller, Pradeep Kumar, Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Effects of next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the hole motion in an antiferromagnetic background

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Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact results on ferromagnetism in correlated electron systems

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Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Ferromagnetism in correlated electron systems: a new class of rigorous criteria

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V. Jani?, M. Ulmke und Dieter Vollhardt
The Hubbard model with local disorder in d=∞

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V. Janis und Dieter Vollhardt
Analytically tractable mean-field theory for interacting electrons at strong coupling

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V. Janis, M. Ulmke und Dieter Vollhardt
Metal-insulator transitions in the disordered Hubbard model

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R. Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
On the ground state energy of the periodic Anderson model: exact results for d=1

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Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Rigorous criteria for ferromagnetism in itinerant electron systems

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Dieter Vollhardt
Strong-coupling approaches to correlated fermions

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Zs. Gulácsi, R. Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Accurate variational results for the symmetric periodic Anderson model in one, two, and three dimensions

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V. Jani? und Dieter Vollhardt
Construction of analytically tractable mean-field theories for quantum models, I: general formalism with application to the Hubbard model at strong coupling

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V. Jani?, J. Ma?ek und Dieter Vollhardt
Construction of analytically tractable mean-field theories for quantum models, II: susceptibilities and energy bounds for the Hubbard model

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V. Janis, M. Ulmke und Dieter Vollhardt
Disorder vs. interaction in the Hubbard model: phase diagram in infinite dimensions

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Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor and bond-charge interaction: exact ground-state solution in a wide range of parameters

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Dieter Vollhardt
Investigations of correlated electron systems using the limit of high dimension

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R. Vlaming, G. S. Uhrig und Dieter Vollhardt
Anomalous effects in interacting spinless fermion systems with local disorder

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V. Jani?, F. Gebhard, R. Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Comment on "Interacting-electron model exactly solvable in any dimension"

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V. Janis und Dieter Vollhardt
Comprehensive mean field theory for the Hubbard model

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R. Vlaming und Dieter Vollhardt
Controlled mean-field theory for disordered electronic systems: single-particle properties

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V. Janis? und Dieter Vollhardt
Coupling of quantum degrees of freedom in strongly interacting disordered electron systems

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Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Dynamics of a hole in the t-J model with local disorder: exact results for high dimensions

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G. Uhrig, R. Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Fermionic lattice models with internally competing symmetries: nontrivial algebraic corrections in the Hartree-Fock ground-state energy

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W. Metzner, P. Schmit und Dieter Vollhardt
Hole dynamics in a spin background: a sum-rule-conserving theory with exact limits

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Dieter Vollhardt und Peter W?lfle
Self-consistent theory of Anderson localization

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Dieter Vollhardt
A new workable approach to correlated fermions

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Peter van Dongen und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated lattice fermions in high dimensions

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Dieter Vollhardt
High dimensions: a new approach to fermionic lattice models

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Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
New variational approach to the periodic Anderson model with antiferromagnetic order

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P. G. J. van Dongen, J. A. Vergés und Dieter Vollhardt
The Hubbard star

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Rainer Strack und Dieter Vollhardt
Variational investigation of low dimensional correlated electron systems via the limit of high dimensions

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Peter Van Dongen und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated lattice electrons: exact mean field description in infinite dimensions

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Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated lattice fermions in high dimensions

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Peter G. J. van Dongen und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact mean-field Hamiltonian for fermionic lattice models in high dimensions

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Dieter Vollhardt, Peter G. J. van Dongen, F. Gebhard und W. Metzner
Gutzwiller-type wave functions for correlated fermions

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Dieter Vollhardt und Peter W?lfle
The superfluid phases of helium 3

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Walter Metzner und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlated lattice fermions in d=∞ dimensions

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Peter G. J. van Dongen und Dieter Vollhardt
Exact solution and thermodynamics of the Hubbard model with infinite-range hopping

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Walter Metzner und Dieter Vollhardt
Ground-state energy of the d=1,2,3 dimensional Hubbard model in the weak-coupling limit

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Dieter Vollhardt
New exactly tractable limits for correlated lattice fermions: high dimensionality and infinite range hopping

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Walter Metzner und Dieter Vollhardt
The Hubbard model in infinite dimensions

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Florian Gebhard und Dieter Vollhardt
Variational approach to correlation functions and to the periodic Anderson model in infinite dimensions

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Peter G. J. van Dongen, F. Gebhard und Dieter Vollhardt
Variational evaluation of correlation functions for lattice electrons in high dimensions

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Dieter Vollhardt
Variational wave functions for correlated lattice fermions

