

Regulations for the Submission of Manuscript:

The Journal for disourse studies (ZFD) is a double reviewed journal. Manuscripts can be submitted in german an english language. The scope for submitted texts is 60000 characters including space characters. Please consider our for the submission of manuscipts below.


Dear author,
we look forward to your manuscript! The following notes are intended to make your work easier and to avoid subsequent corrections of a formal nature. For any further questions, we are happy to help.


General considerations

  • Manuscripts may be submitted in either German or English and should not exceed a total length of 60.000 characters including spaces (In exceptional cases deviations from this length are possible after agreement with the editors). The manuscript itself should bear no indication of the name(s) of the author(s).
  • Every manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract in both German and English and the abstract should contain approx. 700 characters (including spaces).
  • Please provide 5 to 8 keywords in English and German.
  • Please send us the article as a Word file and not as a PDF document (in exceptional cases you can also send us the manuscript as an OpenOffice document) to the following address:



  • Please work without stylesheets and/or text fields (for example, to create bibliographies).
  • Aim to use the font Times New Roman, a 12-point font size, 1.5 line spacing, and text justification.
  • Please use only automatic hyphenation.
  • Please indent quotes that are three lines and longer. The indented quotes (left and right 1.5 cm each) in font size 11, footnotes in font size 10.

Quotation marks

  • Please use these ?guillemets? and not these “quotation marks” as well as single ?guillemets? and not single ’quotation marks‘.
  • ?single? and ?double? guillemets: Please always use ?double? guillemets. If an improper use of a word or a distancing should be expressed (in the sense of ?so-called?), then use ?single? guillemets.
  • For quotation marks within a quote please use ?single? guillemets.


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Tables and figures

  • Please do not use the shape tools of Word or text boxes for the creation.
  • Tables should be incorporated directly in the text and should have a breadth of either 11.3 or 9.3 cm.
  • Please do not incorporate illustrations, diagrams, and graphics directly into the text document, but save them in a separate file in the relevant format (using the graphicsfunction of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or other graphics programs such as Photoshop).
  • The file name is the fig.-no. and a short version of the caption (fig_4_lesson.ppt).
  • We cannot use scanned diagrams. Please recreate scanned graphics.
  • If third-party graphs are used, the rights must be obtained, even if the graph has been recreated (see copyright). The source must be named in the caption. For someone else’s numbers in graphics and tables, the source has to be named in the caption as in a literature reference.
  • Graphics and diagrams should not be colored because colors are not rendered correctly in black-and-white printing. Please replace colors with gray shades that are easy to distinguish from each other. Please do not use gradients.


  • Abbreviations in citations: p., pp., et al., f., ff., eds.
  • Please mark omissions in quotations by ?[...]?. At the beginning and end of a quote, omissions do not have to be marked.
  • References in the text are not made by footnote, but in the text in parantheses (American citation). Footnotes will be dispensable with this citation, unless four sources and more are quoted – please include them in a footnote.
  • All citations in the text consist of the authors name, the year of publication and the page number (in case of direct quotes). The year and page numbers are separated by a comma, the page number is preceded by ?p.? and a space before the number.
    • Example: (Meier 1992, p. 1)
  • Several publications by the same author in the same year are sorted alphabetically and distinguished by letters placed after the year of publication.
    • Example: Müller 1992a, 1992b etc.
  • Several publications by the same author from different years are separated by a comma.
    • Example: Müller 2009, 2011, 2012; Meier 1999, 2001 etc.
  • If a publication has two or three authors, they are all named and separated by a slash.
    • Example: (Miller/Smith/Jones 1992, pp. 202–205)
  • If there are four or more authors for a work, the first author should be named, followed by ?et al.?
    • Example: (Schmidt et al. 1992, p. 23 f.)
    • Nevertheless, all authors must be mentioned in the bibliography.
  • If a reference refers to several works, they are separated by a semicolon.
    • Example: (Müller 2011; Meier 2012)
  • There is always a space between "p." and the page number and between the page number and "f." Or "ff." (followed by a period).- In case of direct citations in the running text, the period is only at the end of the parantheses.
    • Example: ?...conflicts over the interpretive power? (Keller 2011, p. 208).
    • And not: ?...conflicts over the interpretive power.? (Keller 2011, p. 208) or
    • ?...conflicts over the interpretive power.? (Keller 2011, p. 208).


  • If several works by the same author are cited, these works will be listed chronologically in the bibliography, starting with the earliest work (first the publications in sole authorship, then the co-authorship). For references to works that have two or more authors, all authors (name, initial) are listed and separated by slashes.
  • Books: Author's name, Initials of the first name (year of publication in parentheses): Full title. Place of publication: Publisher.
  • If an author has several initials, they are separated by a space.
    • Example: Berg, B. L. (2006): Qualitative research methods for the social
      sciences. Boston and London: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
  • Edited books: Surname of the publisher(s), initials of the publisher(s) first name(s) (eds.) (Year in parantheses): title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher.
    • Example: Desai, V./Potter, R. (eds.) (2006): Doing development research. London: SAGE.
  • Chapter in an edited book: Name of the author, initials of the first name(s) (year in parantheses): Title of the chapter. In: name(s) of the publisher(s), initial(s) of the first name(s) (eds.): Title of the book. Place of publication: publisher, pages.
    • Example: Angermuller, J./van Leeuwen, T. N. (2018): On the Social Uses of Scientometrics: The Quantification of Academic Evaluation and the Rise of Numerocracy in Higher Education. In: Scholz, R. (eds.): Quantifying Approaches to Discourse for Social Scientists. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89–119.
  • Journal articles: Name of the author, initial(s) of the first name(s) (year of publication of the article in parantheses): Full title of the article. In: written-out name of the journal, without a comma, the volume and in parantheses the issue number, after a comma the page numbers (first and last page, separated by a dash without spaces in front and behind, not only ?ff.?).
    • Example: Hamann, J. (2018): Boundary Work between Two Cultures: Demarcating the Modern Geisteswissenschaften. In: History of Humanities 3(1), p. 27–38.
  • Online publication: The Internet address (www-addresses without ?http://?) and the date of the last check should be given. The month is given in numbers.o Example: Medico International: Hunger weltweit bek?mpfen. Pressemitteilung vom 3.11.2002, www.medico.de/presse/03112002.html (accessed on 11.10.2009).

Online References

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Publishing place

  • Two publishing places are linked with ?and? and not with ?&?. In case of several publishing locations please name only the first two.
