

*We always try to provide the contents of our courses as completely as possible. In case of doubt, the information in the module handbooks are valid.


Course Content:


In the context of the Bachelorseminar Accounting you will be able to deal independently and scientifically with various topics that are of public interest at the time or fall within the current research areas of the Chair of Accounting & Controlling by writing a term paper. After successful participation in this seminar, you will be able to independently apply basic qualitative and/or quantitative methods from the field of accounting and correctly interpret the results of your studies and analyses. In addition to the critical examination of relevant scientific literature, this will also enhance your communication and rhetoric skills. The seminar also serves as optimal preparation for writing a thesis at the Schultze Chair.



Further information is provided in the course catalog under the course overview at the bottom of this page.

Contact person

Dr. Christina Manthei-Geh

Recommended semester of study 4th-6th semester
Specialization of the course Bachelor BWL, VWL, GBM, ReWi, WINF
Credit Points 5 LP
Frequency of the examination Every winter semester
Examination form Presentation, seminar paper
Language German

Course Content:


Every year, the CEOs of DAX-listed companies present the balance sheet figures for the past fiscal year. But where do these figures come from? Day after day, thousands of business transactions take place in an internationally operating group. But how are these recorded and processed so that a company profit can be determined at the end of the fiscal year? The course Accounting I imparts basic knowledge of accounting - from counting individual assets as part of a physical inventory, to determining the manufacturing costs of products and the posting of facts in the fixed asset and financial areas, to the preparation of the annual financial statements.


Further information is provided in the course catalog under the course overview at the bottom of this page.


Contact persons

Josipa ?uri?

Nadine Zbiegly
Recommended semester of study 1st semester
Specialization of the course Bachelor BWL, VWL, GBM, ReWi, WING, WINF, Business Mathematics, Computer Science, Mathematics
Credit Points 5 LP
Frequency of the examination Every semester
Duration of the exam 90 minutes
Language German


Course Content:


The seminar examines current issues in international accounting and corporate management. Specific questions are addressed in each seminar. These include questions such as: What are specific advantages and disadvantages of fair value accounting? How do different compensation systems affect the behavior of managers? What role do analyst forecasts play in the context of financial reporting? How reliable is information from supplementary voluntary disclosures?


The seminar creates the ideal foundation for a master's thesis in accounting. It familiarizes students with accounting research methods and prepares them to conduct their own research project. In this seminar, students learn how to critically read and evaluate scientific texts on current research topics. Participants gain a deeper understanding of scientific work in the field of accounting. They receive food for thought for possible questions in a subsequent master's thesis and develop an overview of the current state of research for the topic covered in the seminar. You will develop important methodological skills and be able to critically question research approaches and conclusions. The small, individual setting of the seminar allows for interactions, through which students learn to discuss scientific issues. Participation in the seminar enables students to evaluate various scholarly essays in terms of the underlying research question and motivation, differences in research design, research contribution, and implications for future research and practice. Such analytical skills are equally fundamental to scholarly work as well as to problem solving in later professional settings.


Further information is provided in the course catalog under the course overview at the bottom of this page.

Contact person Dr. Maria Lotze

Contact person

Recommended semester of study

1st-3rd semester
Specialization of the course Master BWL/VWL, EPP, GBM, ReWi, DFM, WING, Business Mathematics, Mathematics
Credit Points 6 LP
Frequency of the examination Every semester
Examination form Presentation, seminar paper
Language German

Course Content:


The press regularly reports on the "value" of a company in connection with corporate takeovers, IPOs or insolvency proceedings. But is this really about values or about prices? What is meant by these two constructs? In business valuation, values are determined for numerous different occasions, which can serve as a basis for the aforementioned transactions. But which procedures are used to value companies? Where do the input factors required for this, such as future earnings and capitalization rates, come from? What role do current political developments and accounting regulations play in valuation? The course Analysis and Valuation Advanced I: Business Valuation conveys not only the principles and methods of business valuation but also knowledge of the practical application of valuation methods, for example in the context of purchase price allocations and the valuation of intangible assets.


Further information is provided in the course catalog under the course overview at the bottom of this page.

Contact person Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze

Contact person

Recommended semester of study

1st-3rd semester
Specialization of the course Master BWL/VWL, EPP, DFM, GBM, ReWi, Business Mathematics, Mathematics
Credit Points 6 LP
Frequency of the examination Every winter semester
Duration of the exam 60 minutes
Language German

Course Content:


The focus of the course Auditing is the development of a fundamental understanding of the audit of the financial reporting of companies in accordance with the respective applicable accounting standards. After successful participation in the course, students will understand the role of the auditor in the German corporate governance system, they will be able to present the concept and process of annual audits based on national and international auditing standards, and they will understand the risk-oriented audit approach. Furthermore, students are able to assess the performance of other statutory audits and special audits. They understand professional law and professional standards and have an understanding of liability issues. They also understand the internal and external quality assurance tools of the profession.