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Walter Metzner und Dieter Vollhardt
Analytic calculation of ground-state properties of correlated fermions with the Gutzwiller wave function

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Florian Gebhard und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlation functions for interacting fermions in the Gutzwiller Ansatz

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Dieter Vollhardt
Theory of correlated Fermi systems: Troisième Cycle de la Physique en Suisse Romande, University of Lausanne, February 1988

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Walter Metzner und Dieter Vollhardt
Analytic calculation of momentum distributions and ground state energies of correlated fermions with the Gutzwiller wave function

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F. Gebhard und Dieter Vollhardt
Correlation functions for Hubbard-type models: the exact results for the Gutzwiller wave function in one dimension

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Walter Metzner und Dieter Vollhardt
Ground-state properties of correlated fermions: exact analytic results for the Gutzwiller wave function

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Dieter Vollhardt, P. W?lfle und P. W. Anderson
Gutzwiller-Hubbard lattice-gas model with variable density: application to normal liquid He3

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Florian Gebhard und Dieter Vollhardt
Interacting fermions: correlation functions obtained with the Gutzwiller wave function

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Dieter Vollhardt
Localization effects in disordered systems

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K. Seiler, C. Gros, T. M. Rice, K. Ueda und Dieter Vollhardt
Crossover from Fermi liquid to classical behavior of normal 3He in the model of almost localized fermions

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P. Hirschfeld, Dieter Vollhardt und P. W?lfle
Resonant impurity scattering in heavy fermion superconductors

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Christoph Bruder und Dieter Vollhardt
Symmetry and stationary points of a free energy: the case of superfluid He3

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Dieter Vollhardt
Der Metall-Isolator ?bergang in ungeordneten Systemen

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Dieter Vollhardt
Lokalisierungs- und Wechselwirkungseffekte in ungeordneten Systemen

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Dieter Vollhardt
The metal-insulator transition in disordered systems

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Dieter Vollhardt
Exact solution of the spin dynamics of superfluid 3He-A in zero magnetic field

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Dieter Vollhardt
Normal He3: an almost localized Fermi liquid

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Dieter Vollhardt
Suprafluides Helium-3: die Superflüssigkeit (Teil I) Grundlagen

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Dieter Vollhardt
Suprafluides Helium-3: die Superflüssigkeit (Teil II) Statische Eigenschaften

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Dieter Vollhardt
Suprafluides Helium-3: die Superflüssigkeit (Teil III) Dynamische Eigenschaften

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Dieter Vollhardt und P. W?lfle
Scaling equations from a self-consistent theory of Anderson localization

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P. W?lfle und Dieter Vollhardt
Self-consistent diagrammatic theory of Anderson localization

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Dieter Vollhardt, Y. R. Lin-Liu und Kazumi Maki
Magnetic resonances of helical textures in 3He-A

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Dieter Vollhardt und Peter W?lfle
Nuclear spin relaxation time of normal 3He

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Dieter Vollhardt und P. W?lfle
Theory of spin relaxation by magnetic dipole interaction in a Fermi liquid: application to He3

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Dieter Vollhardt und P. W?lfle
Anderson localization in d<=2 dimensions: a self-consistent diagrammatic theory

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Dieter Vollhardt, Kazumi Maki und Nils Schopohl
Anisotropic gap distortion due to superflow and the depairing critical current in superfluid 3He-B

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Dieter Vollhardt und P. W?lfle
Diagrammatic, self-consistent treatment of the Anderson localization problem in d ≤ 2 dimensions

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Dieter Vollhardt und Kazumi Maki
Composite solitons in He3-A in the presence of superflow

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Dieter Vollhardt und Kazumi Maki
Flow-induced soliton lattice in superfluid 3He-A

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Y. R. Lin-Liu, Dieter Vollhardt und Kazumi Maki
Helical textures in He3-A and magnetic resonance

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Dieter Vollhardt, Y. R. Lin-Liu und Kazumi Maki
Phase diagram for the helical texture in 3He-A

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Dieter Vollhardt und Kazumi Maki
Depairing critical currents in superfluid 3He

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Y.R. Lin-Liu, K. Maki und Dieter Vollhardt
Helical textures in 3He-A in the presence of superflow and magnetic field

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Dieter Vollhardt
Superfluid 3He in narrow cylinders

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Dieter Vollhardt und P. Kumar
?-texture effects on magnetic resonance in superfluid 3He

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L. Tewordt, N. Schopohl und Dieter Vollhardt
Effect of dipole interaction on collective modes in 3He-A

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Dieter Vollhardt und Kazumi Maki
Flow dependence of spin susceptibilities in superfluid 3He

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