

Study content:

Industrial engineers work at the interface between business administration and applied natural sciences. The hallmark of the Augsburg degree programme in the natural sciences component is the focus on the promising fields of resource strategy and material sciences. Due to their interdisciplinary education, they are in great demand on the labour market.

The Augsburg Bachelor's programme in Industrial Engineering and Management, which is designed for a standard study period of six semesters, is divided into a basic area and a specialisation area and thus offers a great deal of flexibility. In the basic area, elementary knowledge from physics and materials science, business administration and the methodological foundations for the subjects that build on this are taught.

In the specialisation area at the interface between business administration, resource strategy, physics and materials science, students can alternatively choose between the seven specialisation areas of

  • ??? Materials Engineering & Digitisation
  • ??? Materials Science & Chemistry
  • ??? Sustainability & Resource Engineering
  • ??? Finance, Accounting, Controlling & Taxation
  • ??? Business Analytics & Operations
  • ??? Strategy, Marketing & Management
  • ??? Economics

which are distinguished by their innovative and future-oriented content.





Career prospects:

  • sustainability management
  • project management
  • production & supply chain management
  • transport and logistics management
  • consulting

Special features

The parent Institute for Materials Resource Management bundles the various subject areas under one roof, thus enabling efficient and structured studying. All courses take place in lecture halls and laboratories with modern equipment. The computer pools available to students are also state-of-the-art. An admission restriction guarantees the best learning conditions instead of overcrowded seminars. Students benefit from the knowledge of internationally recognized experts, as well as the location of external research institutions such as DLR and Fraunhofer societies. Numerous cooperations with industrial companies enable learning with a high level of practical relevance. After a well-founded basic education, the students can set individual management-oriented or engineering science-centred accents through the large selection of courses in the specialisation area. The degree programme thus optimally prepares students for starting a career or for further Master's programmes. At the University of Augsburg, all events take place on the central university campus. This allows students to spend their breaks together in a pleasant atmosphere.

About the degree programme
Degree programme: Industrial Engineering
Official Designation: Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 6 semesters
Admission type: Restricted admission
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: Applications for the 1st subject semester are only possible for the winter semester. However, applications for higher subject semesters are possible for the summer semester. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: http://www.uni-augs…; start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the summer semester: 15. January
Application deadline for the winter semester: 15. July

Contact the study advisory service

Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Applied Data Analysis



Wiss. Mitarbeiter, Studienfachberatung WING Bachelor & Master
Applied Data Analysis



Contact the examinations office

Daniela Gellner
Degree Programmes: Business Mathematics
Unit I/5: Examinations Office B

