


ZIDO - Achievement Goals of University Instructors, Professional Learning Behavior and Teaching Quality: Determinants, Consequences, and Moderators


The ZIDO project (which stands for ‘Zielorientierungen von Dozierenden’ in German, or ‘Goal Orientations of University Instructors’ in English) is a motivational psychology project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It is currently being carried out by a collaborating team of researchers from the University of Augsburg and the University of Mannheim. For detailed information, check out the project summary below!


AERA (April 2019, Kanada)
AERA (April 2019, Kanada) ? University of Augsburg
AERA (April 2019, Kanada)
AERA (April 2019, Kanada) ? University of Augsburg
PAEPSY (September 2019, Leipzig)
PAEPSY (September 2019, Leipzig) ? University of Augsburg
PAEPSY (September 2019, Leipzig)
PAEPSY (September 2019, Leipzig) ? University of Augsburg
PAEPSY (September 2019, Leipzig)
PAEPSY (September 2019, Leipzig) ? University of Augsburg
PAEPSY (September 2019, Leipzig)
PAEPSY (September 2019, Leipzig) ? University of Augsburg
Projekttreffen (Oktober 2019, Stuttgart)
Projekttreffen (Oktober 2019, Stuttgart) ? University of Augsburg


The driving force behind this project is to comprehensively investigate (both theoretically and empirically) the achievement goals of university instructors. A wealth of research on students and school teachers, as well as preliminary findings on university instructors suggests that individual motivations should play an important role in university instructors’ personal and professional lives. The current project aims to further investigate this by: developing a theoretical model describing the achievement goals of university instructors, analysing the effects of these goals (for example, regarding their learning behaviors, subjective well-being, and teaching quality), and examining potential moderators as well as the personal and contextual conditions of these effects.

For these purposes, several empirical studies are planned, of which a number are completed (see ‘selected publications’ section) or currently underway. These studies are expected to provide valuable information about the importance of achievement goals for explaining the learning and teaching motivations of university instructors, and in turn, will allow us to better understand and support this population.

Research results


List of Publications and Talks ( )


Project information

Start date: 01.04.2017


End date: 31.12.2020


Duration:?3 years


Research funding:?DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)


Local project responsibility:?Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel


Local researchers:

  • Dr. Martin Daumiller
  • Raven Rinas


Participating researchers / cooperations:

  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Dickh?user
  • Dr. Stefan Janke
  • Julia Hein


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer



Research Associate


