

Register now: The Graduate Center qualification programme for the winter semester 2024/2025 is available online

The Graduate Center supports doctoral candidates and postdocs in all career phases with a comprehensive qualification programme. Our offer includes workshops in German and in English. The new programme on a wide range of topics, skills development opportunities and academic tasks - among them the acquisition of third-party funding, career planning, communication and doctoral supervision - is now available online:

Workshop programme winter semester 2024/2025

  • Workshops in?October:?

Competency Profile: Discover your competencies!

Information and registraion

?Erfolgreich durch das Berufungsverfahren

Information and registration

Gesund Promovieren: Semesterbegleitende Workshopreihe zur St?rkung der Mentalen Gesundheit?

Information and registration

Grant Review Process – How the reviewer’s perspective helps to improve your grant application

Information and registration

Gute Betreuungspraxis: Grundlagen und Instrumente?

Information and registration

The German Science System

Information and registration
