

Prof. Dr. Florian Diekert

Prof. Dr. Florian Diekert: Environmental Economics
Phone: 0821 - 598 - 4874
Fax: 0821 - 598 - 4232
Room: 2217 (I)
Open hours: by appointment
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 12, 86159 Augsburg


Florian Diekert's work centers on socio-ecological systems under pressure, with an emphasis on groups decisions under strategic and natural uncertainty. Florian Diekert uses game-theoretic modeling, economic experiments, as well as empirical methods, often in close collaboration with natural scientist. Florian Diekert studied International Relations at the Technical University Dresden and holds an MPhil in Economics from the University of Oslo. He received his PhD in 2011 from the University of Oslo, with a dissertation on the effects of accounting for the fish stock's age structure for fisheries management. He was then a PostDoc in Oslo with research visits at Columbia University and UC Santa Barbara until he moved as Junior Professor to Heidelberg, Germany. With his ERC Starting Grant "NATCOOP", he led a research team that studies of how nature shapes preferences and incentives of economic agents and how this in turn affects common-pool resource management, conducting field work in Chile and Tanzania. Florian Diekert joined the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Centre for Climate Resilience at the University of Augsburg in 2023.

Research areas

  • Resource economics
  • Lab-in-the-field experiments
  • Groups and social norms
  • EWS and tipping points
  • Inter- and trans-disciplinary research


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010


Florian Diekert and Tillmann Eymess
Changing collective action: nudges and team decisions

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Keita Abe, Florian Diekert, Arne Melsom and ?ystein Langangen
Do fishers follow fish displaced by climate warming?

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A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1038/s44183-024-00066-6


Florian Diekert, Stefan Munzinger, Gaby Schulemann-Maier and Laura St?dtler
Explicit incentives increase citizen science recordings

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Bruno Nkuiya and Florian Diekert
Stochastic growth and regime shift risk in renewable resource management

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Florian K. Diekert, Yuanhao Li, Linda Nostbakken and Andries Richter
Why do fishermen comply with regulations? The role of preferences

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Florian Diekert, Christian K?nig-Kersting and Timo Goeschl
Awareness of human cause helps avoid system collapse

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Florian Diekert and Robbert Schaap
Does nature shape economic preferences? Evidence from Chile, Norway and Tanzania

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Florian Diekert and Kjell Arne Brekke
Groups discipline resource use under scarcity

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Florian Diekert, Tillmann Eymess, Joseph Luomba and Israel Waichman
The creation of social norms under weak institutions

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Astrid Dannenberg, Florian Diekert and Philipp H?ndel
The effects of social information and luck on risk behavior of small-scale fishers at Lake Victoria

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Florian Diekert and Tillmann Eymess
Changing collective action: norm-nudges and team decisions

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Florian Diekert, Linda N?stbakken and Andries Richter
Control activities and compliance behavior — survey evidence from Norway

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Max T. Stoeven, Florian K. Diekert and Martin F. Quaas
Should fishing quotas be measured in terms of numbers?

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Florian Diekert, Timo Goeschl and Christian K?nig-Kersting
Social risk effects: the 'experience of social risk' factor

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Florian Diekert, Daniel Heyen and Frikk Nesje
Early warning signals

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Robbert Schaap, Florian Diekert, Exequiel Gonzalez-Poblete and Karin Loreto Silva Aedo
Risk, restrictive quotas, and income smoothing

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?ystein Langangen, Leonie F?rber, Leif C. Stige, Florian K. Diekert, Julia M. I. Barth, Michael Matschiner, Paul R. Berg, Bastiaan Star, Nils Chr. Stenseth, Sissel Jentoft and Jo?l M. Durant
Ticket to spawn: combining economic and genetic data to evaluate the effect of climate and demographic structure on spawning distribution in Atlantic cod

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Andries Richter, Anne Maria Eikeset, Daan van Soest, Florian Klaus Diekert and Nils Chr. Stenseth
Optimal management under institutional constraints: determining a total allowable catch for different fleet segments in the Northeast Arctic cod fishery

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R. E. Holt, P. J. Woods, A. S. A. Ferreira, H. Bardarson, S. Bonanomi, W. J. Boonstra, W. E. Butler, Florian K. Diekert, N. Fouzai, M. Holma, A. Kokkalis, K. ?. Kvile, J. I. Macdonald, E. Malanski, E. Nieminen, K. M. Ottosen, M. W. Pedersen, A. Richter, L. Rogers, G. Romagnoni, M. Snickars, A. T?rnroos, B. Weigel, J. D. Whittington and J. Yletyinen
Avoiding pitfalls in interdisciplinary education