Further information is provided in the course catalog under the course overview at the bottom of this page.

Contact person Christian Reiser
Recommended semester of study 1st semester
Specialization of the course Master BWL/VWL, EPP, GBM, DFM, ReWi
Credit Points 6 LP
Frequency of the examination Every winter semester
Duration of the exam 60 minutes
Language German

Course Content:


After passing this course, you will be able to apply the methods for preparing consolidated financial statements in accordance with German Commercial Law (HGB) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). You will be able to prepare consolidated financial statements and conduct consolidation methods. In addition, you will be able to evaluate legal requirements and earnings management policies in consolidated financial statements.


Further information is provided in the course catalog under the course overview at the bottom of this page.

Contact person Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze
Recommended semester of study 1st-3rd semester
Specialization of the course Master BWL/VWL, EPP, GBM, ReWi, DFM
Credit Points 6 LP
Frequency of the examination Every semester
Duration of the exam 60 minutes
Language German

Course Content:


The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are international accounting standards for companies and are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. The aim of IFRS is the preparation of internationally comparable annual and consolidated financial statements, detached from national legal regulations. After successful participation in the course "International Accounting Basic I: International Financial Reporting: IFRS", students will be familiar with the main components of financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). They understand how non-current and current assets, equity and liabilities are treated under IFRS. They will be able to account for selected items. The students are also able to evaluate the differences to the German HGB.


Further information is provided in the course catalog under the course overview at the bottom of this page.

Contact person Christian Reiser
Recommended semester of study 1st semester
Specialization of the course Master BWL/VWL, EPP, GBM, DFM, ReWi
Credit Points 6 LP
Frequency of the examination Every winter semester
Duration of the exam 60 minutes
Language German


Course Content:


Germany and France have been important trading partners for many years. For a successful cooperation of German and French companies it is important to understand the customs of the partner and to arrange the intercultural cooperation in a target-oriented way. For this purpose it is necessary to know basic concepts of cultural standards and to understand how Germans and French differ e.g. in dealing with rules, in leadership and communication style and in time management. The course conveys a German-French intercultural understanding and promotes the mental flexibility of the participants.


Further information is provided in the course catalog under the course overview at the bottom of this page.

Contact person Nadine Zbiegly
Recommended semester of study

4th-6th bachelor's semester

1st-2nd master semester

Specialization of the course

Bachelor GBM

Master DFM

Credit Points

5 LP (Bachelor)

6 LP (Master)

Examination form Term paper/seminar paper, presentation
Language French, German

Course catalog

(applied filters: semester: WS 2024/25 | institute: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schultze - Wirtschaftsprüfung und Controlling | course types: Vorlesung, Vorlesung + ?bung, ?bung, Seminar)
name lecturer
Bilanzierung I (Vorlesung) Mattner

Gerhard Mattner,


Nadine Zbiegly,


Wolfgang Schultze,


Josipa Curic

International Accounting Basic I: Internationale Rechnungslegung: IFRS (Vorlesung) Schultze

Wolfgang Schultze,


Christian Reiser

International Accounting Advanced I: Rechnungslegung Internationaler Unternehmen (Vorlesung) Schultze

Wolfgang Schultze,


Alexander Sch?ffer

Analysis and Valuation Advanced I: Unternehmensbewertung (Vorlesung und ?bung) Schultze

Wolfgang Schultze,


Alexander Sch?ffer

Bilanzierung I (Vorlesung GBM + ReWi) Zbiegly

Nadine Zbiegly,


Wolfgang Schultze,


Josipa Curic

International Accounting Basic I: Internationale Rechnungslegung: IFRS (?bung) Schultze

Wolfgang Schultze,


Christian Reiser

Bilanzierung I (?bung) Mattner

Gerhard Mattner,


Nadine Zbiegly,


Josipa Curic

International Accounting Advanced I: Rechnungslegung Internationaler Unternehmen (?bung) Schultze

Wolfgang Schultze,


Alexander Sch?ffer

Wirtschaftsprüfung (?bung) Schultze

Wolfgang Schultze,


Christian Reiser

Hauptseminar (Accounting Research Seminar) Schultze

Wolfgang Schultze,


Markus Buxbaum,


Maria Lotze

Deutsch-Franz?sisches interkulturelles Management Zbiegly

Nadine Zbiegly,


Wolfgang Schultze

Wirtschaftsprüfung (Vorlesung) Schultze

Wolfgang Schultze,


Christian Reiser

Bilanzierung I (?bung GBM + ReWi) Zbiegly

Nadine Zbiegly,


Wolfgang Schultze,


Josipa Curic

Bachelorseminar Accounting (Seminar) Zbiegly

Nadine Zbiegly,


Wolfgang Schultze,


Josipa Curic,


Christina Manthei-Geh,


Christian Reiser

Intercultural Management Zbiegly

Nadine Zbiegly,


Wolfgang Schultze
