

Analyzing and promoting pre- and in-service teachers’ technology-related teaching knowledge

  • Start date: 01.02.2016
  • Funded by: BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
  • Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar
  • Participating researchers: Christina Wekerle, M.A., Tugce ?zbek



This project investigates expertise-based differences regarding pre- and in-service teachers‘ technology-related teaching knowledge. Furthermore, teacher educators’ use of the potentials of technology and their effects on students’ learning outcome are analyzed. Further, the project explores the effectiveness of instructional approaches to enhance pre-service teachers’ technology-related teaching knowledge.



To promote student learning in schools, many potential options are attributed to digital technology (e.g. Castillo-Manzano, Castro-Nu?o, Lopéz-Valpuesta, Sanz-Diaz & Y?iguez, 2016). In order to use these potentials, it is essential that teachers are skilled in how to use digital technology to promote learning processes (TPACK; Koehler & Mishra, 2009).

More specifically, future teachers should be enabled to design their technology-supported teaching in a way that learners are prompted to engage in effective learning activities and associated cognitive processes (“affordances”). Additionally, engagement in less effective learning activities becomes less likely (“constraints”; see collaborative learning: Suthers, 2006). The necessary prerequisites for this are teachers’ knowledge and expectations of technology-supported teaching sequences for lesson planning (“technology-supported teaching scripts”) as well as their knowledge and expectations of technology-related analytic processes for the reflection of lessons (“technology-related reasoning scripts”).


In the context of the project, the following aspects are of interest:

  • Study 1: To which degree do pre-service and in-service teachers on different levels of expertise differ from each other regarding their knowledge and expectations of the potentials of digital technology in the classroom (?technology-supported teaching scripts“; study 1)?
  • Study 2: To which degree do teacher educators target high-quality learning activities of pre-service teachers by digital technology and what are the effects of these learning activities on students’ domain-specific knowledge and their metacognitive, motivational and collaborative cross-domain learning strategies?
  • Study 3: To which degree can the use of more or less detailed external scripts enhance pre-service teachers’ technology-related analytic skills (“technology-related reasoning scripts”)?


Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (grant number 01JA1509) and own funds of the Department of Educational Psychology of the University of Augsburg.




Kollar, I., & ?zbek, T. (2024). Computergestütztes Lernen in interprofessionellen Kontexten. In?Interprofessionelle Bildung für die Gesundheitsversorgung?(pp. 1-9). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


?zbek, T., Wekerle, C., & Kollar, I. (2024). Fostering pre-service teachers’ technology acceptance–does the type of engagement with tool-related information matter?. Education and Information Technologies, 29(5), 6139-6161.?


?zbek, T., Wekerle, C., & Kollar, I. (2022). “It’s Good Because He Said So”—The Effects of Pre-Service Teachers’ Passive vs. Constructive Engagement on Technology Acceptance. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2022, pp. 456-463. International Society of the Learning Sciences.?


Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (2022). Using technology to promote student learning? An analysis of pre- and in-service teachers’ lesson plans. Technology, Pedagogy and Education.?


Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (2022). Effekte individueller und kontextueller Faktoren auf die evidenz- und erfahrungsorientierte Reflexion mediengestützten Unterrichts von Lehramtsstudierenden. In A. Hartinger, M. Dresel, E. Matthes, U. E. Nett & K. Peuschel (Eds.), Lehrkr?fteprofessionalit?t im Umgang mit Heterogenit?t: Theoretische Konzepte, F?rderans?tze, empirische Befunde. Münster: Waxmann.?


Wekerle, C., Daumiller, M. & Kollar, I. (2022). Using digital technology to promote higher education learning: The importance of different learning activities and their relations to learning outcomes. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(1), 1-17.?


Wekerle, C. & Kollar, I. (2021). Fostering pre-service teachers’ situation-specific technological pedagogical knowledge – Does learning by mapping and learning from worked examples help? Computers in Human Behavior, 115, 106617.?


Adammek, C., Endberg, M., Steffens, Y., & Wekerle, C. (2019). Digitale Medien im Untericht – Entwurf eines Planungsinstruments für Referendar*innen. In Claudia Priebe, Christiane Mattiesson, & Katrin Sommer (Hrsg.), Dialogische Verbindungslinien zwischen Wissenschaft und Schule: theoretische Grundlagen, praxisbezogene Anwendungsaspekte, zielgruppenorientiertes Publizieren (S. 129-137). Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt.?


Scientific researcher, project coordinator "KodiLL"
Educational psychology
  • Phone: +49 821 598 5526
  • Email:
  • Room 2092 (Building D)
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
  • Phone: 0821 598 3143
  • Email:
  • Room 4006 (Building D)
