

Prof. Dr. Angela Oels

Political Science with a specialization in climate politics
Phone: +49 821 598-4864
Room: 2218 (I)
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 12, 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum vitae

Climate and Development, Climatic Change, Communication, Cooperation, Participation: Research and Practice for a Sustainable Future (e-journal), Environment & Planning A, Environment and Planning C, Environmental Politics, Environmental Science & Policy, Forest Policy and Economics, Global Environmental Politics, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Local Environment, Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, Nature Climate Change, Peripherie, Policy Sciences, Political Geography, Review of International Studies, Security Dialogue, WIREs Climate Change, World Development, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft?????

  • Swedish research council FORMAS Call ?From research to implementation for a sustainable society“ (05/2021-09/2021)
  • Programme Leibniz Collaborative Excellence (Leibniz Gemeinschaft) (05/2018)
  • Erwin-Schr?dinger-Fellowship von FWF. Der Wissenschaftsfonds. Austria (02/2018)
  • European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action (05/2016)
  • ERC Advanced Grants (12/2015)
  • Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung (03/2014)
  • since April 2023: Elected Vice Executive Director of the Institute of Social Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Augsburg, Germany
  • since March 2023: Co-opted member of the Executive Board of the German Climate Consortium (Deutsches Klimakonsortium DKK)
  • since September 2022: Member of the Science Centre for the Environment (Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt WZU) at the University of Augsburg
  • since September 2021: Elected Board member of the Digitalization & Politics Working Group of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)
  • since 2019: Member of Scientists for Future Germany
  • since 2017: Member of the Scientific Advisory Panel of the Geopolitics Programme funded by the Swedish research council Mistra; a collaboration project of the universities of Link?ping, Stockholm, Uppsala and Lund, the Stockholm Environment Institute and two international partners (E3G und adelphi) led by Prof. Bj?rn-Ola Linner (University of Link?ping)
  • 2013-2015 Appointed Scientific Director of the M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (Interdisciplinary Distance Learning Programme in Environmental Sciences) at the Distance Teaching University Hagen, Germany

Research focus

  1. The "coming rights" of those affected by climate impacts
    The 2015 Paris Agreement explicitly excludes a right to compensation/reparations for climate impacts suffered. Nevertheless, COP27 in Sharm el Sheik in November 2022 has seen the establishment of a fund for loss & damage, that will be operationalized by a transitional committee over the next years. Our team asks: How can the establishment of the fund for loss & damage be explained from a discourse analytical perspective? Which actor coalitions can be identified, what are their storylines and how do discourses on loss & damage change over time? How do those threatened by climate impacts fight for their rights? What are the sites of struggle inside and outside (courts, protests) the climate negotiations?
  2. Participatory climate futures:
    How can online and face-to-face participation processes be designed in such a way that they are transformative and also contribute to adaptation to climate impacts? Which (democratic) quality criteria are suitable for evaluating participation in climate adaptation processes? In addition to participation processes, other practices of "future making" (e.g. modeling) of the other disciplines represented in the center will be investigated.
  3. Governing digitalization for sustainability transformations:
    In September 2023, we are hosting an international, interdisciplinary conference at the University of Augsburg, which focuses on two research questions: 1. How does digitalization transform the knowledge and practices of environmental and sustainability policymaking? 2. Which forms of digitalization governance are needed to harness its potential for sustainability transformations? Co-organisers are from the German Political Science Association, the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin and the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). Check out the call for papers which is open until 30th April 2023.