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Florian Diekert and Tore Schweder
Disentangling effects of policy reform and environmental changes in the Norwegian coastal fishery for cod

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Florian K. Diekert and Emmi Nieminen
International fisheries agreements with a shifting stock

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Florian K. Diekert
Threatening thresholds? The effect of disastrous regime shifts on the non-cooperative use of environmental goods and services

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Florian K. Diekert, Andries Richter, Inger Maren Rivrud and Atle Mysterud
How constraints affect the hunter's decision to shoot a deer

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Matthew G. Burgess, Florian K. Diekert, Nis S. Jacobsen, Ken H. Andersen and Steven D. Gaines
Remaining questions in the case for balanced harvesting

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M. W. Pedersen, A. Kokkalis, H. Bardarson, S. Bonanomi, W. J. Boonstra, W. E. Butler, Florian K. Diekert, N. Fouzai, M. Holma, R. E. Holt, K. ?. Kvile, E. Nieminen, K. M. Ottosen, A. Richter, L. A. Rogers, G. Romagnoni, M. Snickars, A. T?rnroos, B. Weigel, J. D. Whittington, P. Woods, J. Yletyinen and A. S. A. Ferreira
Trends in marine climate change research in the Nordic region since the first IPCC report

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W. J. Boonstra, K. M. Ottosen, A. S. A. Ferreira, A. Richter, L. A. Rogers, M. W. Pedersen, A. Kokkalis, H. Bardarson, S. Bonanomi, W. Butler, Florian K. Diekert, N. Fouzai, M. Holma, R. E. Holt, K. ?. Kvile, E. Malanski, J. I. Macdonald, E. Nieminen, G. Romagnoni, M. Snickars, B. Weigel, P. Woods, J. Yletyinen and J. D. Whittington
What are the major global threats and impacts in marine environments? Investigating the contours of a shared perception among marine scientists from the bottom-up

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Albert V. Norstr?m, Astrid Dannenberg, Geoff McCarney, Manjana Milkoreit, Florian Diekert, Gustav Engstr?m, Ram Fishman, Johan Gars, Efthymia Kyriakopoolou, Vassiliki Manoussi, Kyle Meng, Marc Metian, Mark Sanctuary, Maja Schlüter, Michael Schoon, Lisen Schultz and Martin Sj?stedt
Three necessary conditions for establishing effective sustainable development goals in the Anthropocene

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Albert V. Norstr?m
Social change vital to sustainability goals [Letter]

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Albert V. Norstr?m on behalf of 17 co-authors. Full list of co-signatories to a Correspondence published in Nature 498, 299 (2013); http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/498299c. Albert V. Norstr?m, Marc Metian, Maja Schlüter, Lisen Schultz Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden. albert.norstrom@stockholmresilience.su.se Astrid Dannenberg The Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA; and University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Geoff McCarney The Earth Institute and School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, USA. Manjana Milkoreit Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo, Canada. Florian Diekert University of Oslo, Norway. Gustav Engstr?m, Johan Gars, Mark Sanctuary Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, The Royal Swedish Academy of Science, Sweden. Ram Fishman George Washington University, Washington DC, USA. Efthymia Kyriakopoulou University of Gothenburg; and Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Sweden. Martin Sj?stedt University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Vasiliki Manoussi Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. Kyle Meng School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, USA. Michael Schoon Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA.

Florian K. Diekert
The growing value of age: exploring economic gains from age-specific harvesting in the Northeast Arctic cod fishery

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Florian K. Diekert
Growth overfishing: the race to fish extends to the dimension of size

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Florian K. Diekert
The tragedy of the commons from a game-theoretic perspective

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Anne Maria Eikeset, Andries P. Richter, Florian K. Diekert, Dorothy J. Dankel and Nils Chr. Stenseth
Unintended consequences sneak in the back door: making wise use of regulations in fisheries management

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Florian K. Diekert, Dag ?. Hjermann, Eric N?vdal and Nils Chr. Stenseth
Non-cooperative exploitation of multi-cohort fisheries — the role of gear selectivity in the North-East Arctic cod fishery

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Florian K. Diekert, Dag ?. Hjermann, Eric N?vdal and Nils Christian Stenseth
Spare the young fish: optimal harvesting policies for North-East Arctic cod

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Florian K. Diekert, Anne Maria Eikeset and Nils Chr. Stenseth
Where could catch shares prevent stock collapse?

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