

Here we have summarized the most frequently asked questions on the Business Analytics & Operations cluster?for you.

All information is subject to change: no legal claims exist on the basis of the questions, answers, and links.


Specific questions for Business Administration

The cluster is named “Business Analytics & Operations”.?The Major/Minor is named “Operations and Information Management”?or "Business Analytics & Operations" depending on the examination regulations.

In module group G you must acquire at least 30 ECTS credits in total.?If you attend fewer than six lectures and therefore also take fewer than six exams, you must acquire the missing ECTS credits with the help of cases.

The basic difference is that a seminar is assigned to module group H: Seminar, while cases courses belong to module group G: Major Business Analytics & Operations (former: Operations & Information Management). A cases course is a project study course, which can be viewed as a practically oriented lecture.?Important:?You cannot have a cases course recognized as a seminar and vice versa, you cannot have a seminar recognized as a cases course. More information is available? here?and in the module catalog.

In the? examination regulations?it states that you can and must include?precisely one?seminar paper with 5 ECTS credits towards your total credits. For a list of the seminars of the BA&O cluster, click? here.

No, they are not superfluous, because you can transfer the extra ECTS credits, which you acquired in lectures or case courses of the Major in BA&O (former: O&IM), to your module group F: General Management & Economics and have them credited there. For more precise information, please get in touch with the contact of the Examination Office.


Lecture & Tutorial

For many courses there are resits, if they are not offered in a semester. However, this does not apply to all courses as a blanket rule. Refer to the curriculum of your degree program?for a schedule of when you can attend the lectures and tutorials. Refer to the current module catalog to find out whether a resit in the following semester is offered for a course.


Cases (Bachelor’s) & Software Courses (Master’s)

Please refer to the curriculum of your degree program?and the module catalog.

The number of participants is limited for cases and software courses and the registration procedure differs from chair to chair. However, in general you register before the semester begins. For details, please refer to the respective? websites of the chairs.?A list of the case courses and software courses offered can be found? here.

You do not have a “right” to a place in a cases course or a software course. You can find out about the application procedure on the websites of the chairs. An overview of the cases courses and software courses offered is provided? here.

That is wholly dependent on the chair. It is possible that you will have to sit an examination (“Klausur” - exam as a written test under examination conditions), however, it is also possible for exercise sheets, which are worked on in small groups, to be graded. In some cases the grade is a combination of an exam and exercise sheets. Equally, it is also possible that you will have to write a paper in groups and/or give presentations. More precise information on grading can be found on the respective chair's website. An overview of the cases courses and software courses offered is provided? here.



The seminar paper places are issued by each chair individually. For more precise information on the seminar papers, please refer to the websites of the chairs.

There is no rule that bindingly specifies that seminar papers and Bachelor’s theses must be written for the same chair. However, it is often useful to write a seminar paper and Bachelor’s thesis for the same chair. Information on requirements for the issue of theses can be found on the websites of the chairs.?

Firstly, it is possible that you are on the waiting list and move up as soon as a fellow student backs out. Visit the websites of the chairs to find out whether the chair to which you have applied has such a waiting list procedure and how it works.?If it is still possible for you to write the seminar paper at a later date, apply again to the chair you want by the next entry date or consider applying to another chair.

If, for example, due to the “eight semester hurdle” (Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or Economics), you are forced to start your seminar paper immediately, the person responsible for the cluster?can help you.

If you take the Major in BA&O (former: O&IM), in general you are able to write your seminar paper for a chair of the BA&O cluster. However, it cannot be guaranteed that every student can write their seminar paper for the chair of their choice. Find out about the requirements and application deadlines of the chairs?of the BA&O cluster as early as possible.


Theses (Bachelor’s & Master’s theses)

The theses are issued by each chair individually. You will find information on the respective websites of the? chairs?of the BA&O cluster.?

There is no rule that bindingly specifies that seminar papers and theses must be written for the same chair.

However, some chairs require that you have already written your seminar paper for them, in order to get a thesis place. However, the conditions of the chairs differ, which is why it is not absolutely necessary to pass the seminar paper in each chair. Information on the conditions of the respective chairs can be found on the websites of the? chairs.

Firstly, it is possible that you are on the waiting list and move up as soon as a fellow student backs out. Visit the websites of the chairs to find out whether the chair to which you have applied has such a waiting list procedure and how it works.?If it is still possible for you to write the thesis at a later date, apply again to the chair you want by the next entry date or consider applying to another chair.

If, for example, due to the “eight semester hurdle” (Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and in?Economics), you are forced to start your thesis immediately, the person responsible for the cluster?can help you.

If you take the Major in BA&O (former: O&IM), in general you are able to write your thesis for a chair of the BA&O cluster. However, it cannot be guaranteed that every student can write their thesis for the chair of their choice. Find out about the requirements and application deadlines of the chairs?of the BA&O cluster as early as possible.



There is no "official" registration for the Major/Minor. You decide which Major/Minor you want to take when you register for the examination. By registering for the examination or registering for the relevant module group, you define which Major/Minor you select.?

A list of the BA&O cluster’s curriculum can be found? here.?If you have any questions on registering for an examination, please get in touch with the? contact of the Examination Office.

No, you can choose yourself, in which semester you want to attend which course, when you write your seminar paper and your thesis and also whether and when you insert a possible semester abroad or an internship.

When you do your planning, note that certain courses are only given in the summer or winter term and that examinations are not necessarily offered in each semester. Further information can be found in the current module catalog. You should also bear in mind the requirements for seminar papers and thesis places, since some chairs, for example, expect you to take and pass specific classes or that you have already written the seminar paper for their chair. The precise times/dates of the classes are given on Digicampus.

You can find out about the transfer of credits for courses taken during your semester abroad on the? website of the Center for International Relations (CIR).
