

Under certain conditions, vocationally qualified persons who possess neither a secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur) nor any other higher education entrance qualification are granted access to study at university. A distinction is made between general and subject-specific university access.


The following further education certificates grant general admission to university if the respective prerequisites are met:

  • Certificate of a master craftsman’s examination (Meisterprüfung) taken and passed in accordance with the provisions of the German Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) or Crafts Code (Handwerksordnung).
  • Certificate of having passed a vocational further training examination (berufliche Fortbildungsprüfung) in accordance with §§ 53, 54 of the German Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) or §§ 42, 42a of the Crafts Code (Handwerksordnung) provided that the vocational training course comprised a total of at least 400 hours. If these requirements are not evident on the certificate, please have this confirmed by the competent professional authority (e.g., IHK).
  • Certificate of having passed the final examination of a public or state-recognised technical school or technical academy (Fachschule, Fachakademie).???????????????????????????????????????????
  • Certificate of successful completion of further training at an administration and business academy (Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie) if the examination regulations are state-approved and/or a state commissioner is involved in the examinations and the further training comprised a minimum of 400 hours. Please provide suitable evidence of this.

  • Certificate of having passed the examination to become an administrative specialist (Verwaltungsfachwert/in) or having passed examination II (Fachprüfung II) at the Bayerische Verwaltungsschule (BVS).

  • Certificate of having passed a further training examination according to state regulations for further training of professionals in the health sector as well as those working in social care and social education (Gesundheitswesen, sozialpflege, sozialp?dagogy). The further training course must have comprised a total of at least 400 hours. Please submit suitable evidence of this.

  • Certificate of having passed a further training examination conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the German Hospital Federation (Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft e. V.). The further training must have comprised a minimum of 400 hours; the further training institution must be recognised by the German Hospital Federation. Please provide suitable evidence of this.

  • A qualification equivalent to the master craftsman’s examination (Meisterprüfung) (see first bullet point) within the context of the Seamen’s Act (Seemannsgesetz) (state certificates of competency for nautical or technical ship services).


If you have not taken a further training examination but have been working for a long period of time, it is possible to gain access to university degree programmes that are related to your professional training and practice in terms of their subject matter.


The following prerequisites must be met:

  1. Successful completion of vocational training of at least two years’ duration in a field related to the intended degree programme according to the provisions of the German Vocational Training Act (Berufsbildungsgesetz) and the Crafts Code (Handwerksordnung) as regulated by federal or state law.
  2. Following the above, at least three years of full-time professional experience in a field related to the intended degree programme (two years of professional experience is sufficient if the applicant has received a federal scholarship for professional advancement (Aufstiegsstipendien)). Part-time employment of at least half of the average regular working hours of a full-time employee is also considered full-time professional experience.
  3. Completion of a university advisory interview (Beratungsgespr?ch) at the University of Augsburg. ?
  4. Passing a special university admission examination (Hochschulzugangsprüfung).

You can find more detailed information on subject-specific university admission for vocationally qualified persons here.


After receiving confirmation of your higher education entrance qualification, you can apply online via our application portal. When applying, please note the information on the process for the allocation of study places. For information on the recognition of certificates from other Bavarian universities, please click here.


Vocationally qualified applicants are required by law to complete an advisory interview (Beratungsgespr?ch). Vocationally qualified applicants with subject-specific access to university must also take part in a special university admission examination (Hochschulzugangsprüfung). In order to assess whether the prerequisites for admission to the advisory interview and the university admission examination have been met, an application for the assessment of higher education entrance qualification (Antrag auf Feststellung der Hochschulzugangsberechtigung) must first be submitted.


After completing the advisory interview and passing the university admission examination, the University of Augsburg issues a certificate of general or subject-specific university entrance.


Only after receiving or submitting this certificate is it possible to apply for a degree programme at the University of Augsburg. During the application process, please pay attention to the deadlines, forms, and checklists as well as funding opportunities mentioned below.



Application deadlines


The deadline for applications for the assessment of higher education entrance qualification (deadline for subject-specific university entrance):


15 April, 24:00 (for a start in the winter semester, cut-off deadline). This also applies to Human Medicine - Augsburg Competency-Based Medical Program.

15 December, 24:00 (for a start in the summer semester, cut-off deadline)


Applications for the assessment of higher education entrance qualification must be submitted to the Registrar's Office by the 15th of December in the previous year for applications to the bachelor's degree programme in Midwifery.


Please note: It is recommended that the abovementioned application deadlines are observed. If applications for the assessment of the higher education entrance qualification are submitted late, it cannot be guaranteed that the assessment will be completed before the 15th of July or the 15th of January (the deadlines for applications for degree programmes with restricted admission).


The time periods for completing the advisory interview and the university admission examination are as follows:


16 April – 15 July (for a start in the winter semester)

16 December – 15 January (for a start in the summer semester)



Additional information and deadlines for applications to the degree programme Human Medicine -?Augsburg Competency-Based Medical Program can be found on the faculty’s website.


Senior Admissions Officer (Degree Programmes with Restricted Admission except Human Medicine, Doctoral Statistics)
Registrar's Office



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